football era

Chapter 21 Anticlimactic

"Hey, after running for so long, there seems to be no one left."

Following the breeze, he stopped panting, and muttered while pouring the potion.

Zheng Qi jumped off the wall: "It seems to be the same. Could it be that we were deterred by our righteousness and retreated without fighting?"

"If you can't win against us, of course you have to rush to the street. Anyway, I've already killed four of them. It's great!"

Go with the breeze and laughed, but after taking a look at Zheng Qi, he looked a little embarrassed-he did kill four, and he was angry that he was besieged and died, but what about Zheng Qi?Just now, he had already killed ten of them, and two of the four he killed were because Zheng Qi shoveled and stiffened the opponent, so he had the chance to kill with one blow.

As an old bird, I have seen many excellent players with Qingfeng, but it is really rare to see someone as elusive as Zheng Qi.

He thought he was a pretty good player, but Zheng Qi's performance was nothing compared to him.

"Are you a professional player?" Sui Qingfeng knew that he shouldn't ask this question, but he still couldn't help his curiosity, and then asked.

"No, it's the first time playing the game Football Era." Zheng Qi shook his head and replied.

"...No way, it's the first time I played like this, so after more than ten years of playing, didn't I end up playing with dogs?" Sui Qingfeng said depressingly.

"Ten years of playing? Uncle, how old are you?" Zheng Qi looked at Go with the Breeze, who showed his true face, and asked with a smile.

"It's almost thirty, it's just entertainment anyway." Sui Qingfeng snorted.

"That's not much older than me, I'm twenty." Zheng Qi replied.

"Ah, are you a newcomer to those professional clubs, reincarnated and replayed?"

Sui Qingfeng subconsciously asked a question, and then realized that he had asked a very stupid question - Zheng Qi was playing Football Era for the first time, so it would definitely not be the case...

However, Zheng Qi didn't laugh at him because of this kind of question, but shook his head: "No...will there still be professional players in the new district?"

"Some clubs have found newcomers, but the newcomers didn't get some records in the old districts to enhance their strength, so they played in new districts to make their roles stronger, but this is usually used on promising newcomers. I haven't seen it, but I've heard of such a thing." Sui Qingfeng replied.

"So that's the case. It seems that someone chased me because I stole that record." Zheng Qi said thoughtfully.

However, he also knows that in fact, the one that other people want to chase and kill is the one who wants to fly, and he just happens to be at the right time.

These words are different in the ears of Going with the Breeze—"So that's the case, the big guilds of these clubs are too domineering, so the records must belong to them?"

Seeing Go with the Breeze filled with righteous indignation, Zheng Qi felt a little strange: "I heard that the players in this game are basically fans of various professional clubs, aren't you?"

"I'm not, I'm so old, how can I be a fan like those brats, I usually just watch professional games." Sui Qingfeng waved his hand and said.

"So that's the case." Zheng Qi nodded.

"Let's add a friend. In the future, in the big dungeon, I can't push it alone. Maybe I can help." Sui Qingfeng took the initiative to say to Zheng Qi.

"Okay, no problem." Zheng Qi took the initiative to throw a friend request.

After being notified by the whole system once, there were countless boring people who wanted to add Zheng Qi's friends. Zheng Qi ignored them and closed the friend application channel directly. However, he can still apply for friends outside.

After adding friends, the two are ready to go back to the resting point together - the resting point in Pompeii has not yet been opened, there is no safe zone, and it is very dangerous to log off if you do not stay in the safe zone, and there will be a short period of freezing when you go online , Only in the safe zone are you not afraid of being attacked.

At this moment, Zheng Qi received a message from a stranger.

Ordinary stranger messages cannot be sent, but Zheng Qi sent a message to this account just now, so...

"I'll get rid of all the people outside the city for you, sir!"

"You're so arrogant, I'll deal with you when we meet." Zheng Qi cursed at the communicator and hung up.

"With whom?" Sui Qingfeng asked curiously.

"Someone I don't know, but maybe not a stranger."

Zheng Qi said something that Sui Qingfeng didn't understand, and Sui Qingfeng shook his head, deciding not to worry about it.

The two were vigilant when they were leaving the city, and it was most likely to be ambushed at this time - but maybe the other party had indeed given up attacking them. When they were leaving the city, Zheng Qi looked from the top of the wall, and there was no one ambushing them.

And on the way from Pompeii to Viti's house, although there is no cover, but the same, there is no way to ambush - the players from the southern country who were cleared by mysterious people on the way are basically before leaving Viti. They were attacked when they were at home. If they could rush to this open area, they would not have been killed.

Seeing that no one came to surround him, he was relieved to go with the breeze, but when he was about to say goodbye to Zheng Qi, he found that Zheng Qi had stopped.

"What's wrong?" Sui Qingfeng asked.

"Someone is catching up." Zheng Qi turned around and followed the breeze to look down, just in time to see a player turning out of Pompeii.

At this time, the players were nothing more than a set of white clothes, they all looked similar, but the way the opponent walked out was full of confidence.

"Are you here to ask for trouble?" Sui Qingfeng asked in a low voice.

"Maybe, it looks very strong." Zheng Qi nodded: "Why don't you go up and try?"

"Okay." Said eagerly with the breeze.

Seeing Going With the Breeze and really preparing to rush up to have a fight with the other party, Zheng Qi couldn't help but stop this new friend who is not young but has a fiery temper: "You'd better not go up, the experience of dying once doesn't matter, If you die more, the start will be much slower.”

"Really?" Sui Qingfeng was short-tempered, but he wasn't a fool. Hearing what Zheng Qi said, he knew that the other party was probably a great expert, and it might not be for him. He didn't need to rush over to die once.

He also felt distressed when he lost his experience.

Seeing that he was not rushing up with the breeze, Zheng Qi took two steps forward, and shouted from a distance: "Brother, are you here to trouble me?"


The other party shook his head. Like Zheng Qi, the other party also hid his ID: "I just want to play against you to see what level you are."

"Is it good to fight with you?" Zheng Qi said dismissively.

"It's not good, but it's up to you whether to fight or not." The opponent is naturally Liu Shibo.

"Looking at your moving speed, you may not be as fast as me." Zheng Qi laughed: "It only takes one minute to run from here to the rest point."

"Just now you had many opportunities to run, but you chose to fight back... I don't think you will run." Liu Shibo said calmly, as if he was talking about a very ordinary thing.

"That's right, come on then."

Zheng Qi moved his body, and then began to sprint forward.

While he was sprinting, Liu Shibo also moved.

The distance between the two was quickly shortened, and while sprinting, Liu Shibo said, "I'm not taking advantage of you. My physique is nine points, strength, endurance balance, flexibility and jumping are all six points, and speed burst is seven points."

Compared with Zheng Qi, he had a little less attribute points, but he also got all the good results in the first dungeon, and he didn't suffer from the extra two attribute points.

Compared with Zheng Qi's current attributes, he is a little weaker in several abilities, but his physique is a little higher than Zheng Qi's. Reporting all of them at this time also means not taking advantage of Zheng Qi.

"You almost know what attribute I am, so I won't talk nonsense." Zheng Qi said with a big smile.

Follow the breeze to watch from a distance, and clenched his fists. The two people's frank and honest approach made him feel his blood was a little boiling - what kind of confidence is it not to take advantage of others even a little bit? !
Next, there should be a fight between dragons and tigers...

After 5 minutes, the one who was standing and prepared to watch carefully, and then learned something, had already squatted down. If he didn't feel embarrassed, he would have left the scene.

There is nothing more embarrassing than two masters who are obviously very good and can easily deal with opponents of the same level, just going around in circles, just not attacking each other.

When the two were about to touch each other, Liu Shibo took the lead in shoveling. Zheng Jiqi took off and evaded when Liu Shibo was about to shovel him, then quickly canceled his jumping skills and landed, turned around and slid Liu Shibo in reverse, Liu Shibo canceled the shovel in time. Shoveling action, rolling to avoid, the two opened the distance again.

This series of movements is so dizzying that people can't help but shout hello with the breeze.

It's a pity that after this short contact, the two began to swim away, constantly accelerating, stopping suddenly, rolling... just not fighting each other.

It's okay to do this for a while, and you can understand that you are looking for the opponent's flaws if you go with the breeze, but what is the meaning of doing this for 5 minutes in a row?
The most terrible thing is that every time after sprinting consumes physical energy, they still take out the potion to drink. Let the breeze feel that if this continues, there will be no substantial progress until tomorrow...

"Is it interesting for us to go on like this?" Zheng Qi seemed impatient. His actions just now were indeed looking for the opponent's flaws, but Liu Shibo's movements were rigorous and correct, so that he couldn't find a space to make a move. Maybe Liu Shibo shot at him. He was able to find a space when it was time, but Liu Shibo seemed to be very cautious, and he would never make a move unless there was an absolute chance.

"It's not interesting. There is no room for action before the twentieth level. It seems that I came here today by mistake." Liu Shibo sighed.

Zheng Qi's vigilance is much higher than he imagined. Although his movements are not as impeccable and rigorous as those he trained in the professional team, Liu Shibo can feel that the opportunities he observed are Zheng Qi left it on purpose...

"We'll fight again next time we have a chance." Liu Shibo said abruptly, then quickly turned around, entered Pompeii City, and then disappeared into the alley.

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