football era

Chapter 448

Fans of Changfeng were not convinced by Yuan Fei's evaluation.

However, it is obvious that Yuan Fei, a former professional player who has been working on the front line for a long time, is indeed better than most people in terms of vision and judgment. The players and coaches in the game should appear more accurate.

After gaining the lead again, Fei Fei once again launched an excellent defense. Zheng Qi and others continued to attack, and the others defended firmly. They abruptly used up the remaining less than 10 minutes. When the first half of the game ended, The score is locked at two to one!
At this moment, even ordinary spectators could see that something was wrong with Changfeng—the second half was Feifei's kick-off. With Feifan's previous characteristics, they were able to maintain this advantage firmly.

What should Changfeng do?
"Extraordinary is very aware of our tactical characteristics and habits. I don't know how they did it. They must have been observing us for a long time, and they are in the first division. It took a long time to prepare for such a game, and the real test of this season has come before us."

Luo Qichuan frowned in the locker room and said that through the first half of the match, he had already noticed it. Fan Fei was quite familiar with Changfeng's performance, which gave them the upper hand in the first half. There is not much to gain, but if this continues, Changfeng will have no chance at all.

"We can't rely on me anymore, otherwise, we will be unable to move forward. I already felt this way in the first half." Lu Xiaotian nodded.

"Extraordinary has a very good tactical department. It didn't exist when I left Extraordinary. It seems that the number of cards has brought them new enhancements." Shen Ruofei said with a straight face: "And their progress is really fast. "

"Zheng Qi was able to confront you head-on without losing the wind. He has made rapid progress this year." Lu Xiaotian turned to Shen Ruofei and said.

"I have never been able to see his strength clearly. This person... has no bottom." Shen Ruofei nodded: "I was a little surprised by his performance today."

"Come on, we have no opponents in the league this year, but there is such an outstanding opponent hidden in the first division... This is even more terrifying than in the Super League, because we did not face them before. I don’t understand, even though we have already attached great importance to this final, compared with their strength, it seems that we don’t pay enough attention.”

Rocky Chuan said solemnly: "We didn't prepare enough before, which made us very passive. However, this is not a reason for us to give up the game. In the second half of the game, we have to work harder. Now I can't tell you what to do. Response, because they have been preparing for too long, all we can do is adapt to the situation. Wen thought, why, in the game, you should make more judgments and instructions to avoid falling into the opponent's trap. When attacking, We must break through their defense line as soon as possible, seize every opportunity to attack, and don't give them time to delay. There will be many additional factors in the second half of the game, such as the impact of Xiang Yu's cavalry. In this regard, the coach's The command is always slower than the tactical command and dispatch at the core of the scene. We have an advantage in this because we have two excellent commanders. Seize our opportunity and strive to resist an extraordinary offensive opportunity , this is our chance of victory!"

The intermission time is only 10 minutes. It is of course impossible to explain so many detailed tactical responses in such a short period of time. Although the opponent's tactics have been known to Luo Qichuan, it is obvious that Fan Fan This tactic is not a conspiracy, but a standard conspiracy. It is to show that he is very familiar with the habits of all Changfeng players and the overall tactical rhythm, and has made countless countermeasures. This tactic took so long. It is simply impossible to make a detailed layout in such a short period of time.

At this time, the only thing we can rely on is the coach's on-the-spot command and the players' adaptability.

In the final analysis, what they are fighting for is their own strength.

Of course Changfeng has strength, there is no doubt about it, but Feifan is also very powerful, although overall and individually, they still have a certain gap from Changfeng, but in terms of the advantages of personal character attributes, plus the preparation belt Undoubtedly, in this regard, Feifan has already achieved a great advantage, and can even equalize or overtake Changfeng's strength advantage.

Yuan Fei's judgment is not wrong, Changfeng is not good now.

Although there is no natural victory in the football era, compared with the previous football games, the football era's professional games obviously have fewer accidents.

This is due to the characteristics of skill operation and other characteristics. With skills, you can naturally be more precise in operation and make fewer mistakes-it will be more difficult to expect the opponent to make mistakes.

In previous football games, even the top players could not accurately control the entire direction of football.

This is the key to greater suspense in football matches back then.

In football era games, the suspense is relatively small.

"We already have enough advantages now. Under such circumstances, what we have to do is to keep our existing advantages...Maybe our tactical advantages will not be too obvious in the second half of the game, but we will have Another advantage... In the second half, in terms of specific tactical confrontation, I will not direct too much, relying on your own performance, understand?"

Xu Shan arranged it like this in Feifan's locker room, and Feifan's players nodded and agreed.

"Understood, no problem, don't worry!"

They are very confident, because for this game, they have prepared for such a long time, prepared two big meals for the powerful Changfeng, and only used one of them in the first half.

Next, there is another dish waiting for Changfeng in the second half.

"If Changfeng knows what we have prepared for them, he should feel that he will die without regret." Meng Fan sighed in the stands.

"Uncle Meng, it's only the first half, and we're only leading by one goal, isn't it time to be happy?" Lu Li asked curiously.

"There is an ancient poem called the Prophet of Plumbing Ducks in the Spring River. The outcome of a game can often be seen from some traces. Before the game started, we already had a considerable advantage, and in the first half of the game In the middle of the game, our advantage began to be very obvious again, which is enough to prove that our probability of success has reached more than half. Under such circumstances, the outcome of the second half is almost not judged in advance." Meng Fan laughed.

"Well, they have discovered our tactical targeting, but they will ignore our familiarity with the map?" Lu Li said after thinking about it.

Meng Fan looked at Lu Li in surprise, then nodded.

"Old man Meng, your analysis is very reasonable, but that line of poetry... seems to compare you to a duck..." Sui Qingfeng muttered beside him.

Lu Li squirted out immediately, and Meng Fan almost vomited blood.

The second half of the game officially begins.

Fei Fei, who took the lead in kicking off the ball, launched an attack.

They began to divide their troops and attack in the most orthodox way. Changfeng seemed a little cautious this time. They were also dividing their troops to investigate the location of the football. Space is limited.

This approach can be regarded as a very traditional approach on this map. This map itself is not good for the defensive side. Even if they retreat and defend, they will be breached by the opponent sooner or later. It is better to be a little more active and find ways to destroy the opponent's attack. Opportunity.

The point is that doing so, both offensively and defensively, will look fast.

Either it is to steal the opponent's ball quickly, or the opponent quickly scores a goal.

Doing so will save time better.

"Changfeng's judgment is very correct. Now is not the time to entangle with Fei Fei. Time is not good for them. It's better to speed up the pace. Both sides have more flaws. Let's fight for who has the better ability to seize opportunities. Chang Feng There is an advantage."

Yuan Fei commented on Changfeng's performance. In this kind of confrontation, although Changfeng will show many flaws, at least the rhythm of the whole game has been picked up—otherwise, like in the first half, the total of the two sides would only be five. If the game continues at such a slow pace, Fei Fei will be able to drag Chang Feng to death just by delaying time.

The pace is fast, and there will be places that both sides can't take care of, but Changfeng's experience is still much richer than the other side.

The two sides played against each other on the field divided into aisles by the tents. Under such circumstances, the auxiliary players began to appear to be of little use, because there was no chance for them to make a move. The auxiliary players of both sides, including Wen Xianghe and Su Jing, counted These players have all been replaced, and those on the court are all able to play, or players with excellent one-on-one abilities.

In this kind of confrontation, it can better reflect the overall excellence of a team-to the surprise of many people, in this kind of confrontation, Fei Fan did not fall behind.

In terms of operation, extraordinary players are worse than the opponent, but in terms of attribute advantages, this gap was quickly evened out. Except for Lu Xiaotian, no one can stop him, whether it is Feng Tu or Jiang Wenqian, in front of him When facing any of Feifan's players, he couldn't gain the upper hand...

And Shen Ruofei has been pestered by Zheng Qi all the time, unable to break through Zheng Qi's defense.

Lu Xiaotian began to show his strength, but Fu Lei entangled him, completely losing the wind, and never retreated.

Under this kind of entanglement, Changfeng didn't have any defensive line, Feifan successfully completed a sneak attack, expanding the score advantage to two goals.

This fact made it difficult for Changfeng fans to accept, but Changfeng didn't hesitate at all, kicked off the ball again, and quickly launched a counterattack.

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