football era

Chapter 173

The attribute of "brainless fan" seems to be hard to imagine appearing in Yixin Xiangfei.

Yixiangfei has always been a very ruthless person. When he was playing live with Zheng Qi, he was very ruthless. In the football era, he was also very ruthless.

So when Zheng Qi heard that this was the reason why he wanted to fly, he couldn't help opening his mouth in surprise.

"It's nothing surprising. I grew up watching Changfeng's games, and I also participated in Changfeng's echelon selection when I was young." Yixin Xiangfei replied.

"You didn't get selected?" Zheng Qi asked in surprise.

"I was still young then." Yixin Xiangfei replied in a muffled voice.

"Okay." Zheng Qi shook his head.

"Later, I also thought about it. Even if I was selected at the time, would I be able to enter Changfeng's first team or even become the main force? It is difficult. Of course, most of Changfeng's current main players are cultivated by themselves, such as Lu Xiaotian, For example, Feng Tu, but they also have the foresight to bring in the members needed by the team from the transfer market. Wen Xiang is a good example. Changfeng’s youth training is the best in the league, but their echelon members can finally be in the first team There are only a few people who can gain a foothold." Yixin Xiangfei continued.

"It's a big club, that's right." Zheng Qi nodded.

"Before the age of 16, you cannot enter the football era game. Each club has created its own training space for this purpose. However, those trained in the training space will lack actual combat experience. We have already discovered this in the new area. "

Zheng Qi nodded again. When he met the quasi-professional players of those professional clubs in the new area, in the usual competition and PK, Zheng Qihe wanted to fly and beat the opponent like a dog, but in the environment of a formal game like a friendly match, The opponent can beat them into dogs, which is the difference between the actual combat school and the academic school.

"So I chose to practice actual combat. The experience of the game can be accumulated in the training ground, and the actual combat experience needs to be accumulated in various games. I have played many games. I have basically played all the games derived from the football era. , Era Ball King is just a relatively long game." Yixin Xiangfei said.

"Me too." Zheng Qi laughed.

"Yes, so your actual combat level is also very strong. Now what we want is to show our level in the actual combat in the mythical area. Only in this way can Changfeng ask us to join." Yixin Xiangfei finally said .

"No wonder you have to save enough money to pursue your dreams first..." Zheng Qi sighed.

"Well, thanks to you, I earned a lot that year." Yixin Xiangfei said.

"Yeah, we all made a lot of money that year, and we all had our own goals, but I didn't have any goals. You guys, get rid of me when you're done using me, good or bad!" Zheng Qi said resentfully.

Yixin Xiangfei shivered: "If you do this again, I will leave immediately."

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this... How do we prove ourselves next?" Zheng Qi asked.

"Maximize the level first, so that you are qualified to make trouble." Xin Xiangfei replied simply.

Yixin Xiangfei didn't say how to make trouble, but Zheng Qi still very much agreed with him that he said to reach the level first.

After all, the level of suppression is really too great. They are now at level [-], and against ordinary players of level [-], they are completely suppressed in confrontation, even if their attributes are higher. The suppression of level [-] means If you attack the opponent, there is only an [-]% effect, and if the opponent attacks you, there is a [-]% effect.

Not only the suppression of damage, many skills are used to charge and control the opponent. These skills may not cause substantial damage, but they can have extremely good effects, and these effects are even more discounted. weaker.

So before the full level, it is quite difficult to make trouble.

If you want to make trouble, you just need to grab a few more field bosses. However, if you want to do this, it will be even more difficult if you don't have enough levels--boss' suppression of players is more obvious, especially in the mythical area.

But for Zheng Qi and his group, when they want to upgrade quickly, the speed will never be slow.

Although not as fast as Fu Lei with the support of a club and guild, with their skills, there is no problem with the challenge of the third level of extreme leapfrogging. Fast upgrade speed.

One day, two days...

Zheng Qi and the others have not leveled in such an empty and quiet place for a long time. You must know that although they have always been the group of players with the fastest upgrade speed in the new area, when a new area is opened, there will always be other players Like them, the leveling speed is very fast, so that no one can find a place to practice leveling.

In such an empty place, it seems to have been forgotten by the whole world—the leveling area around the mythical area is indeed rarely visited by people, because the function of this place is to allow players to quickly level up.

At the beginning of the Football Era, the cap was capped at level [-], and then gradually increased to level [-], so in the normal area, there are many bosses between level [-] and level [-], and the area is not small. After the level was capped for a while, when the Mythical Zone was opened, it would look like this right now—the cap is capped at level [-], and the surrounding area is only for upgrading. After reaching level [-], the game really begins.

Such a setting also divides the Mythical District into two major areas - the [-]-level area is full of people and has an incomparably large area, while the areas of other levels beyond [-]-level are relatively small and usually deserted Yes, except that every year when newcomers come in, it will be lively for a while.

Zheng Qi and the others caught up with a gap.

Those who have clubs, like Liu Shibo and others, are all upgraded rapidly with the support of the club guild. Those without clubs often have no possibility of entering the mythical zone at this time, so they are quite lonely...

If they don't have a good goal, this kind of loneliness may affect their psychology-fortunately, they have such a good goal.

A month has passed.

Zheng Qi and the others finally reached level 95. During this process, the areas and dungeons they started to mix with finally began to gain some popularity...

"I finally saw someone, this month has suffocated me." Chaotic Knife sighed and said.

"Yeah, the second half of the league season has started... It's different to be organized." Dynamic Guangbo also said.

"But it's a bit strange, why would a guy at level 90 want to mix a dungeon with level [-]?" Chaotic Knife was a little strange.

"Because the myth area will lose experience, what if you don't make up for it? Those masters who lack experience can still play in the [-]-level area. Ordinary players who are not close to it can only honestly play more in low-level dungeons." Wandering explained with a smile.

"I don't know if those guys in the new area have upgraded to the mythical area. By the way, is our guild going to be established?" Chaotic Crazy Sword asked.

"It's not enough. If you don't have a level 100, you can't propose to establish a guild. You can only choose to join the guild. Let's pull the flag when we reach level [-]. At that time, people from our extraordinary guild will be able to respond when they reach the mythical area. If [-] people respond, our guild will be established." Wandering Heart replied.

"Then continue to spawn monsters!" Chaotic Crazy Knife waved his fist.

The others all laughed. Today's copy has been cleared, and the next step is to fight wild monsters.

They are level 95, and it has become a habit to mix level 98 maps, and on the level 98 maps, the number of other players begins to increase.

There are players leveling up and spawning monsters everywhere—the level is one hundred, because the players lose experience after dying in the mythical area, the experience drops a lot, and the attributes that increase the level will also drop, but the level will not drop - So in fact death is also punished. For ordinary players with reduced attributes, they can't beat monsters of level [-], and they can't make low-level dungeons, so they can only slowly fight low-level monsters to gain experience. Less, and it is difficult to fight, it can be said that it is a punishment that makes ordinary players quite a headache.

Of course, professional players with excellent operation skills will not have such problems.

Ever since, among a group of level [-] players, Zheng Qi and the others seemed to stand out.

The ID and level will not be hidden. At the same time, the ID color of the [-]-level player is golden, and the ID of the player who is less than [-]-level is white to red. no more.

"Oh, there are newcomers here."

Zheng Qi and the others were killing monsters when they heard someone shout like a fuss.

Zheng Qi looked up and saw two teams of people spawning monsters not far away from them, and one of the players with the ID inch Tianya above his head looked at them with a smile.

"Shengshi Jiaren Guild...the subordinate guild of Shengjia Club." Xin Zai Wandering took a look and said in the team channel.

"I don't think I've heard of this club before," Zheng Qi replied.

"Team A." Wandering Heart answered simply.

Zheng Qi nodded clearly. The guilds of the first-level teams often have no advantage in the mythical area, but they have been accumulated over the years. Although the guilds of super clubs are powerful, they cannot occupy the number of all bosses. It's not only wild bosses that will drop, but the probability of dropping is greater and the number is larger.

The guild of any professional club is not bad in accumulating materials, at least it can be used by the first team.

Zheng Qi waved to the other party, said hello, and then said nothing.

He didn't know the other party, and he didn't bother to chat with the other party. It was the right way to level up by himself.

For Zheng Qi and the others, killing wild monsters at the third level is also very difficult, and they must concentrate on killing monsters.

The mobs in the Mythical Zone are much stronger than those in the Normal Zone.

Although there will be no obvious changes in attributes, blood volume, etc., the most critical change is that the mobs in the mythical area are basically composed of [-] heroes.

Possessing the skills and characteristics of a hero, although the style of play is relatively rigid, it still has a huge lethality.

When a mob spawned next to Zheng Qi and Zheng Qi was about to make a move, the opponent's Cun Tianya made a sudden move and attacked the mob first.

"What? Goblins?" Zheng Qi was taken aback.

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