football era

Chapter 154 Confidence

The next map scene turned into a European scene-and it was relatively chaotic, making people who are familiar with history complain.

The next three heroes are Cleopatra, the contemporary head of the Roman Empire, Octavian, and the famous Carthaginian Hannibal who was more than 100 years earlier and nearly 200 years earlier than these two...

However, in the setting of the game, these three celebrities who are not in the same era are in the same era. Octavian led the Roman Empire to conquer Egypt. Carthage, which originally fought with Egypt, was dissatisfied with this. Hannibal For Cleopatra's expedition to Rome, she miraculously crossed the Alps and entered the heart of the Roman Empire. When the Roman Empire was about to suffer doom, Egypt and Rome jointly defeated Carthage. There was an incomparable love and hatred between the three countries ...

The entire setting background is written as a dog-blooded love triangle drama. Why did Hannibal and Cleopatra have an ambiguous relationship between sympathy and friendship at the beginning, so after Rome conquered Egypt, Hannibal became angry Confidante, led the army to attack Rome, but was stabbed by her confidante Cleopatra at a critical moment, her vitality was severely injured, and the centuries-old battle between Carthage, Rome and Egypt was revealed...

"This designer must have grown up watching dog-blood romance dramas."

Many players complain about this, but most players don't care about their background.

What they care about is only the attributes and settings of these three heroes.

From now on, the characteristics of heroes will be more mixed. For example, the three heroes this time have such characteristics. Cleopatra's three skills are more biased towards control, and Octavian's three skills are biased towards Blessing system, as for Hannibal, its three skills tend to kill opponents and make up for its own losses in fast movement.

Zheng Qi and the others were the first to enter the pyramid of the team copy of the map of Egypt, and the final boss was Cleopatra.

For Zheng Qi and the others, not having a death squad is the biggest problem, but their advantage is not small. The extra attribute points accumulated during this period are enough to make them a quarter stronger than other teams in terms of character strength. Under such circumstances, they can boldly pay more stamina in some cases to gain the speed of killing opponents.

And during this period of time, their cooperation with each other has made enough progress, and more importantly, they have such a good commander as the dynamic light wave.

Although the dynamic light wave has been saying that his command can only be aimed at the monsters in the game, because he is very familiar with the information of these monsters, and it is useless when PKing with people-but other people don't care about this .

PK is not very important now, the key lies in how far they can do in the dungeon.

The map of the new area is indeed random. Although there may be some regularity, it is completely scattered-this is the difficulty of opening up wasteland. However, for the dynamic light wave, how will the monsters in the team copy react? It can probably be guessed that the timely command and response can make the elite team of the Extraordinary Guild, when encountering unexpected emergencies, suffer a little loss at the beginning, and then quickly make up for it.

Now that the number of heroes has increased, the level that players can perform is also gradually improving. Among the twelve heroes we have now, there are four or five skills that can restore stamina, and four or five skills that can move quickly. In such a situation Under the circumstances, the excellence of the technology will also determine the speed of pushing the copy.

This is not a problem for Zheng Qi and the others.

So, half an hour after they entered the copy, a system message flashed out.

"The Ren Pingsheng team of the Extraordinary Guild is the first to win the first copy of the pyramid, and each rewards two attribute points."

After losing the first brush of the team instance for three times, the Extraordinary Guild once again made a strong attack and made up for the lost reputation!

This system message made the extraordinary guild members who chose to stay at that time feel that they did not stay in vain!
Such continuous good news can improve the cohesion of the players. Although the Extraordinary Guild still does not have the ultimate cohesion object like a professional club, Zheng Qi and his team alone are enough to make the cohesion of the guild last for a long time. keep it up!
Of course, after they entered the mythical area, such cohesion would no longer exist, but for this year's new area, it was enough.

After the first brush, there are five brushes.

For elite teams with a professional level, the hardest part of a team copy is the first time, because there are unknowable situations, and it is much easier to pass the next one. The only difficulty is to increase the speed.

The elite team of the Extraordinary Guild, bravely and diligently, broke through five dungeons again, and got the second reward.

Although a lot of time wasted due to the five dungeons, no one of them could get the reward for the personal dungeon in the end, but for a guild, getting the first and fifth raids of the team dungeon can truly prove their strength strength.

A personal dungeon only means outstanding personal ability, and a team dungeon can prove the overall strength of the guild elite team!
For players, after entering the new area, upgrading is their motivation, and at the same time, the carnival that will happen once in a while is their carnival. Before that, they will play with great interest until they reach level [-]. Divided into two classes - the first is those who have the operational level to enter the mythical area, it will be a brand new world; Strange, to hone their operation level, many players who have stayed in the normal area for a long time enter the mythical area every day, and many of them will choose to go to the new area every year to make new friends.

For professional players, upgrading is a very boring thing - after all, their operations are already qualified, and the key to upgrading in the new area is to create powerful characters. Under this goal, boring will also become a kind of motivation .

But for Zheng Qi and the others, their roles have been created quite successfully, and even if they follow the steps, the roles will not be too bad-for Meng Butler, who knows Zheng Qi's character well, he is now worried. One thing is that Zheng Qi didn't practice well because he felt bored.

However, every day that followed, Zheng Qi's performance was always in high spirits. Even though Butler Meng stipulated that he could only use the skills of three heroes every day, he never felt slack.

This made Butler Meng a little strange.

"Master, you have been exercising very hard recently."

After leaving the holographic cabin one day, Butler Meng asked a strange question.

"It's okay, I think it's the same as usual." Zheng Qi laughed.

Butler Meng was a little speechless—fighting monsters to level up during the day, and improving himself according to the training plan given by Butler Meng at night. He was extremely busy all day long, but Zheng Qi didn't show any signs of impatience, and was extremely enthusiastic every day. , which made Butler Meng feel a little strange.

"There are too many details to pay attention to, which makes me feel that I have to train seriously every day, otherwise, how can I fight against guys like Lu Xiaotian and Li Chengze." Zheng Qi sighed while eating.

"Confrontation?" Butler Meng was taken aback. Didn't you and Yixin Xiangfei agree to join Changfeng and fight for the five crowns?
"Well, with such a powerful guy, it wouldn't be too interesting to be a teammate. It's really interesting to fight against them." Zheng Qi laughed.

"Ambition, young master!" Butler Meng couldn't help but praise him.

"It's not about ambition, Uncle Meng, tell me, a talented young man like me is destined to be a top professional player, so naturally he has to do some difficult things, and go to a top club from the beginning , and then hugged his thigh to win the honor, and then dissatisfied that he was not the top card, and then transferred to a team without strong players to prove himself, isn't this approach a bit hypocritical?" Zheng Qi asked.

"Master, are you mocking someone?" Meng Butler said after thinking about it.

"No, no, I don't refer to anyone in particular. I just think that if you are really ambitious, you should be the boss from the beginning, so that everyone will be willing to help me, and then become the boss of a top club, and get some things that no one has ever gotten before. This is an unblemished career." Zheng Qi replied.

"It sounds very encouraging, but young master, aren't you worried that you won't be able to get a good honor?" Meng Butler asked.

"There is nothing that can be obtained easily, just work hard. If I can get it, it means my strength is strong. If I can't get it, it means my strength is not enough. If it is really impossible, I will hug my thigh and get one or two things to value in the late stage of my career." The honor is also a very normal thing!" Zheng Qi laughed.

"Master, you are sarcastic again..." Butler Meng replied.

"Really? You think too much, Uncle Meng, you really think too much. If you say it like this, you won't be able to speak anymore. Everything you say can be analyzed as satire." Zheng Qi waved his hand, no Careful to say.

"Master, it's good to talk about these things in private, don't say too much outside, otherwise, it is easy to cause some disputes." Meng Butler persuaded.

"Well, I will remember. I really want to quickly upgrade to level [-] and then enter the mythical area. There will be more top players there, right?" Zheng Qi said with some fascination.

"There are indeed a lot of good players in the mythical area, and professional players often appear, and the elite groups of the big guilds are basically composed of former professional players. The overall level is much higher than that of the ordinary area." Meng Butler ordered nod.

"I don't know when I will be able to reach level 45. It's only level [-] now." Zheng Qi sighed.

"Don't worry, all kinds of hero materials also need to be accumulated. Only after the hero is upgraded to the top level can he have better effects. You have to adapt to such changes." Meng Butler thought for a while: "Generally speaking , You will be able to enter the mythical zone in seven or eight months, and at your speed, it may only take half a year."

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