football era

Chapter 447 Another Trap

Chang Feng's sudden and violent attack put Fei Fei under a lot of pressure immediately.

In the face of Changfeng's attack, no team could not feel the pressure. They were forced to resist forcefully, and at the same time exposed their bodies to the opponent's sight.

A smile appeared on the corner of Luo Qichuan's mouth.

"They sure are taking a risk."

After thinking about it in his heart, Luo Qichuan began to issue instructions one after another.

Assault forward, break through the opponent's defense line, and find out where the football is.

Hiding the football in the back, it must not be too far back, but ready to break through the opponent's defense line and launch an attack at any time, and there is a time difference. In this way, it is easier to calculate.

After so many years of development in the football era, the tactics have basically been thoroughly understood. No matter how novel the tactics are, they have been reflected in the past, but it is just the way of performance.

So although Fei Fei's attack seemed very bold and quite ingenious, such a tactic was nothing more than a conspiracy.

As long as any conspiracy is discovered, there will be a way to solve it.

Luo Qichuan is currently one of the most experienced coaches in the league, and only Chen Feng can compare with him, so although this tactic is rarely used, he still responded quickly.

Under his command and on-the-spot Wen Xianghe Jing's scheduling, Changfeng's players kept rushing forward quite rhythmically, looking for the position of the football without missing any position. Under this kind of search like a net , no matter where the opponent's player protecting the ball hides, they will be quickly discovered by them.

After all, there are only so many places that can exist. As long as the rhythm is normal, there will be no mistakes or omissions.

Of course, there was no problem with the Changfeng players' ability to execute tactics. In just half a minute, they made breakthroughs from all directions, searching for the location of the extraordinary ball-handling players.

The seven Changfeng players launched an attack at the same time - they did not aim to break through the defense line, but to expand their vision. In the process, they quickly formed a breakthrough, cut into the extraordinary defense line, and then avoided the blocking of the camp. The vision of a certain distance behind the extraordinary line of defense was immediately opened by them.

Bai Sen and the football he controlled appeared in Shen Ruofei's field of vision.

When Shen Ruofei saw the football, he didn't retreat like the others, but rushed towards Bai Sen quickly.

He has enough confidence in his ability. As long as he rushes over, even if there is only one person, he can keep an eye on the opponent very well, so that the whole team can take the initiative.

He charged Bai Sen, and Bai Sen couldn't run fast even if he wanted to. Even if extraordinary players came to support Bai Sen immediately, they could only kill him, but couldn't let Bai Sen leave his sight.

At this time, Changfeng's teammates will keep up with him, thus forming a positive confrontation - in such a confrontation, it is almost certain that Changfeng will have the upper hand.

Bai Sen is actually a good player, but no matter how good he is, he can't compare to Shen Ruofei—compared with Shen Ruofei, he is at an absolute disadvantage in terms of operation and character attributes, not to mention he has to protect the football... …

So Shen Ruofei was never worried that he could not deal with Bai Sen, what he was worried about was that someone would come to help Bai Sen, whether they would pester him.

However, even if someone came, Shen Ruofei would not have any reason to be afraid, even if it was Zheng Qi.

Just as Shen Ruofei was thinking this way, in his vision, Zheng Qi fell in front of him as if falling from the sky.

"It doesn't work." Zheng Qi said with a smile.

Shen Ruofei didn't answer, but quickly shot towards Zheng Qi.

Zheng Qi didn't talk nonsense with him before, and of course he doesn't want to talk nonsense with Zheng Qi now.

"So heartless?"

Zheng Qi yelled, turned his body slightly, let Shen Ruofei hit his non-critical parts, and immediately fought back.

Shen Ruofei didn't retreat either, he took the damage and fought back immediately.

The two exchanged three skills in an instant, but their stamina didn't drop much—the two almost fought on the spot without dodging in a wide range, but they could always avoid each other dangerously The attack on the vital parts lowered one's stamina to a safe line.

"It's amazing, I didn't expect Zheng Qi to have such excellent operational skills! We are no strangers to Fan Fei's captain. In many important games, he relied on his personal ability to help Fan Fei win the game. Just now The sneak attack was also made by him, but being able to fight against Shen Ruofei in a head-on confrontation is enough to prove that his level is already comparable to that of a god-level player! Feifanyou's current good performance is indeed not accidental, they have a group of outstanding players Players, and an outstanding core like Zheng Qi!"

Amid the narrator's exclamation, Shen Ruofei was actually even more surprised.

Although he is very familiar with Zheng Qi and knows that Zheng Qi is a very good guy, no matter in terms of talent or other aspects, he is not inferior to him, and he may even be a little better - but the styles and characteristics of the two are completely different. What Qiqi is good at is to find the opponent's flaws and then kill him with one blow, but what he is good at is frontal impact!
What is the current situation?Attacking from the front is the way he is best at. Zheng Qi is defending from the front. This is not the way he is good at!
Under such circumstances, Zheng Qi was able to withstand his own attack, it was a bit...

But Shen Ruofei was surprised, he was not panicked at the moment.

There's nothing to panic about. It doesn't mean anything that Zheng Qi can stand up to himself for a while. Bai Sen and football are always in his field of vision, and Chang Feng's advantage will not change.

Lu Xiaotian should be here too.

Sure enough, the next moment, Lu Xiaotian appeared from behind Shen Ruofei with a domineering aura, and rushed towards Bai Sen.

He didn't flank Zheng Qi with Shen Ruofei, even if Zheng Qi was the extraordinary captain, the two of them working together to kill Zheng Qi would bring a psychological advantage.

It's not because of his self-esteem that he won't pinch his opponent, but because the most important thing now is to grab the ball.

Extraordinary players are also returning to defense at this moment, maybe someone will stop in front of him in the next moment, maybe more than one, maybe several people, but Lu Xiaotian is still not afraid.

No matter how strong the defense is, it can't stop Lu Xiaotian's impact, and extraordinary players come from the two wings to participate in the defense, and the defense in the middle is far from solid.

So when Huang Yuanfan appeared in front of him and started to intercept, Lu Xiaotian continued to attack.

At this time, both he and Shen Ruofei had a brilliant light, which was the auxiliary skill that He Jing and Wen Xiang blessed at this moment.

Zheng Qi and Huang Yuanfan also shone with such a light, but behind Lu Xiaotian, other Changfeng players had already rushed in!

No line of defense can stop such an onslaught.

But it is possible to have skills.

When Changfeng's players followed Lu Xiaotian's violent attack, they suddenly began to feel that their bodies were not in control.

It was like stepping into a mud pond, constantly being hindered.

Eight diagrams.

It's not just one eight formation map, there are three eight formation diagrams, and all the players who rushed over from Changfeng are surrounded.

This is a trap.

The negative states brought about by the eight formations, such as bleeding, slowness, poisoning, stiffness, etc., began to appear irregularly on the Changfeng players.

At the same time, Bai Sen, who was a little behind, kicked up suddenly and kicked the ball far to the front right.

This approach is not advisable when there are a large number of opposing players in front of you. After all, hitting a football with any long-distance skill will refresh all the footballs.

However, at this moment, Changfeng's players are all in a negative state-this negative state is difficult to eliminate, even if it is blessed with auxiliary skills, it can only be alleviated, not completely eliminated, after all, such a big move as the Eight Arrays , the judgment is quite strong.

Therefore, the players of Changfeng can almost only watch the football fly by their sides, and the skills that they barely throw out are all in vain.

This is not something that can be solved by operation. In that short moment, the players could have achieved precise operation, but they were affected by the negative state and could not be accurate at all.

However, there are still people who can do it accurately.

Such as Shen Ruofei, such as Lu Xiaotian.

But Shen Ruofei was entangled by Zheng Qi at that time.

The skill thrown by Lu Xiaotian was also blocked by Fu Lei who rushed out of the diagonal thrust with his body - he is best at this now.

Relying on such blocking, the Changfeng players were not able to stop the football, but because of distraction, they once again ate an extraordinary wave of fire.

This wave of concentrated fire was not thrown from all directions, but from far and near. At the same time, it seemed that they had known each other's position for a long time, and the throw was quite accurate.

In this wave of concentrated fire, none of the Changfeng players died, but everyone's physical value dropped a lot.

The football flew forward and was intercepted by Li Guorui, and then he began to move forward quickly with the ball.

Changfeng player can't return to defense now, he is advancing very fast.

Luo Qichuan clenched his fists, and anger appeared in his eyes.

This is another trap, and the reactions of him and Chang Feng are all calculated, so that such a miracle has been achieved!
When he thought he discovered the extraordinary purpose, the trap started, and when he made the most appropriate response, he was walking towards the trap.

"What kind of arrangement can infer all our reactions? What kind of calculation can make random fine-tuning? Does Xu Shan have such ability?"

Rocky Chuan noticed something was wrong, but for a game, it seemed that it was too late to notice something was wrong at this time.

Li Guorui drove straight in with the ball, and then broke through Changfeng's gate again.

In less than 10 minutes before the end of the first half, Fanfan took the lead again. The score of [-] to [-] is not high, but under such circumstances, it still leads Changfeng, which is enough to surprise everyone!
"Changfeng's situation is not good now. Although they have not lost the overall situation, they have already begun to lose in the details..." Yuan Fei said.

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