football era

Chapter 41 Do you want to be a professional player?

Su Jing opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but couldn't say it.

For Su Jing, who has been working in the mall for so many years, it has become an instinct to obtain benefits in the most efficient way. If you follow the requirements of going with the breeze, it will obviously have unpredictable consequences and risks.

A qualified businessman would not do such a thing, but she is also very clear that now, after all, it is not a business.

Competitive sports are not cold calculations and planning, and the "human" factor is also very important in the middle.

Since Sui Qingfeng will make such a request, it shows that he is very eager to prove himself. In the past, because he was always not adapting, the team lost the chance to get the first record. Now, he urgently hopes to be able to Through their own performance, to make up for such opportunities.

Rejecting his request at this time will actually affect his performance.

"Then you go." Butler Meng had no objection to this.

Going with the breeze with great energy, he was full of energy in the next pushing process, he kept hitting the monsters in the dungeon, and even made the whole pushing process faster...

"See, the effect is coming out now." Lu Li said to Su Jing with a low smile.

Su Jing shook her head, now it's a bit faster, but if she was delayed for a while when pushing Krasu at the end, it would really be a lot of time.

The cooldown time used by the Pompeii card is 10 minutes. If you miss it once, you have to wait until the 10-minute cooldown ends. Along the way, no matter how much you save, you won’t be able to save 10 minutes.

She was a little worried at this time, which made her unable to concentrate well, but she would be the first to lead the battle later, so it would not have any impact.

Finally, pushing all the way to the Wizard's Throne, followed the breeze, took a deep breath, and got ready.

Su Jing turned her head and took a look, then rushed over.

It is of course easier to launch an attack first, one is not to seize the opportunity after the previous teammate charges, and the other is not to entangle with other mobs, so it is naturally much easier.

The players in the back need to entangle with the mobs while observing the impact of the previous teammate. When the teammate's cavalry charge is almost halfway through, start to charge towards the throne where Crassus is located. When the cavalry charge reaches the end After that, use the cavalry impact in time, so that the impact of this skill does not stop in the middle.

Five cavalry strikes in a row will have an enhanced bleeding effect. It is precisely because of this effect that the boss with an astonishing amount of blood will fall to the ground directly. If it is broken in the middle, the situation will be very different...

Therefore, the more teammates who respond behind, the more extremely high standards are needed.

Zheng Qi was in the lead, and Chaotic Crazy Sword was the penultimate one, which proved this point.

In fact, it is not a problem of strength to go with the breeze. The boss of Crassus, no matter how mysterious it is, is just a low-level boss that can be defeated at level [-]. Most players can successfully complete such tasks. The key lies in , with the character and characteristics of going with the breeze, he is a bit more rigid, and he can do well when he focuses on a certain thing, but it seems a bit difficult to distract and multi-task.

It is indeed a bit difficult for him to entangle with mobs, observe the actions of his teammates, and calculate the time to charge at the same time.

So it can be said that he took out all his attention this time, while pestering the little monsters, while calculating in his heart.

At this moment, Butler Meng's voice came from beside his ears.

"Now start preparing for the second wave of shock...countdown...five, four..."

Hearing these words, Go with the Breeze, who was a little confused at first, immediately became sober. He began to slowly adjust the direction he was facing, ready to launch an impact at any time.

Butler Meng helped him calculate, so he could concentrate better...

When Butler Meng shouted the countdown and then shouted "Chong", he followed the breeze and rushed forward with all his strength!

Although his speed increase is not high, but the power point is high enough, it can play a great role at this time. The Roman soldier who stopped in front of him was directly knocked out by him, although this also made him His stamina dropped a bit, but he started sprinting better.

Rushed past a warrior, then rolled, dodged a wizard's attack, and followed the breeze to rush to Crassus. At this time, Su Jing's cavalry charge skills had come to an end, and followed the breeze to dodge horizontally again. Dodged the attack of a warrior rushing from behind, and then issued a charge skill!
"Okay, perfect!" Su Jing, who had almost exhausted her stamina and hid aside to recover her stamina, yelled loudly, and went with the breeze. This time the fighter was well grasped, and the charge skill he issued just caught up with Su. The tail of the static charging skill continues the effect of continuous sprinting!
"Let's see mine next!" Lu Li was full of confidence.

The third wave, the fourth wave...

Before Zheng Qi issued the fifth charge skill at the same time, and the system news hadn't come out, everyone knew that they were ahead of the immovable mountain team and won the record of the first five successes!

When Crassus was knocked to the ground by the cavalry charge belonging to Pompey, system messages began to appear in front of everyone.

"Player Ren Pingsheng, Sui Sui Nian Bo, Troubled Times Crazy Sword, Go with the Breeze, Jing Ying Shen Bi, and Song Jiang Zhi Ba in District 108 successfully brushed the Wizard Hall dungeon five times in a row for the first time, and each will be rewarded with two attribute points."

Liu Shibo and others who also pushed to the fifth dungeon were taken aback.

"It was actually preempted by them. It seems that they are really racing against time." Liu Shibo sighed.

"How could they be faster than us? We didn't lose any time." Moling Biexue found it inconceivable.

"There is always a speed of pushing dungeons. People are more active in pushing, and naturally they are a little faster than us. This is not uncommon, but it also proves that when we set a record, they were just a little bit behind. This kind of competition, It's really interesting."

Liu Shibo laughed out loud, making the newcomers around him feel that the boss he was following was very imposing.

"Then what should we do next?" Moling Bie Xue asked.

"Continue to level up. The wizard hall's personal dungeon record is the next step for me to compete with them." Liu Shibo waved his hand: "This new district has just started, and there are still many dungeons that can be competed with. It's still early."

"Then boss, teach me, I also want to hit the dungeon." Moling Bie Xue said with a smile.

"No problem... But there's nothing to teach. The offensive methods of personal dungeons are always the same, and it's the details that matter. Have you done the basic skills training I arranged for you every day?" Liu Shibo asked.

"I did, but it's very boring." Moling Biexue sighed.

"If you want to be a professional player, of course you have to endure boring training." Liu Shibo replied.

"Boss, do you also practice this boringly?" Moling Bie Xue asked.

"Well, at least three extra hours of training every day, try to turn these operation methods into instinct, so that you can survive well in the professional arena." Liu Shibo sighed.

"Okay, then I will train hard!" Moling Bie Xue waved her fist.

at the same time.

Troubled Times Kuangdao complained to Butler Meng with a bitter face: "Uncle Meng, Uncle Meng, three hours of training is still so strict, isn't it a little too much?"

Butler Meng smiled lightly: "Then do you want to be a professional player?"


"Then you have to train hard."

"Do not want to."

"That's it."

"'s okay if I go to train." Chaotic Knife lamented.

"Follow the training program I set for you and do it well every day. I guarantee that you will become a professional player in a year and earn tens of millions a year. Does it make you feel happy when you think about it?" Meng Butler began to lure.

"Yes, yes, with so much money, I can eat natural food every day, right?"

"I can cook the eight major Chinese cuisines, and I can also cook Western food. After you become a professional player, I may consider cooking a big meal for you."

"Then it's settled!"

After Chaotic Crazy Knife happily went offline, other people came to say goodbye one after another. Zheng Qi also chose to go offline. After seeing Butler Meng, he asked strangely: "Uncle Meng, you and Xiaodao were muttering to each other just now. what?"

"Oh, I told him that there is a place for personal training, and he can train his strength to be stronger, and he is very happy to do it." Meng Butler replied.

"Really, there is such a good place, why didn't you tell me?" Zheng Qi asked strangely.

He didn't think it was wrong for Butler Meng not to tell him how to train, but it was a little strange.

"You don't need to do those basic trainings, master...On the contrary, the more chaotic dungeons and future wild boss fights can make you improve faster. In the Era Ball King, your basics have already been laid very well Yes." Meng Butler replied.

"That means I can take it easy." Zheng Qi said happily.

"Well, rest well, there are still many dungeons to play tomorrow." Meng Butler nodded.

"That's right, after I reach level [-], I still have to set my personal dungeon records... I don't know if I can get to [-] balls again and again with the record of twelve balls in the Wizard Hall... Let me do the math, thirteen five-points, fourteen five-points, fifteen five-points, sixteen... damn, I can get twenty extra attribute points." Zheng Qi counted with his fingers .

Butler Meng smiled gently, and did not say that Zheng Qi was just dreaming, but nodded: "We must work hard to get so many attribute points, young master."

"Well, fight for it, I'm very confident in myself!" Zheng Qi waved his fist.

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