football era

Chapter 172

The process of entering the mythical area seemed very simple.

Originally, Chaotic Knife was still talking about "Will it be as exaggerated as the Ascension to the Immortal World written in Xianxia novels", but in the end, with a "whoosh", everyone entered a new area...

"It feels a bit perfunctory." After standing still, Chaotic Knife said this immediately.

"What do you think it will be like?" Fu Lei asked with a smile.

"At least there must be some ceremony or something." Chaotic Knife replied.

"It's said to be promoted to the mythical area, but to put it bluntly, isn't it just a change of area? What kind of ceremony is there for changing the area? You are really thinking too much." Fu Lei laughed.

Think about it, everyone, why did you have such yearning before?Probably because the mythical area is very sacred in the minds of many players, just like what Chaotic Crazy Sword said, it feels so sacred from the immortal world to the immortal world, but after thinking about it, it is just a change of area...

"What does the mythical area look like?" Zheng Qi asked Fu Lei.

"It's similar to the normal area, but the map is wider, the monsters are more powerful, and the experience and supplies dropped are more abundant. Note that the small monsters and wild monsters here are very strong, and the dungeon monsters are stronger. Of course, the experience is also higher. More." Fu Lei replied.

They all completed the challenges of the mythical zone before level [-], so after they reached level [-] at the same time, they entered the mythical zone at the same time.

This is a level 81 area, which of course is considered an ancient area for the mythical area. Even if you want to upgrade, it is faster to go to a higher level area to upgrade, so that there are only ten of them in this vast wilderness.

"What shall we do next?" Dynamic Guangbo asked.

"Of course we need to level up first. We have ten people, so it's just right to do dungeons. We can do dungeons with ten people and five people." Zheng Qi said.

"Well... I'm sorry everyone, someone will come to pick me up." Fu Lei said suddenly.

"Oh, yes, your club will come to you, so... we are going to separate now?" Zheng Qi asked.

Fu Lei nodded a little ashamedly.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of. We traded you for a lot of materials." Zheng Qi patted him on the shoulder and laughed.

On the distant horizon, several shadowy figures have already appeared.

"You know them all?" Zheng Qi asked.

"I don't know..." Fu Lei shook his head: "In the past six months, our club has changed a lot."

"Come on." Zheng Qi nodded.

During the conversation, those people had already arrived in front of them, chatted with Fu Lei for a few words, and then left together without saying hello to Zheng Qi and the others.

"These guys are so rude."

Fu Lei showed an apologetic expression and left, Xin Yi couldn't help complaining.

"Don't care about them, let's do our own thing." Zheng Qi shook his head: "Okay, now the nine of us, let's brush up the mobs to practice first, and then go to the dungeon."

"Obviously ten people..." Meng Butler said quietly.

"Oh my god, Uncle Meng, why did I forget about you, but Uncle Meng is useless when spawning monsters." Zheng Qi replied.

"Leveling!" Yixin Xiangfei interrupted him.

"Go away."

The level 81 area may be difficult for ordinary players to brush, but for them, it is nothing.

Although their equipment upgrades are not enough, and their heroes generally haven't been upgraded much, but with their operation level, ordinary wild monsters are not a problem at all.

The old area is often inaccessible and there are a lot of monsters, so they didn't go to the dungeon. Although it is easier to obtain the experience of the dungeon, but in the old area, there are a steady stream of monsters to farm, and the efficiency of brushing is even lower than that of the old area. The dungeon is still high, if it weren't for the greater probability of dungeon materials falling, they wouldn't want to go to the dungeon...

"Damn it's so cool, how can you level up so fast." Chaotic Knife sighed while beating monsters.

"In the mythical area, leveling up is not the most important thing. The experience of fighting monsters is just to make up for the loss. The real competition has never been these things." Heart Wandering said with a smile.

"A level and a half a day, how long hasn't it been so fast?" Chaotic Crazy Knife continued to sigh, in his opinion, such an upgrade speed, he had never encountered it when he passed level [-] in the normal zone.

"What is this? Haven't you seen Lao Fan's level?" Zheng Qi asked Chaotic Mad Saber.

"Really? I'll take a look."

Chaotic Crazy Knife replied, and then called out the friend column to take a look.

"I'll go, level 85, how did you get promoted?" Chaotic Knife was taken aback.

"It's just a level or two to kill monsters. In addition to dungeons, it's a very simple way to kill wild monsters by leapfrogging levels and let others help him harvest the remaining blood." Wandering Heart explained.

"Is it necessary?" The Chaotic Knife scratched his head.

"It's only over a month before the second half of the league starts. If you don't upgrade quickly and then rejoin the team, it will be useless for the sky to ask Fu Lei. Of course, you have to hurry up." Zheng Qi said with a smile.

"Then we will be comfortable, and no club will come to ask us." Chaotic Knife muttered.

"It's only small and medium-sized clubs that will go to the doctor in a hurry. We still don't like it." Zheng Qi chuckled.

Yixin Xiangfei nodded. He naturally knew that Zheng Qi's words also meant to comfort him. After all, it is difficult for a club like Changfeng to fill in candidates in the middle of the season-the football era is more complicated than the previous professional football games. There are many things to consider in the basket, and there are many issues to consider when signing in. What's more, a top club like Changfeng is in a very good state this year. They have no reason to introduce new players at will to disrupt the balance of the team.

The goal of all he wants to fly is to go to Changfeng, but he also knows that there is a way to go to Changfeng.

It is of course different to be invited over by someone who is a virtuous and virtuous corporal, and to rush up to hug your thigh by yourself.

"Let's level up first, collect materials, arm ourselves stronger, and then go around and make our reputation first. We are very famous in the new area, but it is nothing in the mythical area. We need to be taken seriously. , you have to do something." Zheng Qi said with a smile.

"Is it the same as District 108?" Chaotic Knife also laughed.

"That's right, it's making trouble!" Zheng Qi waved his fist: "Our goal is, we are pests, we are pests!"

For the various professional clubs, these few members of the Extraordinary Guild were valued, but not to the point of being particularly valued.

This team is very special compared to other grassroots players—special because of the personal skills Ren Pingsheng and Yi Xin Xiangfei displayed, special because of their set of monster pulling techniques, and special because they laid a solid foundation in Area 108... …

But actually?These things are very special, but they are not enough to make professional clubs look at them differently.

Ren Pingsheng and Yixin Xiangfei's skills are very good, but what they showed in the friendly match is that they are completely unfamiliar with the overall confrontation. This is the biggest characteristic of the grassroots players, but also the biggest weakness.

All the clubs are researching the method of pulling monsters, and now there has been preliminary progress, and it can be expected that in the new area, all clubs will send out members of the second team in groups of ten, and use better methods to communicate with other people. Start a confrontation.

As for the number of people in the Extraordinary Guild...the hundreds of thousands of rabble are nothing.

At the same time, the key point is that people like Ren Pingsheng already have enough fame and status, so their demands will be even more. Whether it's worth it, each club will weigh.

So for Zheng Qi and the others, all the clubs chose to wait and see. Even if they wanted to poach someone, it would not be too late before the start of the next season.

Now the focus of each club is still on professional competitions.

As the days passed, Changfeng's fans became more and more enthusiastic.

In the East Asian competition in the summer, Changfeng was invincible all the way, defeating Japan and South Korea, two powerful enemies, and finally met the biggest opponent India in the final.

In the final, Lu Xiaotian's number one star level was fully displayed.

In the stalemate, he attacked three times, defeated the opponent's defense three times, helped Changfeng lose one game first, scored three goals in a row, defeated the opponent, and qualified for the World Cup at the end of the year!
This is the second consecutive year that Changfeng has won the East Asian championship.

This kind of achievement is of course considered a very outstanding achievement. After all, the East Asian champion is not eligible to participate in the defending champion. All international competitions in the football era do not have the place for the defending champion. Take part in such competitions.

So the five-time crown is actually really difficult... You have to reach the peak in a certain year, and at the same time you have to win the league or cup championship in the previous year.

Because only the champions of the league and the cup can participate in the next year's national Super Cup. At the same time, the champion of the Super Cup can participate in the Intercontinental Champions Cup, and the champion of the Intercontinental Champions Cup can participate in the World Champions Cup. .

It is not enough to just maintain the peak for one year, it has to be maintained for two years.

Changfeng undoubtedly has the confidence and premise to hit the five crowns this year. They have already won the Chinese Super Cup, and now they have won the East Asian Champions Cup. Now they are three short of the five crowns——China Super League Champion, China Cup Champion, World Cup Champion!

And in these three events, they all have the possibility and hope of hitting the championship!

Changfeng is now at its peak state.

"It is precisely because of this that it is a bit difficult for you to enter Changfeng. I guess many god-level players want to go to Changfeng to hug their thighs..." Zheng Qi said to Yixiangfei in private.

"So we have to do something more, otherwise, Changfeng will look down on us." Yixin Xiangfei said coldly.

"Brother Fei, can you tell me why you want to go to Changfeng so much?" Zheng Qi asked.

"I'm a fan of Changfeng." Yixin Xiangfei said, and then added: "The kind of brainless fan."

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