football era

Chapter 147 Opening a New Era

After staying for a few seconds, everyone came back to their senses and realized how inappropriate their daze just now was—if the boss didn't die, and a sweep, the elite team would definitely be wiped out.

But it's hard to say, Meng Butler knew that the boss was going to die, so he said such a paragraph.

To usher in a new era?

It's a very simple sentence, but Zheng Qi and the others, even if they haven't watched a professional game before, know the weight of this sentence.

The development and transformation of a sport is actually not easy.

Take the world football a hundred years ago as an example. Since the rise of modern football, in fact, in the full 100 years, the progress and changes of football have not been particularly great.

Although every ten years or so, there is an epoch-making change. For example, the rise of the WM formation means that modern football has begun to have a formal prototype. The rise of the four forwards has thrown the WM formation into the pile of old papers. Tactics, free agent tactics... The rise of a tactic has pushed the level of modern football a big step forward, but that kind of change is still slow after all.

It wasn't until the turn of the century that the overall level and progress of modern football exploded—the world entered the information age, making it more convenient to obtain information and communicate with each other. Under such circumstances, the innovation of tactics began to stop. Taking the previous ten or even 20 years as a generation, but counting the number of years, a certain tactic that appears invincible in a short period of time is often broken by people after only one or two years.

Compared with decades ago, the IQ of modern people has not improved significantly, but it is easier to obtain information, which makes it easier for them to introduce new ones - behind closed doors, they may build that car for a lifetime, and they can always get the latest Information, maybe a hundred cars with continuous improvement have been built, that's the reason.

But this does not apply to the Football Era - the foundation of the Football Era is global participation, and everyone gets the same information. If you figure out something, someone will be able to figure out something better immediately. Under such circumstances In fact, in the first 20 years of the Football Era, that is, before the establishment of the Football Era Professional League, the competition method between the top players of the Football Era has been fixed.

Every professional player can perform at various levels on the court. He can slow down the opponent, interfere with the opponent, and block the opponent. Anyway, he uses all methods to send the ball into the opponent's goal, and at the same time prevent the opponent from scoring. The method has not changed much from the previous professional football, except that mutual fighting is allowed, more like the fusion of football and rugby.

The powerful character attributes of the players and the setting of the ability to use hero skills make the game more exciting. To use an inappropriate analogy-like gods or superheroes, when they can attack each other, they will fight against each other. Just like a football game, if you compete in a way that surpasses human physique, can the level of the game be exciting?
The geographical environment of various random maps maximizes the uncertainty of the game. The game rules of the football era can be said to have reached the limit of competitive sports.

It is precisely because of this that the football era has become the world's number one sport in the true sense, a national sport.

But in terms of rules and essence, the changes are not big.

Therefore, in the seven or 80 years since the establishment of the professional league in Football Era, the way of competition has not changed significantly, which shows how difficult it is to create a new era.

At this moment, Meng Butler threw out this statement lightly, how could he not surprise others.

"Eras also have big eras and small eras. Changes in the way of moving, not to mention earth-shaking changes, at least not small changes, will happen." Meng Butler continued.

The others "cut" at the same time, a small change...but the small change is also amazing!

"The speed of movement will be reflected in the professional arena. The pace of the game will be accelerated. At the same time, the use of the map and the killing of opponents will be more valued. In the past, killing opponents was random and not It will be specially targeted, knock out the gaps, and then continue to snipe the opponent. Creating opportunities for the player with the ball is the most important thing, but in the case of accelerated movement, killing those small gaps exposed by the opponent is also very important It is enough for the offensive side to bring a lore chance. At the same time, when the ball is dead, the side that moves faster will have a better chance to find the refresh point of the football, thus creating more offensive opportunities." Meng Butler moved while Say it to everyone.

"The impact is actually not that great. The use of maps and tactics by professional players has reached a limit. Most of the time, it's the individual's operation level and overall deployment that matter." Yixin Xiangfei said a long series of words.

"That's right, but the overall speedup will definitely make the game better, the competition more intense, and the outcome more unpredictable. Under such circumstances, all competition will expand into the game, and the competition in the game Only in this way can there be a real change." Meng Butler smiled slightly.

"The acceleration of the elite team...will the competition in the carnival be more intense?" the dynamic light wave asked after thinking about it.

Butler Meng nodded: "At that time, no one will occupy the territory, and the competition will be more chaotic and more intense. Under such circumstances, the one who stands out must have the most stable psychological factors, the best operational ability, and The guy with the best luck. There won’t be any balance in robbing the BOSS. If you’re lucky, your character will be extremely powerful. If you’re unlucky, your character will be mediocre.”

Speaking of this, Meng Butler sighed quietly: "At that time, the four-digit attribute point account that is considered impossible to break through, I'm afraid it will appear."

Thousands of attribute point accounts?

This sounds really scary. Back then, Meng Feifan was only close to [-] points, and now the most powerful character, Lu Xiaotian, is less than [-] points.

The more powerful the characters are, the more intense the competition will be. There must not be too many players who can get such top-level characters—very simple, if a district could produce a hundred accounts with around 750 points a year , so now there may only be ten accounts with 750 points, and the rest can only issue ten accounts with [-] points.

In this way, the gap between top players and ordinary players will widen, and will the era of football officially enter the age of stars?
If you look at it this way, it is indeed a big change and transformation!
"No, no, it won't be so big, and the number of ordinary players will not change, but on this basis, it is an inevitable trend to have more star players, and it is the lucky ones among ordinary players. , I'm afraid there will be very few of them." Butler Meng smiled slightly.

Everyone was stunned.

The relative number of professional players is relatively rare, not just because there are not so many powerful characters in a new district - in fact, counting a new district, there are at least one or two thousand professional-level accounts that can reach or exceed [-] attribute points. There may even be tens of thousands, but the acquisition of attribute points is too accidental and random. Many accounts that are qualified to play professional are owned by ordinary players, so it is a waste-an ordinary player with an average operation level, even if the shit luck Going to the extreme and getting an account with [-] attribute points, he can't beat Lu Xiaotian, or even any ordinary professional player with [-] attribute points.

For this point, Fu Lei has a deep understanding. He has been playing for ten years, and the highest account is only more than 670 points. Every time he finishes playing in the new area, he can always see many ordinary people who are lucky. Players showed off their power with accounts with more than 700 points or even [-] points, which made Fu Lei want to vomit blood.

Now that the speed is increased, the competition among professional players will intensify, and many powerful characters that were unimaginable before will be added. At the same time, the luck of ordinary players will probably be reduced-there will be more professions in the new area that cannot get powerful accounts. Joining players will increase the proportion of professional players. Under such circumstances, although there will still be many professional players who are as unlucky as Fu Lei, in terms of proportion, the overall number of professional players will not decrease.

This change is to widen the gap between top players and ordinary players, not to reduce the number of ordinary players.

"If this accumulation continues, there will be drastic changes. The number of top players will also increase... The level of professional competition in the entire football era may leap to a higher level. You say, your level How big of a change can a new way of moving bring about?" Meng Butler finally said to the dynamic light wave with a smile.

"I now have a sacred sense of making history." Dynamic Guangbo said.

Everyone laughed.

"But such a change can't happen immediately, right?" Yixin Xiangfei asked.

"Of course, this is a relatively long process. The specific operation of the mobile method may have been studied by all clubs within a year. At the same time, after it is shown in the World Series, other clubs will follow up quickly. However, The impact on the overall professional game will be a gradual process, which makes people feel unconscious. However, maybe ten years later, when everyone looks back, they realize that in the past ten years, professional games have accomplished so much. Transformation. And this kind of transformation started from this day, when Xiaodong came up with this method of movement." Meng Butler said with a pious attitude.

His attitude made others involuntarily serious.

"Xiaodao, what do you think?" Fu Lei deliberately asked Chaotic Kuangdao.

"The feeling of participating in history makes my blood boil involuntarily!" Chaotic Knife said seriously.

"Then we have to work harder to grab the BOSS, and at least make our account stronger, otherwise, we will easily be eliminated by other up-and-comers!" Zheng Qi waved his fist ,speak loudly.

"That's right, we want to be the first batch of challengers! Challenge the current top level of the league and usher in a new era!" Others shouted, waving their fists.

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