football era

Chapter 240 Old friend

Although other people don't quite agree with Zheng Qi's attitude of "if you earn money, you have to spend it extravagantly, and if you save up materials, you have to use them to your heart's content", but they do not agree with Zheng Qi's attitude to challenge those who are in the best state. Professional players, everyone is still looking forward to it.

As long as you are a player, you have the dream of becoming a professional player. Even if you can't become a professional player, it is very good to have a PK with a professional player-a considerable part of the charm of the football era is related to their mechanism, that is, professional players Players also need to exercise themselves in the game, and ordinary players have a good chance to compete with professional players in the game.

Many players desperately want to join the core guild of the club, join the main team of the core guild, not only to contribute to the club - of course, it is also a big factor, but in the game, the professional players of the hostile club are smashed A skill is also an equally important factor!
Zheng Qihe wanted to fly, of course he was looking forward to it, this is their goal, Chaotic Crazy Sword is also looking forward to it, he wants to see what the upper limit of his ability is, the anticipation of the dynamic light wave is weaker, but he will choose to fight with Zheng Qi and the others Mixed together, apart from the fact that he has nothing to do in the academy, his interest in the football era is also a key factor.

Needless to say, Su Jing, if she didn't want to show herself in professional competitions, she wouldn't train so hard. Perhaps only Meng Butler and Lu Li knew how hard Su Jing had trained this year.

As for the four people like Wandering Heart, they know that they still have certain requirements from professional players. These gaps have nothing to do with hard work, but talent, but even so, they still have to fight for the last sliver of hope.

At the end of November, all the competitions in the world have ended. A week ago, Changfeng had the last laugh in the World Cup. However, because of their failure in the league, they failed to win the honor of five championships. Even four championships would be enough brilliant.

"We are still young, and we still have enough time to pursue the limit." Lu Xiaotian said when he won the World Cup trophy.

At this time, many professional players who are very quiet and thoughtful have appeared in the game, but they are fragmented and ineffective, but they have also begun to affect the pattern of snatching bosses in the mythical area.

This is the strength of professional players.

The results of the Four Harms Alliance are still very good. They can grab more than a dozen or even twenty bosses every day, which is almost better than the five major guilds. Naturally, most other guilds are dissatisfied with this, because even professional Players have returned, and the Four Harms League will also have professional players to join.

But at this moment, Zheng Qi was doing something else.

After several days of tireless friend requests, Zheng Qi finally added Xin Carat as a friend.

"You're annoying, what do you want? When you see my wife is pretty, you want to get close? Tell you, little boy, my wife sees a lot of men. Like you, you can see a dozen of them every day."

After adding friends, before Zheng Qi had time to speak, he was stunned by Xin Kela's series of wild sprays.

"That's not what I meant..." Zheng Qi said weakly.

"What does that mean, I know you, aren't you the one from the Extraordinary Guild, you almost killed me, is it a pity that you didn't kill me? No way, I haven't been hanged since I entered the football era, such an innocent body How can I be defiled by someone like you." Xin Kela said.

Zheng Qi could only smile wryly.

"There's nothing to say, I won't reveal Corning's secret." Xin Kela continued.

"I'm not interested in Corning's secret, but I'm quite interested in another secret." Zheng Qi said.

"What secret?" Xin Kela asked curiously.

A woman's curiosity can kill a cat.

"Is the trip around the world wearing a gas mask over so soon?" Zheng Qi asked.

The chat interface suddenly fell silent.

After a long while, Xin Kela continued to type. Although it was just a cold font, it seemed to show the opponent's soaring murderous aura.

"Who are you!"

"It's me, the Dark Knight." Zheng Qi sighed and typed a line.

"Damn it, I have come to the football era, and I will be found by you! Who are you! Are you some Chinese dragon group!!" Xin Kela used countless exclamation points.

"Hey, don't you know about me?" Zheng Qi felt a little strange now.

"What kind of big shot are you? I want to know about you, and we don't know each other very well." Xin Kela, no, it should be Her Lady Queen who said disdainfully.

"...too ruthless." Zheng Qi said.

"Say something."

"It's nothing, but do you really want to see each other? It's been a long time. Come on, Brother Fei and Dian are here." Zheng Qi said.

"You gangsters are gathering." Her Lady Queen said angrily, but she still reluctantly agreed: "Then I'll come."

Zheng Qi reported the coordinates, and soon, Shincarat appeared in a cafe in a certain city.

Seeing that Zheng Qihe wanted to fly the photosensitive wave wholeheartedly, Xin Kela greeted them very heartily.

"Hahaha, you idiots, why did you get together again? Where's the sea water? Why didn't that guy come?" Xin Kela greeted Yixin Xiangfei first, and then patted the head of the dynamic light wave, which was right. Zheng Qi said.

"It's a long story to tell." Zheng Qi said with a smile.

10 minutes later.

"What, that guy from Hai Hai did this kind of thing! Damn it, I'm going to tear him up!" Xin Kela shouted angrily.

"That thing disappeared after that. I looked for it, but I couldn't find it, but that's not important anymore. Compared with the football era, the era champion is nothing." Zheng Qi shrugged his shoulders.

"You can swallow this breath?" Xin Kela asked in surprise.

"I can't swallow it, but I can't be so angry that I want to die every day. Then wouldn't he be happier, and I have to live a better life, so I can be worthy of myself." Zheng Qi laughed.

"Well, that's what you said, just like me, I'm living a happy life now, forget about those unpleasant things, and walk towards a new light together!" Xin Kela said proudly, "Did you see my new ID? New Egypt Cleopatra is me! I am living a happy life now, and I am valued by people in the Corning Guild, and I have a very high status!"

"Then why did you come to play Football Era?" Zheng Qi asked.

"Don't talk about this, you've turned your face!" Xin Kela said.

"What else is there, you've been dumped by a man." The dynamic Guangbo interjected.

"The adults talk and the children go." Xin Kela said.

The dynamic light wave immediately lost its sound.

"Anyway, it's almost the same. That guy is not a thing. I kicked him, and I don't want to go back and be laughed at by you, so come and play in the football era. Don't say it, this is really much more fun than the era ball king. It's a big scene, so happy!" Xin Kela said.

"I guess it's the same, but the most fun place in the football era is the professional arena." Zheng Qi said.

"I also know, but with my strength, if I play slowly, I will become a professional player one day." Xin Kela said confidently.

"Right now? Impossible." Yixin Xiangfei shook his head.

"Fei, do you look down on me?" Xin Kela was furious.

"It's not that I look down on your strength, it's that I look down on your account. How many character attributes do you have now?" Zheng Qi asked.

"670 [-] points, what's the matter, it's very strong!" Xin Kela said happily: "Those professional players only have [-] points of attributes, I can accumulate them casually, and it's very easy to reach [-] points."

"That would be a waste of your operational skills." Xin Xiangfei said coldly.

"It's a bit of a waste, but what can I do if I can't get a good account." Xin Kela said: "Didn't it mean that many professional players are stuck in this level?"

"This level doesn't exist for us." Zheng Qi chuckled, and then sent a screenshot of his attributes.

"...Are you really cheating?" Xin Kela was stunned when he saw it, and it took a long time to hold back such a sentence.

"Don't make trouble, there are no cheats in Football Era." Zheng Qi said.

"Where are you two?" Xin Kela turned around and asked Yixinxiangfei and Dynamic Guangbo.

These two didn't talk nonsense, and at the same time took a picture of their attribute points and sent it to Xin Kela.

Xin Kela was really stunned. If it was just that Zheng Qi's account attributes were exaggerated, it could be said that he was so lucky that he had such an outrageous attribute point of 960 and 950 points. Flying 910 has four points, Dynamic Lightwave [-] has three points, and all three accounts have passed [-] points. In this case, it is obviously not something that can be explained by luck...

"There are still six people in our team. Although it's not as outrageous as 880 points, they are all over [-] points." Zheng Qi threw another big bomb.

The fact is true. Zheng Qihe wanted to fly with high attribute points because they grabbed dozens of attribute points in the previous dungeon records, and the dynamic light wave was the lucky one. As for other people's attribute points On average, they were all the attribute points snatched from the boss of the carnival, so the attribute points were all about the same, between 880 and [-] points.

"Did you find any tricks?" Xin Kelan immediately discovered the problem.

"Yeah, Xiaoguang calculated it. Have you forgotten that he is a scientist?" Zheng Qi laughed.

"Amazing, Xiaoguang!" Xin Kela patted the shoulder of the dynamic light wave, and then looked at Zheng Qi eagerly: "We have such a good relationship, why don't you let me learn from you?"

"Hey, didn't you say that we didn't know each other very well?" Zheng Qi asked back.

"Who? Who spread the rumors? We shared the stolen goods together. How could our friendship be shattered because we haven't seen each other for a year..." Xin Kela said without changing his expression.

"Hahaha, okay, in fact we also want to tell you... But this secret can't be revealed, there are clubs that offer one billion yuan, and Xiaoguang won't sell it." Zheng Qi said.

"So much money!" Xin Kela's eyes began to sparkle.

"Well, but if you want to study, you have to join our guild." Zheng Qi said.

"That's no problem. Anyway, the new district will commit suicide and change the number. I can change to a better name." Xin Kela said, patting his chest.

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