football era

Chapter 184 Mountain Climbing

Just through the process of killing these four mobs, Cun Tianya already knew the opponent's push method.

But even if he knew it, he couldn't copy it—his subordinates were doing the most basic long-distance output work, which anyone could do, no matter what their skills were, as long as they were players who could enter the Mythical Zone and complete such tasks, That's no problem at all.

However, the two key points in the process of spawning monsters are not the output.

First of all, there are four people who can hold the mobs - this is a technical job. The four people in Ren Pingsheng almost kept avoiding the opponent's attack, and then held the monsters tightly, and pulled them to other people. It won't be OT to output as much as you want, which means that the opponent's operation level and the way of pulling hatred are far superior to ordinary people.

Another key is Meng Butler's command.

Mark the location at the right time, and then let others just output it as a fool. What kind of operation is this?This is an operation that even ten professional players in a team can't do!
Although the elite groups of those core guilds are all dominated by professional players, the success of pushing the map depends on the overall level of the professional players and the overall output strength of the entire team. It is definitely not such a foolish approach. A coach who has reached this point has a high status in any club and is unlikely to do such a thing.

The Extraordinary Guild has such a coach.

Maybe this old man is just doing research on pushing dungeons, but such existences are even rarer. No matter how big the guild is, it is difficult to have such a coach.

Cun Tianya began to feel that the other party should take this [-]%, or even [-]% less, with their level, just find a wild group to promote the dungeon, the effect will not be too bad.

And it's much easier to satisfy those wild groups, all they need is a little material...

Cun Tianya decided to please these people.

As long as this continues, the output of his guild will be at least three times larger than before. This achievement has surpassed all fringe guilds and can be compared with core guilds!

Your dream is right in front of you!
In the next wave, Zheng Qi and the others pulled out four mobs again.

This time, the members of the Cuntianya guild didn't panic—there's nothing to panic about, they just stood there and output, and they could do it alone.

After four, four more.

This is the first level of the Huaguoshan dungeon. Before going up the mountain, you have to pass through this water area. Although the mobs in the water area can be continuously attracted to land to attack, the number is the largest in the entire dungeon. Many dungeons Too much time is often spent here.

However, following Zheng Qi's rhythm of pulling four monsters and eliminating four monsters in five minutes, all the mobs in the water area were quickly wiped out.

Next is the elite monsters.

Prime Minister Turtle and General Crab.

These two elite monsters are the last barrier before the first boss, the Dragon King. Prime Minister Turtle has thick skin and rough skin and is not afraid to fight. General Crab has certain group attack skills, and they must be dispatched together. Cun Tianya and the others used to use human heads If there are more than a dozen people who are piled up, don't even think about passing this level.

But this time, it seemed extremely easy.

"Brothers in the first team, follow my command."

Zheng Qi dragged Prime Minister Gui to the land, and then shouted loudly.

The people in the first team immediately concentrated their attention, Zheng Qi quickly numbered the number ten people into ten numbers, and asked them to use their skills to attack the place marked by him one by one.

These skills are different, but they all have two characteristics - long-distance and control.

Control skills, you don't need ten of them together, you just need to use them one by one.

Prime Minister Turtle is a very high-level elite monster, with the player attribute of Cuntianya Guild, the control skills are basically one skill and two skills instead of big moves, and the time he can control is only a second or two. However, Zheng At this time, he showed his ability in command. Ten players took turns to control, and immediately he could see Prime Minister Turtle spinning around in a daze. The negative status on his body has never been eliminated.

Prime Minister Turtle was under control, General Crab was held in three positions by Xin Xiangfei and the other three, constantly pulling hatred back and forth, while the others continuously poured long-distance attacks on General Crab.

As an elite monster, General Crab's sharpness and attack power are much stronger than those of small monsters, so even though there are three people pulling hatred, General Crab will not foolishly toss back and forth and fail to hit anyone, and his attacks will often fall on one mind Want to fly on the body of others.

However, under such circumstances, Yixin Want to Fly, Dynamic Light Wave, and Chaotic Crazy Knife showed their operational skills and judgment ability.

When the skills will hit the body, they will use a skill that strengthens defense or restores blood to keep themselves from dying, and when their blood volume drops, the recovery skills of Heart Wandering and others will be accurate fall on top of their heads.

Several times they were almost killed in seconds. They looked very dangerous, but they all came over without any danger.

"Damn it's dancing on the tip of a knife." Cun Tianya complained in his heart. Several times he looked at it and felt that he wanted to fly and wait for someone to die, but at most they still had a trace of blood left. Healing skills were thrown up, and the blood quickly returned to full.

This kind of bold operation is enough to prove how good the calculation ability of these guys is.

The reason why General Crab was able to cause such damage was because it had enough blood, but no matter how much blood it had, it couldn't hold back the eight teams' attacks in turn. After more than six minutes, General Crab's blood returned to zero and fell to the ground. .

After killing General Crab, Prime Minister Turtle will be much easier. Compared with General Crab, Prime Minister Turtle has stronger defense and more HP, but its attack power is very average. If combined with General Crab, one attack and one defense will It was difficult to deal with, but now there was only one left, even without Zheng Qi and the others, others would be able to grind it to death.

It took 2 minutes longer than General Crab, Prime Minister Turtle also died, the progress of the first stage, and the first boss Dragon King is left.

"The Dragon King is a little more troublesome. It won't leave the water... The four of us go down to fight, and the people on the shore follow orders." Zheng Qi added some status to himself, and then said.

The others nodded one after another. Now they have nothing to say. Anyway, standing on the shore and exporting, it's as simple as that...

It’s not that the Dragon King and the others have never experienced it before, the method is actually similar, but those who enter the water to pull hatred are basically going to die, anyway, add various states, run around to pull monsters, the Dragon King chases after him, and others are on the shore. Drop the skills...

In short, the person in the water just needs to save his life, a little more time is a little time, and it usually takes an hour or two for the Dragon King to kill him with this method.

And then Zheng Qi and the others showed how to attract hatred.

After entering the water, Zheng Qi, who was the first to enter the water, was immediately attacked by the Dragon King.

Zheng Qi switches Guo Jin hero card, the big move is impenetrable to use!

It is impenetrable, enters the invincible state for a short time, and increases the attack power at the same time.

The Dragon King roared, and threw his long tail at Zheng Qi, but Zheng Qi didn't move, and instead hit the Dragon King with his backhand.

When the Dragon King's attention was attracted by Zheng Qi, Yixin Xiangfei quickly jumped over the Dragon King's head, and the dynamic light wave and the chaotic sword went to the sides.

The four occupied the four corners, seeing that Yixinwan had already stood still, Zheng Qi immediately stopped. At the same time, Yixinwant to fly a long distance Chang Yuchun's second skill-chaotic army shot!
No one used this move when attacking from a long distance before, because it would be too wasteful to use this move when the attack locations were all marked.

Not to mention the strong lethality, it also has a strong effect of pulling hatred. The most important thing is that this arrow is automatically guided and will definitely hit the opponent.

So this arrow immediately attracted the Dragon King's attention.

At this moment, Butler Meng marked a location, and a team of members immediately attacked a bunch of long-range skills.

This series of skills did not move the Dragon King, it still rushed towards Yixin Wanting to Fly.

Until the Dragon King arrived in front of him, Xin Xiangfei activated Chang Yuchun's first skill and ultimate move, and fought with the Dragon King.

When he was fighting against the Dragon King, Butler Meng was not idle. He kept marking places, and other players began to bombard them in turn. The one who went up and down, and the one whose mental quality was worse, might be so nervous that he couldn't breathe just by looking at his physical fitness value.

In such a fast pace, I wanted to fly for 1 minute, and the dynamic light wave began to pick it up.

The same chaotic army shot an arrow, and the super hatred determination made the Dragon King immediately give up his desire to fly, and turned around and rushed towards the dynamic light wave.

"They can hold on to this rhythm for 1 minute. Chaotic Army One Arrow is only a second skill, and the cooldown time is only 2 minutes. The four of them use it in turns, which is enough..." Cun Tianya thought in his heart.

However, he also knows that this is still not a method that can be copied. The dragon king moves extremely fast in the water. It doesn't mean that you can distance yourself and then a few people take turns to shoot arrows from a distance. You have to be able to withstand the dragon king's attack for 1 minute. , other people really can't do it...

But Zheng Qi and the others can do it, which means that this powerful boss, they can completely wear down the opponent's blood volume in a targeted manner, and push past the first boss without any problem.

The same is true.

After the Chaotic Crazy Saber also carried the Dragon King for tens of seconds, Zheng Qi's rebellious army's arrow had recovered, and immediately pulled the Dragon King's hatred back.

It goes on and on like this, every time the Dragon King moves and every time he attacks, he will be hit by a small group of concentrated fire. No matter how much blood it has, it will not be able to survive for too long if it is worn down endlessly like this , only 10 minutes later, the Dragon King let out a roar and dropped materials all over the floor.

In the dungeon, there is no need to pick up the material drop, but it will be directly placed in the reward, and it will be taken out after the group is destroyed or the map is completely passed.

So everyone didn't need to waste time on this aspect, Zheng Qi waved his arms: "Go, go up the mountain!" Everyone immediately let out a cry, went down to the surface of the water, and began to formally ascend this famous mountain.

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