football era

Chapter 153

"In the last two carnivals, we have won 58 bosses. If this continues, I'm afraid that each of us will get hundreds of extra attribute points. By then, even if we're a little bit poor in operation, we will be able to become professional players. Alright, let's form a team and go to the professional competition!"

After reuniting with other people in the game the next day, Zheng Qi said on a whim.

"... Just ten of us, going to the professional competition? I'm not confident in our ability, but the competition requires eleven people. With our strength, it may not be a big deal to enter the first division, but the top league It should be more difficult." Heart in Wandering was startled, and said cautiously.

Xinyi is a little concerned about Zheng Qi's "poor operation". It is obvious that the four of them belong to the category of "poor operation". , although he doesn't know the level of operation of professional players, but judging from the professional games he usually watches, many professional players may not be as good as the two of them-of course, this is also due to the fact that it is not difficult for people to take on tasks.

Among the others, the newly added dynamic light wave is precise in operation, rich in theoretical knowledge, and his level is quite good. Turning over and meeting is at the level of a professional player. Although he is a newcomer, his talent has been outstanding from the beginning. With time mixed with them, the operation level can be said to have improved by leaps and bounds. Even Su Jing, who can only be regarded as the bottom of their team at the beginning, and whose operation level is only slightly better than the two old men outside the fog and the wind with the breeze, is also She is advancing steadily, her way of advancing is not obvious, but quite stable.

The four of them were originally the mainstay of the team, but now, they have become the bottom of the team.

Therefore, although Xinyi is a little concerned, she also knows that what Zheng Qi said is true, but things like impacting professional competitions...

It's good to hug your thighs, but it's not so good to hug your thighs so that you can't even move them.

Xinyi is a person with self-respect.

"Even if we can stabilize in the first division league, it doesn't make much sense... Among the 24 first division teams now, none of the teams has enough income, and they all rely on the subsidy of the group behind. Compared with the Super League, The income of a first-tier team is not enough to support the operation of a club, this point, I think it is very clear." After thinking about it, Xin said.

Fu Lei nodded: "Our club... the sky club has always been like this, the situation is not very good, because the backstage boss has no money, so the support has been very hard, and the two hits in the Super League failed, this year it has become more and more difficult It's difficult."

When he said this, Fu Lei's voice did not fluctuate, but his mood was extremely agitated.

The reason is very simple. After firing Fu Lei and a group of players who were unable to meet the requirements, and pooled funds to buy a few super-level players, not only did the sky not be able to soar into the sky, but it was struggling in the next league. Now one-third of the schedule has passed, not only have they not been able to enter the promotion zone, but they have fallen below the top ten. From any point of view, they will not be able to enter the super arena this year.

Although he has already left the sky, Fu Lei's feelings for the sky will not be indifferent. He has no choice but to leave the sky, but he also hopes that after he leaves the sky, the sky will become better.

However, the sky did not get better.

This made him feel a little gloomy.

"The Super League and the First Division are two different worlds. As long as the teams of the Super League can stay in the Super League, their income will definitely increase steadily, because this is the most popular league in the world right now. But What about the first-level teams? Their income is relatively very low, and they need blood transfusions, but the income of the players is fixed. There are currently 24 first-tier teams, and at least a dozen of them have blood transfusions from big consortiums behind them. Those big consortiums are all loyal fans of these teams when they are young, so they donate blood at any cost..." Fu Lei Some helplessly said, this can be regarded as the tragedy of the sky, they do not have such a background, and the economy has always been poor...

"So even if we can enter the first class, if we can't enter the Super League, it is meaningless." Xin Yi finally said.

"I just have an idea, but I really don't think we can't enter the Super League. As long as we have such a way to create characters, we can recruit a group of outstanding players in the new area. If we work hard, there is no chance Zheng Qi waved his fist: "We don't need to find those very talented guys, ordinary echelon players are fine, as long as they are willing to be with us, the temptation of powerful characters is great. There is such a team Team, as long as we are lucky, we will be able to enter the Super League, and then we will be able to gain a foothold and succeed!" Zheng Qi waved his hand and said very boldly.

My heart was wandering for a moment, and then I started to calculate quickly.

That's right, it's true that they can't recruit top professional players, but what about ordinary ones?It's not that there are no super teams or even first-tier teams. Every year, there are many second-team players who can't become members of the first-team. The outstanding ones will find a place in the lower leagues, while the more average ones have no good places to go.

With Zheng Qi's current reputation in District 108, if they can create a group of powerful characters this year, it will be a live advertisement. There will definitely be young players who are excited and willing to join the Extraordinary Guild!

In the next year, they will attack the First Division League, and newcomers will create accounts in the new area. After another year, they will most likely form a strong team and then enter the Super League!
Thinking of this, Xin Zai Wandering began to feel that what Zheng Qi said was indeed feasible, but soon, the dynamic light wave gave them a basin of cold water.

"This, old Ren, you may be wrong."

"What's wrong?" Zheng Qi was taken aback.

"This time we are able to do so well because we are very particular about how we draw aggro. Where to fight is under my command. According to some kind of biased guidance, we can better aggro the boss." Dynamic light wave is very embarrassed to say.

"What do you mean?" Zheng Qi vaguely remembered that when the dynamic light wave was fighting for the boss with others, it would constantly command the output to hit which direction, but those directions seemed very mixed, could there be any rules?
"There are rules." The dynamic light wave nodded: "According to the information collected by our Academy of Sciences over the years, some boss hatred points will not generate the same hatred as long as they are hit. In fact, if they are hit in a certain way Different parts can produce the greatest hatred points. This is very complicated to say, different parts, different skills, the hatred points generated are different. Our Academy of Sciences has studied this for a long time, and only then has some superficial research. The ones that are really sure are these low-level bosses, and we can't grasp the higher-level ones very well."

"That is to say, there may not be such a good thing in the future?" Zheng Qi was taken aback.

Dynamic Lightwave nodded: "I'm not very sure about the next boss, at most it can give us some advantages, but we won't grab so many."

"That's it... It seems that we still have to choose which club to join..." Zheng Qi sighed: "Oh, I thought we could create a new piece of history!"

"What new history?" The others froze for a moment.

"A super club formed by a grassroots guild! Isn't this unprecedented?" Zheng Qi asked.

"Boss, you think too much. The early professional clubs were all formed by grassroots guilds. Otherwise, where did the professional clubs come from in the first place? The earliest professional leagues were all the guild teams in the mythical area. Six teams became Super League teams, and then slowly expanded to the current scale." Xin Yi said helplessly.

"Really? But there must be no such existence now!" Zheng Qi was still stubborn.

"It's true that there hasn't been any in recent decades." Heart is wandering and nodding. When a league starts to stabilize, it is the most difficult time for grassroots forces to gain space. League teams exist, but even such teams have operated for a period of time in amateur competitions, formed a guild with decent strength, and then received capital injections to enter the first division. After operating for a period of time, they accumulated strength and rushed to the super- — This is the most normal process.

The stronger and more stable the league is, the more difficult it is for a team to form a team and then be promoted to three levels in a row to become a super team.

"It's a pity, it's a pity. From this point of view, we can only continue to fight. Xiao Dong, shouldn't you study more about the new methods of dealing with bosses?" Zheng Qi still didn't give up.

"It's useless for me to research it. This style of play needs a commander." The dynamic light wave shrugged.

"Isn't it enough to teach a commander to come out?" Zheng Qi asked.

"Then you need to tell the other party all the details in detail, so you are not afraid that this method of operation will spread? At that time, it will be time to fight for basic skills. How can a grass-roots team like ours beat those big clubs?" Dynamic Guangbo asked back.

"Uh, I haven't considered this question..." Zheng Qi was embarrassed.

"So, it's fine for us to take advantage of it, don't think about taking advantage of it continuously, we still have an advantage in the next boss competition, make our characters stronger, and we can find a good job in the future, At that time, maybe we will also be able to form a top-level combination to challenge for the world champion and five-time champion!" Dynamic Guangbo said with a smile.

"Well, Xiaodong's words, I love to hear." Zheng Qi nodded seriously: "Then let's start towards a new record! Although our level is already behind, but the first among the three team copies One, you can still fight for it."

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