football era

Chapter 183 What a Luck

When Cun Tianya went online, I felt a bit complicated.

It may be because of too much anticipation, so he was a little worried about gains and losses, so that he suffered from insomnia last night...

It can be seen from this that Cun Tianya's psychological quality is not very good.

After seeing Zheng Qi and the others, Cun Tianya heaved a sigh of relief, he actually had a dream last night, dreaming that Zheng Qi and the others released his pigeons, and he took his members to wait in the cold rain all day, Incomparably miserable...

After waking up, Cun Tianya found that it was the urban youth romance movie he watched recently that affected his brain.

"Okay, all the export groups, a total of seven, are all here." Cun Tianya said to Zheng Qi.

"Let's advance one." Zheng Qi nodded: "Ninety full output, right? Remember to be obedient when the time comes."

"Then which one should we play first?" Cun Tianya asked.

"Are you coming too?" Zheng Qi asked.

"Yeah, I've increased my strength and explosion to a full [-] points." Cun Tianya said proudly.

"Can't you come up with a bunch of red outfits?" Zheng Qi asked.

When asked, Zheng Qi also showed off his newly upgraded red helmet outfit.

Cun Tianya was speechless, if he could make up a red outfit, how could his guild be only the No.80 third guild...

"Okay, eighty o'clock is enough, let's go to the Huaguoshan dungeon first." Zheng Qi said.

Hearing this answer, Cun Tianya found that it was expected, but beyond reason...

As expected, the dungeons of the Seven Great Hundred People are all dungeons with mythological backgrounds. The Huaguoshan dungeon is relatively simple among the seven dungeons. It is normal to start with this dungeon first.

To put it beyond reason, it is naturally the super popularity of the final boss of the Huaguoshan dungeon, the Monkey King. When he came up, he took this national idol as a breakthrough point, which really made people feel complicated...

Although the game is just a game, there are still countless players who have deep feelings for Monkey King.

Starting with the Huaguoshan copy first, it does seem a bit cruel.

"Then let's start now." Cun Tianya said.

"Don't prepare some good potions?" Zheng Qi asked.

"We are all ready." Cun Tianya said strangely, as a guild, there will be no shortage of potions for dungeons.

Basically, they bring the most advanced instant recovery potions. These potions have a relatively long cooling period, but they are life-saving things.

"We didn't bring it." Zheng Qi said confidently.

Cun Tianya went back to the guild once, dumbfounded, brought a bunch of potions, and distributed them to Zheng Qi and the others—they were all going to cooperate, and it would be pointless to be stingy with the potions.

Moreover, Zheng Qi and the others had just completed their level, so it was normal for them to have no money to buy potions.

"OK, let's go now!" Zheng Qi snapped his fingers, and then joined Cun Tianya's team. A group of people entered the Huaguoshan dungeon in a mighty manner.

"The scenery is so beautiful." Su Jing stared at the picture in front of her, and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Rocks and clouds collapsed, turbulent waves crashed on the shore, and thousands of piles of snow were rolled up.

What appeared in front of everyone was a majestic high mountain, surrounded by water, and in the distance was the endless sea. On the high mountain, there were lush grass, jagged rocks, and a breathtakingly beautiful scenery.

"Of course it's beautiful. This place has always been one of the top ten most lingering scenery in the Mythical District."

Cun Tianya muttered, there are many players in Football Era who don’t fight monsters, and places like Huaguoshan Dungeon can also come in and out at will. A copy of the view.

Of course, they came this time to fight monsters, so naturally they couldn't stand facing the beautiful scenery for too long.

"We have played this dungeon many times. The key is that the monsters are too lethal. We will always lose a lot of people in the process... The first thing to pass is this river. There are many mobs in the river. We want to It seems very difficult to pull one by one..."

Cun Tianya was about to talk about the difficulties he was facing, but he had just finished speaking when he saw Ren Pingsheng, Yixin Want to Fly, Dynamic Light Wave and Chaotic Kuangdao jumping into the water from the bank at the same time with a plop.

"What the hell did the four of you want to do in the past? Pulling monsters and pulling four at a time will kill you!" Cun Tianya shouted in shock.

The other No. 89 warriors under him also broke out in a cold sweat. Usually they pull monsters carefully. If they pull one monster up, they probably won't lose anything, but if they pull two monsters out at once, at least one monster will be killed. Two people.

And pulling monsters is based on the number of people - if one goes down, at least one monster will be alarmed, and if the movement is wider, one more monster will be alarmed, but now that four are down in one breath, at least four monsters will definitely be pulled in. ...

Sure enough, the next moment, when Zheng Qi and his figures emerged from the water to the shore, they were followed by four shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

"A master is a master, but he is too reckless..."

Cun Tianya sighed in his heart, seeing the four of them rushing down together, but happened to pull four monsters, one knew their monster pulling skills were quite good, they had all gone down in the sea water surrounding Huaguo Mountain, and the shrimp soldiers and crabs inside There are so many of them, and the fetters of mutual hatred are very high, it is difficult to hold a monster without disturbing the mobs around them.

Under such circumstances, Zheng Qi and the others only pulled four monsters out, which shows that their operation level is really excellent.

But... After all, four mobs were attracted!Cun Tianya knows very well that these shrimp soldiers and crab generals look very fragile, but they are actually quite ferocious. The lethality of each mob is quite huge. The [-] stamina brought by the [-]-point physique will be bloody. .

At this time, his men also started to panic - it's not that they haven't seen the world, but they have fought two mobs at a time, but they have no such experience in fighting four mobs at a time!

"Don't panic, stand still, remember your team number, and follow my command."

Butler Meng's voice came over. His voice was not loud, but it calmed down the flustered other players.

After stepping on the shore, Zheng Qi and the others began to deal with the monsters. They continued to attack, switching various skills, and soon, they firmly held the hatred of the four little monsters, one by one, and the difference was clear. .

"The monster No. [-] is following Ren Pingsheng, the No. [-] monster is following the one who wants to fly, the No. [-] monster is following the dynamic light wave, and the No. [-] monster is following the Chaotic Knife. Remember?" The butler continued to ask.

Still staring in a daze at Zheng Qi and the others who were always narrowly avoiding the attacks of the mobs, and at the same time constantly hitting the bodies of the mobs to hold back the hateful Cuntianya guild players, only then did they react.

"Okay, if you remember, the first team will help attack the No. [-] monster, the second team will attack the No. [-] and the third team will attack the No. [-] monster, and the rest will prepare their skills and follow my instructions." Meng Butler raised his hand.

The first team, the second team and the third team immediately began to attack the first three mobs indiscriminately, while the other six teams concentrated their attention and waited for Butler Meng's command.

"Team ten, switch to the high Jianli state, and build the buff attribute."

"Team four, switch to Gai Nie's state, and attack visually, the coordinates are 145.278." Meng Butler said quickly, and then marked a certain position.

The offenses of the four teams were all defeated at that moment.

And just as they were attacking, Chaotic Crazy Knife retreated, just enough to attract the monster chasing him to the coordinates marked by Butler Meng. This time, the mob took ten long-distance attacks.

Although the biggest effect of this trick is to repel the opponent, the incidental lethality is not small, not to mention the superposition of ten attacks.

The blood volume of the mob immediately dropped by one-tenth.

"Team five, Cleopatra switching, poison killing skills, the location is..." Butler Meng marked a location again.

The players of the five teams immediately switched to Cleopatra heroes, and all the poison killing skills were cast towards that position in an instant.

The mob that happened to be repelled was immediately poisoned ten times all over his body.

Poison kills don't lose blood instantly, but continuously. Although the mobs in the [-]-player dungeon are also very resistant to poison, after ten consecutive poison kills, the blood volume is also visibly decreasing.

Among the skills, there are not many skills that can attack from a long distance, but if you can't stand it in turn, the location marked by Meng Butler is always quite accurate, even if other players are fools, they also know what to do...

In this way, when the first mob fell under the attack of the six teams, the blood volume of the other three mobs also dropped a lot.

Because Meng Butler ordered the killing of this little monster, and also let the other three teams attack from a long distance from time to time.

If one is killed, will the others be slower?
Soon, under the precise command of Butler Meng, the other three mobs died one by one. When all four mobs died, the entire team of 100 people had no casualties.

This alone is fine, but it only took less than 5 minutes to kill the four mobs, which is enough to surprise everyone. According to their usual method of pushing pictures, pull the mobs one by one and then eliminate them. If you are lucky , Killing the four mobs may cause no casualties, but it will take at least half an hour...

This difference is too big, no wonder the other party has the confidence to solve a dungeon within a day.

"Okay, let's continue to pull monsters. You just need to pay attention to the cooling switch of good skills. I often don't have time to command. Except for the six teams I command, the other three teams, when I mark, you use Just hit the long-distance skill, don't hesitate, understand?" Meng Butler waved his hand, and then said to all team members.

This time, none of the members of the Cuntianya Guild remained silent. They answered in unison, expressing their understanding.

Cun Tianya also answered in it, and he was completely convinced at this time.

Such a team, being able to cooperate with them is indeed their blessing. From this point of view, if they hadn't clashed with the opponent twice before, this good thing might not have fallen on his head.

"Luck, what luck." Cun Tianya said in his heart.

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