football era

Chapter 40

The newcomers in District 108 are undoubtedly lucky.

Although most of them have not been able to realize how lucky they are.

Many new districts don't see so much news, and they don't see people breaking the records of the whole district continuously. Often when such things happen, it will have a certain impact on the entire professional competition.

The reason why many clubs seem to be doing nothing now is because when Zheng Qi broke the record for the first time, they had already sent many second-tier players to this new area, and at the same time, more direct descendants were selected to enter this new area. In order to win over Zheng Qi, the second is that if he can't win over, he must find a way to suppress this newcomer, so that he cannot become his opponent and enemy in the future.

Under this kind of thinking, it is actually normal for the club to do anything - if it cannot be used by itself, of course it must be suppressed, and such suppression will not make this newcomer depressed, after all, he can start again in the new area , and after the successful suppression, it can also make the rookie feel that his club is not reliable, and make new choices, and they will have more opportunities.

The competition among professional clubs is much more brutal than ordinary players imagined.

They are just watching the fun now, watching, and eating melons—like a big drama with ups and downs, so that they can discuss some news enthusiastically while leveling up, and they are more interested in this game.

After breaking the record, Zheng Qi and his team continued to move forward, and the level rose a little bit. At the same time, after breaking the record, their team also encountered the hidden boss Sura in the personal copy of the Colosseum again. .

Hiding the boss is indeed more difficult to fight, but for this team, which is even in the team dungeon, hiding the boss is nothing more than an extra reward point for them.

Everyone got two extra attribute points, which made Sui Qingfeng smile. He has played so many districts, and he has never gained extra attribute points so early.

Although it is only two attribute points, it is an extra big improvement!

After reaching the sixteenth level, Zheng Qi and the others began to promote the next copy of the Wizard Hall. Compared with the Colosseum, the monsters in the Wizard Hall have increased by another level, but the attributes of the players are also higher than before. Much stronger.

After pushing the personal dungeon, it is the team dungeon. Compared with the team dungeon boss Pompeii in the Colosseum, the team dungeon boss Crassus in the Wizard Hall is more comprehensive.

This rich man in history has a special ability. He is not a single-handed BOSS. He is surrounded by warriors and priests. He has two skills. One is greed for money, which can absorb the player's stamina. One skill is the power of money, which can give enough blessings to one's subordinates.

Although these two skills are not as powerful as Pompey's cavalry charge ability, they are quite practical.

So when pushing this team dungeon, Zheng Qi and the others encountered some troubles, but when they finally succeeded, they were shocked to find that the first kill record of this team dungeon had been snatched away by Liu Shibo...

"The players who don't move like a mountain, Nanfanghuo, Moling Biexue, Forgotten Zone, Jiang Dashao, and Zihu are the first to clear the team dungeon of the Wizard Hall, and each rewards two attribute points."

"Damn, it's only 1 minute late." Sui Qingfeng couldn't help but swear.

"For the record, it's either being robbed or we are robbing people. At this point, everyone's progress is about the same, and the first kill depends on luck." Zheng Qi said indifferently: "But we are one minute behind them. Next If we pushed faster, we would still be able to win the record of the first five brushes ahead of them!"

Zheng Qi's words aroused all the fighting spirit of the others—yes, we are only a minute behind the first swipe. If we are faster in the next step, we can be the first to finish the 1th swipe, which is also very hopeful!

"It took us a while to get used to the boss, and this problem should disappear in the future." Butler Meng agreed.

"Why, doesn't the team that doesn't move like a mountain have to adapt?" Chaotic Knife asked strangely.

"Yeah, the one they lead is very familiar with team dungeons." Butler Meng laughed.

"Aren't you familiar with Uncle Meng?" Su Jing asked strangely.

"I'm just a coach, and I can't fight in person." Butler Meng shrugged.

"Yeah, it's mainly because I'm lagging behind, but this time I'm completely familiar with it, and our speed will definitely be faster than them!" Zheng Qi waved his fist and said.

"Grandpa, you know a lot. Were you a professional gamer before?" Sui Qingfeng couldn't help asking.

"It's normal to know a lot. Uncle Meng can do and know everything."

Zheng Qi took it for granted that Uncle Meng had been like this since he knew Uncle Meng, so he never felt that there was anything wrong.

Su Jing and Lu Li who were walking behind looked at each other, Lu Li had a helpless smile on her face, while Su Jing shrugged her shoulders.

Zheng Qi really trusts and believes in Butler Meng. Butler Meng...should not do him any harm, right?
Putting aside all distracting thoughts, they began to speed up in the team copy.

The wizard corridor, breakthrough, the elite monster guard guard here screamed and fell to the ground.

The wizard's hall, break through, and the leader of the elite monster wizard guarding here will be turned into smoke.

Next is Crassus.

Crassus constantly absorbs the physical energy of the players, and then continuously improves the attributes and combat power of the guards and wizards under him.

This alone is enough, Crassus is an auxiliary hero, and his offensive ability is not very strong, but he can make the classic combination of fighters and wizards under him to exert greater power. Warriors fight in close quarters, and wizards from behind Sneak attack, but also continue to use blood skills to restore the fighters to fight.

Crassus' skills can well enhance their own combat capabilities.

Zheng Qi and the others fought hard. Facing these almost immortal mobs, even if they used the cavalry charge skill possessed by Pompey, they could only hinder them temporarily. Therefore, in the process of dealing with Crassus, only one A player with outstanding strength is not very useful, because even if Pompey is possessed, this player can only hit Crassus occasionally, and Crassus' lost health can easily be recovered through blood-sucking skills.

If it is not done well, it is not uncommon for Crassus to still be full of blood after the fight.

Fortunately, they have played once before and have enough experience.

At the same time they had an excellent commander.

Under the command of Butler Meng, Zheng Qi and the other five attacked in turn, and the greed for money that Crassus fell on them was resolved by Butler Meng with timely blessings, which limited Crassus' ability to the greatest extent.

The key to killing Crassus is not to use the skills lightly. Five players can use the cavalry charge skill five times in the process of fighting the boss. It lies in how to break through many obstacles without using skills and come to Crassus.

Moreover, the requirements for five kills are very high, and they must come in turns, and the interval between them cannot be long, otherwise Crassus will be given time to recover automatically, and he can only watch it show off its power there.

When the boss was killed for the first time, Steward Meng told them not to rush to use their skills. They would take turns attacking for a while, until the five of them were familiar with the timing of the attack, and then used their skills to attack in turn, taking down the boss in one go. BOSS.

The first dungeon took too much time in this link. Zheng Qi had no problem, and the operation level of Chaotic Crazy Sword and Lu Li was also no problem, but it took a long time for Su Jing to adapt to this aspect with Qingfeng time.

What makes Sui Qingfeng feel ashamed is that Su Jing quickly adapted to it. On the contrary, he failed several times and was robbed of the record. But at this time, everyone thought of a way to let him rush first. Let other people cooperate with him in the back, so there will be no problem.

Although I know that this is to shorten the time for the whole team to clear the book, I still feel unhappy to go with the breeze - he is not a person who can drag his teammates down with peace of mind, otherwise he is not a particularly outstanding player However, it is no problem to hold a mid-level position in a mid-level trade union, and there is no need to constantly change districts.

After changing districts for so many years, he has already recognized his own strength with the breeze. He knows that it will be difficult for him to achieve higher achievements, but he is still stubbornly changing districts and honing himself. for what.

He took the lead in the charge, resisted the opponent's continuous attack, and rushed in front of Crassus. The cavalry charge skill was used, and then the physical value was exhausted and fell to the ground.

Then there was Crazy Sword in Chaos, then Su Jing, and then Lu Li.

In the end, Zheng Qi gave a fatal blow, and Crassus fell down.

The third time, the fourth time...

The progress went very smoothly. According to Meng Butler's calculations, this speed of progress is already very fast. If there is no accident, there is a great possibility to take the lead in winning the pentakill of the team dungeon before the immobile team.

Although this record is not particularly important, everyone who succeeds will get two extra attribute points.

"Can I make a request?"

When everyone was going to attack for the fifth time in high spirits, they said something while fighting monsters with the breeze.

"What request?" Su Jing asked curiously.

"Don't let me take the lead this time." Sui Qingfeng said firmly: "I have fully adapted now, and I can do my best when I respond, trust me!"

Su Jing was stunned for a moment, and then persuaded: "We are going very well now, why don't we let you take care of the team copy tomorrow?"

Go with the breeze and there is no answer.

"Let him take over, I think he can do it." Zheng Qi laughed.

"But..." Su Jing still didn't quite agree.

"Aren't we just having fun, whether we can break the record or not is just a shock, we can't put the cart before the horse!" Zheng Qi said cheerfully.

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