football era

Chapter 22 The Match of the Old Man and the Young Man

"Is he sick?" Seeing Liu Shibo disappearing quickly like a rabbit, he couldn't help asking with the breeze.

"The level is too low, and it's not easy to use it well." Zheng Qi replied with a smile.

Sui Qingfeng nodded thoughtfully. This makes sense. Before level [-], the advantage of professional players is nothing more than quick response and accurate judgment, and Zheng Qi has also shown an excellent level in this regard. No matter how top professional players are, they may not be able to defeat him.

Under such circumstances, if you are not sure about killing your opponent, if you accidentally get killed by Zheng Qi, you will lose face a lot, and it is normal to take the initiative to retreat.

The two of them quickly ran towards the resting point at the same time. After a day of tossing, it was another emotionally tense siege and counter-siege. The mental exhaustion was indeed quite high, and they also needed to go offline to rest.

Before leaving, Zheng Qi looked in the other direction of Pompeii City from a distance, nodded as a signal, and then left quickly.

When the figures of the two of them disappeared into the distance, a player came out from the city gate, stared blankly at Zheng Qi's back, and then also accelerated towards the rest point.

"Why did you suddenly retreat?"

Seeing Liu Shibo come to the conference room again from his room, the assistant coach asked a strange question.

He didn't think that Liu Shibo was afraid that he would lose face if he accidentally lost. In such a situation where there is little room for maneuver, it is very common for professional players to capsize in the gutter. Although Liu Shibo is young, he has a cheerful personality and doesn't care about it. Save face.

"I can't help it. It's easy to hit one, and it's okay to hit two. You can die as you want." Liu Shibo shrugged his shoulders, but he didn't show any reconciliation.

"That goes with the breeze? He won't come up to flank." The assistant coach was taken aback.

"It's not him, it's another one. I heard footsteps. I guess it's the mysterious man who intercepted us on the way... I should have noticed it if I wanted to fly, otherwise I wouldn't have been dragging time with me, and he didn't want to." Attack me." Liu Shibo replied with a smile.

"There's one more person..." The assistant coach was a little dazed. Are there so many outstanding rookies in this district?

"There are so many players, what's so great about producing one or two outstanding rookies. Last year, there were quite a few strong rookies in our district." Liu Shibo shrugged his shoulders, as if he didn't feel any shame in telling this fact.

The assistant coach was speechless, indeed, there were three or four strong rookies in District 107, which attracted a lot of rush from major clubs. Among them, two of the best players have already become the main players in this year's professional league. Compared with them, Liu The World Expo is considered to be a little less qualified.

"When you see such people in the future, just disturb them. Don't try to kill them. It's very difficult." Liu Shibo finally said.

The assistant coach nodded silently, but such a talent, there is always a chance to meet with the unions of various clubs, and then it will be nothing more than showing off their skills to see who can attract them.

It's a pity, this time, I couldn't find out whether the other party has the potential to become a professional player, or can only be an ordinary union manager, making it difficult to determine the way of contact.

If you can be a professional gamer, you must be a corporal, put on a low profile, and use good treatment to attract people. If you can only be an ordinary trade union manager, then pull in and give him a little authority to do it, and then slow down. Observe slowly.

Now that this is the case, if you go up and pay well, and the other party is not that good, then you will lose too much-the salary of a professional player is enough to support a large-scale branch, and if you approach the advanced trade union carefully, you will definitely lose money. One is talent, and it is too thin to treat, when the time comes, other clubs can hook it away...

So in such a situation, it will be very difficult to get in touch with each other.

"You should ask the old man about this. I'm just a player, so I won't get involved..."

When the assistant coach wanted to ask Liu Shibo for help, Liu Shibo left irresponsibly as soon as he waved his hand away—but what he said made sense, he was just a player, and he was happy to see Liexin when he made the move just now, so there is no need to worry about it now. This is followed by a headache, isn't it?

The assistant coach could only wait bitterly for Chen Feng to come to inspect, and told him all the details, but what surprised him was that he heard the news that almost the entire army was wiped out yesterday and that Liu Shibo's attack was useless. After that, Chen Feng didn't fly into a rage, but thought about it thoughtfully, and then waved to the assistant coach to let him leave.

The assistant coach left as if he had received an amnesty. Chen Feng thought for a while, then turned on the communicator and called Liu Shibo.

"Just those few minutes of contact, what do you think?" Chen Feng asked.

"At least not bad. But without specific contact, I really can't tell. If you talk about a pure newcomer, I'm afraid there will be a lot of detours. I heard that his voice has passed the voice change period. Compared with my age, even if he is not It will be too big, but it should not be too small." Liu Shibo replied sincerely.

"In this case, this newcomer doesn't seem to be of much value to us... But we can't make a judgment so quickly, and there is another one... Tomorrow I will send a few members from the second team, and you will be the leader, trying to get us in this The stronger the trade union in the district, although we are not bad at the materials in the general district, it’s okay to accumulate more.” Chen Feng said to Liu Shibo.

"Then the competition in this district will be much more intense." Liu Shibo laughed.

"Before, I thought it was enough for you to go alone, and I am afraid that there are many second-tier players like other clubs. Now, since there are such newcomers to inspect, it will be a bit difficult for you alone." Chen Feng replied.

"I hurt my self-esteem, old man!" Liu Shibo yelled.

"What are you shouting about, you should be stimulated more. Last year's several record competitions, if you weren't lazy, you wouldn't have to start all over again this year!" Chen Feng glared at Liu Shibo.

As soon as he said this, Liu Shibo was in a hurry. He had a good chance in the competition last year, but because of his lazy temper, he failed to get a few key records, which made the starting point much lower than his opponent. He can only be reincarnated in a desperate way - he himself is very open-minded about this, but now the club lacks such a distinctive defensive player like him, who can't help the club, Liu Shibo feels that he owes it a lot Club something.

"The organizers of the trade union have a lot of experience. You have to listen to them in terms of organization and arrangement. But at some important moments, it's time to give full play to your personal ability. I sent four members of the second-tier team over there and passed the twentieth level. After that, you have to strive to get enough records, understand?" Chen Feng finally said.

Liu Shibo nodded. He is not too young anymore. Now many young players aged [-] or [-] have become the key training targets of the club. Under such circumstances, if he cannot accumulate If there are enough records to reward attribute points, they may be given up by the club—no matter how optimistic Chen Feng was about him before, it won't work.

The world of professional leagues is always so cruel.

Chen Feng raised his hand, as if he wanted to pat Liu Shibo on the shoulder, but put it down again, as if he realized that it was the holographic communication, not Liu Shibo standing in front of him.

"Don't worry, old man, I will work hard." Liu Shibo smiled and said.

"In this kind of competition, you can also tell whether the two rookies are really good or mediocre. Only when the tide goes out will you know who is swimming naked. Now this kind of low-level dungeon competition can't tell anything. Gao, you can see it naturally. So don't embarrass them anymore, start an attack with them in the dungeon, and then make sure if he is the person we want." Chen Feng waved away the emotions just now, and continued to return to the calm head coach look.

"I understand... old man, don't worry, I won't let you down." Liu Shibo nodded heavily.

At this time, Zheng Qi had already left the holographic cabin and returned to his residence.

"Uncle Meng, is dinner ready? I'm hungry!" Seeing that Butler Meng was not in the room, Zheng Qi raised his head and shouted loudly.

"Ah, young master, I'm sorry, please wait a moment, I will do it right away."

Hearing Butler Meng's voice, Zheng Qi felt a little strange. Butler Meng has always arranged his life in an orderly manner, and never let him have any discomfort. That's enough - now what's the matter?
After standing up and walking out of his room, Zheng Qi was shocked to see Butler Meng in the living room, installing a new holographic cabin...

Not to mention the high price of this kind of holographic cabin, it was also disassembled during the delivery and had to be reinstalled. Zheng Qi didn't know how to install it—his one was sent by someone arranged by Su Jing, and From transportation to installation, Zheng Qi did not bother, but it is obvious that ordinary subscribers do not have such preferential treatment.

These days, manpower is a luxury.

However, Butler Meng seemed to be very familiar with this kind of holographic cabin. A guy with gray hair deftly waved various tools in his hand and skillfully installed a holographic cabin like this.

"Uncle Meng, what are you doing?" Zheng Qi knew that his butler seemed to be able to do everything, but he really didn't expect that Butler Meng could do even this.

"That's right, master."

Butler Meng rubbed his hands: "When you played games before, you would usually come out for an hour or two to do some activities, so I would have more things to do, but in the game Football Era, you spend a lot of time online , I’m a bit bored when I’m idle, so I just want to play games together, I won’t disturb you, just send me a message when you go offline, and I’ll go offline too, so nothing will be delayed.”

Zheng Qi looked at Butler Meng in surprise, butler Meng seemed a little embarrassed: "Of course, if you don't agree, then forget it, anyway, the holographic cabin can return the goods today..."

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