football era

Chapter 239

This BOSS was eventually taken down by the coalition forces.

Although Kang Ning's members made an effective and tenacious interception, Zheng Qi and the others still took the lead in breaking through the opponent's defense, and then pulled away the boss, and then used the advantage of numbers to block the opponent on the outside line, and took down the boss , After the 2-minute protection time, the materials that exploded were swept away.

Seeing such a situation, Kang Ning naturally had no choice but to retreat reluctantly, but their morale was not affected too much. After all, although it was a pity to lose the boss this time, they had tried their best.

Leng Ruozhi met the retreating troops on the way, and she already knew the result of this fight, but she didn't show any disappointment, but kept encouraging the elites of the guild.

"I heard you almost died?" Leng Ruozhi asked after seeing Xin Carat.

"Yes, it's dangerous. Those guys are really insidious. If I didn't hide quickly, my mother's purity would be lost!" Xin Kela replied.

The core members of the several elite groups next to them all looked helpless. What they said was as if someone else was going to do something to you.

However, after Xin Kela joined the guild alliance of Corning in the mythical area, she did create a record—until now, she has not been killed once. In the chaotic boss battlefield, it is a miracle to do this.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that she always participates in the battle in the long-range army. If she is not on the front line, the probability of being killed is of course lower, but this is also a very remarkable achievement.

"I didn't expect the Allied Forces of Four Evils to be so strong. The group of the Extraordinary Guild has nothing to say about it as a whole, but those who take the lead are very strong." Leng Ruozhi sighed.

"Well, those guys are very fierce, the overall tactical ability is also very strong, there are many people, the tactics are perfect, and the high-end strength is sufficient. We can't fight them, so let's change cities." Xin Kela said.

"How can we be so spineless? Are we still afraid of this gang of guys who dare to fight us?" Mu Shu jumped out and said.

"It's not that I'm afraid, if I can't beat it, I can't beat it. If there are too many dead people and you can't get the boss, it will be a big loss." Xin Kela shrugged and said.

"Xin Kela is right. We are not afraid of them, but there is no need to tangle with them here... According to the news I just got, although we are staying in Moling City, there is only the Sky Guild among the four evils, but the nearby Yu In Zhangcheng and Lujiang City, there are people from Yixiantian and Shengjia, they can gather together at any time and form an overwhelming advantage over us." Leng Ruozhi remained calm.

"But it's not suitable for us to change cities now." Aquarius said after thinking for a while: "It would cost too much, and the competition in other cities will be fierce."

"So let's change the direction." Leng Ruozhi laughed: "The southwest of Moling is Yuzhang, and the northwest is Lujiang, which just forms a triangle. In this area, the control of the four pests will be very strong, but the other two In the direction, there are probably only people in the sky, we will withdraw the members from other directions, and distribute more in other directions, as long as we can find the refreshed BOSS in advance, no matter how many of them there are, there is nothing we can do."

"Ah, this method is good and very clever. It can't be said that we are afraid of them." Mu Shu said happily.

"Yeah, they should be self-aware and shouldn't make trouble with us anymore. If they really want to grab this boss, then we will fight them." Leng Ruozhi said coldly.

"That's right, that's it!" The others waved their fists one after another.

So, the next time when Zheng Qi and his allied forces arrived, the Corning Guild had almost killed the newly refreshed boss. Seeing that it was meaningless to launch an attack at this time, the four evil coalition forces didn't even fart, and they were just disheartened left.

"In the area near Lujiang and Yuzhang, there is no one from the Kangning Guild. It seems that they have given up half of the territory and don't want to entangle us too much." Qing Huanming said.

"Then let's do it like this, and don't go in other directions. Anyway, the area between the three cities is enough for us to explore." Qian Li suggested.

Several bosses nodded one after another, Zheng Qi had no objection, anyway, there were no professional players in the opposing team, the conflict and scene just now could not improve Zheng Qi's training.

The time period they were looking forward to, there were still four or five days to go. At that time, it would be the most intense and cruel time of the year for field bosses.

During the normal league period, professional players only appear three days a week, and there are fewer players in the First Division, because there are more teams in the First Division, the schedule is tighter, and there are more double matches a week. Naturally, they have more time to participate in the game will be less.

In the one or two months before the start of the season, due to factors such as team adjustments, the time for professional players to participate is only about the same as in the usual league. During the intermission period in the middle of the league, many teams have to participate in domestic cup games and large and small competitions Local matches, friendly matches, and tournaments are all huge sources of income, and the time spent helping the guild in the game is quite small.

So in fact, the longest time for professional players to participate in the game is the last month of each year-at this time, the club's transfer and other aspects have basically been finalized, and the new players are all ready to join the game. It has been confirmed that he will be able to play for this club in the second year, and there are factors such as running-in, so often professional players can work hard in the game for at least four or five days a week, or even longer.

That will be the moment when famous generals gather. Usually, in an ordinary BOSS battle, there will be two to three or even more professional teams competing cruelly. Next, exercise yourself better.

In comparison, this is the best training space.

It was also that time that Zheng Qihe wanted to fly and looked forward to, but now, as long as he can save more materials.

"When we grab the boss next month, remember to upgrade all the equipment to the legendary level." Zheng Qi said to the others.

"Isn't that kind of situation more cruel? With such good equipment, it's easy to suffer a lot of losses." Chaotic Kuangdao said puzzled.

Before Zheng Qi, they usually only upgraded one or two pieces of equipment to Legendary, just to reduce the loss when they hang up explosive equipment, because every time they hang up, the number of equipment materials exploded varies, and sometimes one piece explodes. , Sometimes two items are exploded. When luck is very bad, about three pieces of equipment materials will be exploded. At the same time, the materials of the highest level will be exploded. Exploding one or two pieces of red equipment materials that they didn't care about, that kind of loss is still bearable.

But if they were all legendary materials, if three pieces were released at once, everyone would be distressed. Now that Zheng Qi and the others fight a boss, the materials they can get are only three or four pieces.

"Of course it's easier to lose, but why did we work so hard to unite so many guilds to grab the boss?" Zheng Qi laughed.

"Of course it's for the materials..." Chaotic Knife said in a daze.

"Yeah, it's for the materials, so why do we need so many materials? In addition to the gold and red equipment materials that can be provided to members, we can now obtain forty to sixty pieces of legendary materials on average every day. There are a lot of legendary equipment materials, why do we keep them? Sell them for money?" Zheng Qi laughed.

"If you really want to sell it for money, it's not a small number." Dynamic Guangbo nodded.

He is not greedy for money. As a scientist, even though he is only a reserve scientist, he is always less concerned about money than ordinary people.

"Cut, how much can you sell for? I have money." Zheng Qi showed the face of a nouveau riche.

Everyone froze for a moment, only Su Jing pursed her lips and laughed.

Chaotic Knife let out a strange cry.

"Boss, I forgot that you bet 100 million to buy Tianhe to win the championship! You pay [-]! If you win, you get [-] million!" Chaotic Crazy Sword threw himself at Zheng Qi.

At this time, the others realized that they all knew about this, but the process of Tianhe's victory was so amazing and shocking that they all forgot about it—including the chaotic sword that also defeated Tianhe to win the championship. .

Zheng Qi laughed obscenely: "Actually, it's not even 8000 million. After deducting taxes and various expenses, it's only [-]-[-] million."

"Well, I also bet at that time... I bet 320 [-] yuan, how much can I earn?" Chaotic Knife turned his head and asked the dynamic light wave.

The dynamic light wave, which was regarded as a human-shaped calculator, flattened his mouth, but he quickly replied: "After deducting the 20.00% extra income tax, what you can get is 680 yuan, but do you have any other expenses?" I don't know, I don't gamble."

"So much! Got rich, hahahaha." Chaotic Kuangdao laughed loudly, as if he had never seen money before.

"Don't forget, our boss Su Da also suppressed 100 million." Zheng Qi reminded.

"That's right." Everyone also cast respectful eyes on Su Jing.

"I'm just following the trend. I have a lot more money from my private house. I have to thank Zheng Qi for reminding me to bet on the money. How about this, next time I invite you to dinner, I don't need Zheng Qi to treat you." Su Jing smiled slightly , she knew that Zheng Qi pushed herself out, probably for this reason...

Yixin Xiangfei shook his head helplessly. He was not very envious of Zheng Qi's big pie falling from the sky. After all, his previous income was about the same as Zheng Qi's, and he was definitely not as lavish as Zheng Qi. His savings were quite a lot. Otherwise, he would not have enough income to pursue his dream—it is indeed not an easy task to become a professional player.

"So, we have collected so many materials for our own use! An average of 1000 pieces of materials a day, this month, we can save more than 72 pieces, and we are only nine people. Even if we are exposed every day, it is only a day We have exploded [-] pieces of materials, and the materials we have saved this month are enough for us to spend extravagantly for a while, so there is nothing to be afraid of! Competing with those top players is the key, and this is the only way to show our style!" Zheng Qi waved his fist and said loudly.

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