football era

Chapter 452 Title

"There has never been a team as strong as Changfeng before. Unfortunately, there have never been so many powerful opponents before."

When the whistle sounded for the end of the game, Yuan Fei sighed.

"When Changfeng was just rising, Nanguo, Xiongfeng and Shenhua ruled the league. When they rose and defeated these three strong teams, everyone believed that Changfeng would create a prosperous world, because they were The aura and standard displayed are indeed higher than all other teams, especially Lu Xiaotian's performance, which is unstoppable! However, Changfeng soon discovered that they would face a new opponent in the league, that is Tianhe."

"Like Changfeng, Tianhe is also a newly emerging team. When Lu Xiaotian emerged, Li Chengze hadn't been able to enter Tianhe's first team. However, after a year of Changfeng's glory, Li Chengze and his five generals also began to have The embryonic form dealt a heavy blow to Changfeng in the second year. Lu Xiaotian and Li Chengze, the two rookies began to set off a wave of dynasty change in the league. They suppressed the old god-level players under their bodies, just like the rise of Changfeng and Tianhe Same."

"In the next few years, Changfeng and Tianhe began to chase after each other. Their opponents were only each other. Until this year, as Tianhe's performance declined, Changfeng seemed to be more and more prosperous. In the eyes of everyone, They won five crowns this year, almost beyond doubt."

"But under such circumstances, it is extraordinary to kill a dark horse with the best quality from the First Division... Personally, I sympathize with Changfeng's luck. If they had appeared a few years earlier, They must be able to win the honor of the five crowns, but they have bumped into such an era where all the heroes are rising together! But in terms of the improvement of the entire league, I am very happy to see a team like Feifan appear, and I even hope to be able to If there are a few more teams, next year's Super League will definitely have more highlights. Here, I also want to congratulate Fan Fei. They have created a miracle! This miracle is achieved by their courage, fighting spirit, and careful preparation Yes, they are the champions of this year's China Cup, worthy of the name!"

Yuan Fei seldom said such a long paragraph after the game. He usually used precise comments to let the audience know some details of the game. There is no technical content in the long paragraph.

This kind of exclamation is not what a commentator of his style will show, but now he has done so. It can only be said that he is indeed very sighing at the moment.

Many people have not understood the meaning of this game for the time being, but they will be able to understand it in the next time.

Yuan Fei was very excited, but he concealed it very well. Only those who are most familiar with him can hear this excitement from his words, but even if they can hear it, they don't know why Yuan Fei is so excited.

But soon, Yuan Fei stopped sighing and began to analyze the game, which is what the audience likes to hear the most.

However, he knew in his heart that after this game, his analysis would be listened to by far fewer people than in previous games.

It's not because there is something wrong with his explanation, but among those who are most concerned about this game, Changfeng's fans are now sad, and extraordinary fans are now celebrating excitedly...

It has to be said that after this match, the number of Feifan's fans immediately increased by an order of magnitude - a large number of neutral fans felt that Feifan was really crazy because of this match, it was so powerful that even Changfeng won, Supporting him will make you seem happier.

Of course, this is already a story.

When the whistle sounded for the end of the game, Zheng Qi let out a long breath.

This match was a huge burden for all Fanfan players. They didn't have the slightest thought of relaxing during the whole match. Instead, they were engrossed in the match itself, calculating all the details, and it was only at this time that they could completely relax.

Although there was no physical exertion, at least five or six players collapsed on the ground as soon as the match ended, not wanting to move at all.

The one who was more tired than them was Xu Shan.

He may not need to memorize many details, but the specific tactical arrangements must be reacted in a timely manner through his calculations and inferences. He is the biggest contributor to this game.

After rubbing his face vigorously, Xu Shan made himself more awake. At the moment when the game ended, he was so exhausted that he wished he could fall asleep immediately. It took a while before he recovered a little. Slow down a little.

Xu Shan knew that she was overstretched mentally and couldn't recover after a few days of rest, and she might suffer a serious illness, but such a price was worth paying after all.

They won.

They created a miracle, the greatest dragon slaying miracle in the history of the China Cup final.Such achievements can be praised by fans for countless years to come.

"It's really hard to beat you." Zheng Qi found Shen Ruofei, and said to him with a sigh.

"Are you looking for a fight when you say that?" Shen Ruofei glared at Zheng Qi.

"Your advantage is still great. Next year will be the best time for you to hit the five crowns. With us in the league and Tianhe recovering, winning the five crowns under such circumstances is considered gold." Zheng Qi smiled and said, "From this point of view, do you want to thank me?"

"They may not be, I really do." Shen Ruofei shrugged his shoulders: "Without a strong opponent, winning the honor seems to be missing something."

"I've known for a long time that Brother Fei is a real man just like me." Zheng Qi chuckled.

"I really want to hit you now..." Shen Ruofei said expressionlessly.

"Let's go." Lu Xiaotian came over, greeted Shen Ruofei, and then treated Zheng Qi as air.

"Boss Lu, friendship comes first, competition comes second!" Zheng Qi said.

"There is no such thing as friendship, competition is not the first, victory is the first." Lu Xiaotian replied.

"It's a game. If you lose, you will always win." Zheng Qi shrugged.

"Yeah, maybe next year we will be worse, but we will not give up the fight for the five crowns or any championship." Lu Xiaotian nodded. He didn't show any hatred towards Zheng Qi, because in his It seems that the other party won fairly, but Changfeng himself did not do his best.

"The time of the smoothest sailing is the time when we are most vulnerable to setbacks. We should have known this truth before... Tianhe taught us such a lesson, and now Feifan has given it again. These failures will make Changfeng even more We are strong. Next we will play in the World Cup, and winning the third World Cup is our goal.”

In the post-match press conference, Lu Xiaotian was as indifferent as ever, as if he didn't care about the outcome of the match, but in fact, everyone knew that Lu Xiaotian's pursuit of victory and defeat had never stopped.

The desire to win is not to swear "I must win the five crowns". Although Lu Xiaotian's words are calm, anyone can hear the persistence in his words.

Before, the reporters wanted to ask Lu Xiaotian how he was feeling at the moment, but now that he looks like this, there is no need to ask—no matter what setbacks this person encounters, he will never be shaken. Sprint again next season, he is only 27 years old now, and he can still maintain his peak state for a long time.

Even Li Chengze, who was older than him, didn't give up, let alone him?
So the reporters began to feel that interviewing Extraordinary should be more exciting.

After all, Extraordinary created such a great record.

After all, they performed extremely well. Anyone with eyes in this game can see that there are many factors in the extraordinary victory, and they have obtained a lot of bonuses. With these advantages, it is impossible to win this game.

That in itself is a topic of great concern.

Extraordinary has attracted a lot of attention in the circle of professional teams before, because of their methods of pulling monsters, because of their overall growth, and because of the impact on other guilds when their guild formed the Four Evil Alliance... But in the ordinary audience In their eyes, they don't pay much attention to how well a team performs in the amateur league and the first division league.

After all, the Super League is the game that everyone pays attention to.

In addition, before the game, Zheng Qi said in an interview that their goal is to win the five championships-this statement could only be regarded as a young player's ignorance of showing off, but now, it cannot be regarded as a big talk.

They have strength and have shown their ambitions. Judging from their performance in the China Cup this year, it can be proved that they are already a very strong team... and they are still very young, and the players are basically 23 Players under the age of [-], this is enough to prove that their state can be maintained for a long time.

Will they be the next important force in the Super League?

In the past few years, the two heroes of Changfeng Tianhe have been fighting for hegemony. No matter whether it is Nanguo, Shenhua or Xiongfeng, they can't compete with these two teams. Will Feifan become the third force in the Super League?

For neutral fans, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms is of course much more exciting than the two heroes fighting for hegemony.

As for the possible delay of the five-time champion, everyone doesn't really care about it. Of course, the longer this kind of suspense is kept, the better...

Fans may have tendencies, but reporters don't have too many tendencies. What they want to see is more topics, and it is obvious that Extraordinary is such a team that can bring more topics.

Their interest in extraordinary will naturally increase rapidly.

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