football era

Chapter 146 The Value of Moving Methods

Less than half a minute after Zheng Qi and the others took the boss away, Liu Shibo, Wu Xun and others appeared where the boss was originally.

"It was a step too late, they took the boss away." Wu Xun said regretfully.

"There are no signs of them around. According to our calculations, it is impossible for them to advance so fast." Liu Shibo frowned.

"Yes, it will take a while to open the boss." Wu Xun said.

"Then there is only one possibility. They drove the BOSS on the top of the mountain and drove the BOSS directly to the other side of the mountain. That's why we can't see the BOSS or their figures." Liu Shibo said decisively.

"There are five mountains here, except for the one we went around, there are four more." Wu Xun sighed.

"So let's pick one at random. The success rate of 20.00% five is not high, but we have to try it." Liu Shibo replied.

"Isn't it too untechnical to do this?" Wu Xun was very dissatisfied with Liu Shibo's way of relying on fate.

"Oh, so what is technical?" Liu Shibo laughed.

"The direction of their coordinates just now is directly in front of us, and there happens to be a hill here. The possibility of them directly opening monsters on this hill is much higher than other hills." Wu Xun said with certainty.

"Didn't they think of this? The correct approach should be to look for one on the hills on both sides of this hill, and it is very likely to increase the probability to 50.00%." ​​Liu Shibo replied.

"But since they are so good, they should be able to think that we can guess this point, so keeping it as it is will easily make us make mistakes in judgment." Wu Xun argued again.

"Are we going to play a game of deduction, inference and inference?" Liu Shibo smiled wryly. It's easier to get into a corner at this time. The reason why he proposed to choose a random one to rush over to have a look is based on this reason.

There are patches of jungle outside the mountain bag. You can't see everything in front of you by standing on the mountain bag. If you drill into the woods, you won't see any traces.

The only way is to walk down the mountain and check the ground for traces of battles—this is actually very difficult to operate, because during the carnival, there is almost no piece of land that has not been fought. Although the traces of battles are new and old, but It takes time to distinguish.

If you miss one and want to find another one, the other party probably has established a stable hatred and started to export violently. Even if you find it by then, it will only be a wedding dress for others.

"Listen to me, it must be here." Wu Xun said with certainty.

This is also a way for him to build up his prestige. Anyway, no one will blame him if he says something wrong. If he hits the right note, he will at least become stronger in the impression of others. This is what Wu Xun needs.

"Then let's listen to you." Liu Shibo sighed. There is no point in entangled with such a problem. Picking one at random will not be more reliable than listening to Wu Xun's analysis.

At that moment, a group of people began to move quickly towards the mountain. After reaching the top of the mountain, no traces were found.

After descending the mountain, he soon entered a jungle. In the jungle, Wu Xun began to search the ground carefully, but the more he searched, the uglier his face became.

There are traces of the battle, but it is obvious that it is definitely not the trace of what happened just now.

"Go back and change to another hill." Liu Shibo didn't say much, and led the others to rush back again.

When they returned to the top of the mountain, another group of people had already appeared down the mountain.

The elite team of Star Rain Club.

"Why, have you already killed the boss?" the other party asked knowingly.

"I didn't kill it. I was taken away by Ren Pingsheng's team. I don't know what direction it is. We have already explored here, and there are still three directions to explore." Liu Shibo replied lightly, and then took Wu Xun and the others rushed to a hill on the left.

The other party was stunned for a moment, he was not sure whether Liu Shibo said that on purpose, but soon he decided to believe Liu Shibo - the other party didn't need to lie to him at this time.

Liu Shibo and others reappeared at the foot of the hill on the left, and began to search for traces on the ground—this time Wu Xun's face became even more ugly, and the remaining traces clearly proved that just now, there was a battle here!

The ground of the hill is very solid, and even Yan Liang's carriage can't make any traces. However, the ground at the foot of the mountain is different, the ground is relatively soft. At this time, several deep wheel marks are showing on the ground, as if Like laughing at Wu Xun.

Ren Pingsheng and the others headed in this direction with the boss.

And here was the direction that Liu Shibo had randomly chosen for the first time.

If he chose to catch up from here at that time, he should have caught up now, right?
And I just pointed to another place, causing the team to delay at least 1 minute. This 1-minute buffer is enough for Ren Pingsheng's team to establish a sufficient advantage over the boss...

"Rush forward, pay attention to the traces on the ground." Liu Shibo didn't say anything else, but directed the whole team to move forward.

Liu Shibo's performance made Wu Xun even more humble.

He led the way ahead, distinguishing the traces along the way, and soon, after advancing for a certain distance, the faint sound of fighting reached their ears.

After hearing this voice, Liu Shibo led the whole team and began to advance quickly, and then saw Zheng Qi and others besieging the boss...

Seeing Liu Shibo and others coming out of the woods, Zheng Qi and the others not only didn't panic, but Zheng Qi rolled over after an output, and while recovering his stamina, he raised his hand to them in a leisurely manner, and slapped them call.

Of course there is a reason for being so calm - without looking carefully, Liu Shibo can tell that the BOSS's blood volume has dropped by more than 70.00% at this moment, which is less than [-]% of the blood volume.

In this case, if you want to get the boss back, you have to do one thing - that is to wipe out Zheng Qi and his team, and then you can clear the hatred of the boss...

But can this be done?

Wu Xun looked a little eager to try, but Liu Shibo raised his hand to stop their impulse—destroy Ren Pingsheng's team—sounds very good, but what?Ren Pingsheng and Yixin want to fly are both very strong players, and the others are not vegetarians. It may not be difficult to defeat them, but it is more difficult to kill them all.

What's more, in this process, the boss may have been killed by them, and they will not be able to grab the boss, and they will add some unnecessary hatred-it is necessary to fight for the boss, but if they kill people intentionally, then it is unnecessary. They all keep their heads down and don't see them up. To do this is to violate the unspoken rules.

So after seeing Zheng Qi greeting him, Liu Shibo didn't let go of a fart. After nodding, he led the people away.

The reason for leaving is simple, in another place, another BOSS has been refreshed.

Instead of entanglement here, it is better to grab another BOSS. The place where the new BOSS will be spawned is not far away. These three teams can participate in the competition. Now that Ren Pingsheng and the others are entangled by the BOSS, they are naturally lagging behind in the competition. With fewer opponents, they are more likely to obtain that boss.

"They're gone." Chaotic Knife said in the team channel.

"Going is the right thing to do. Even if the BOSS is not refreshed, they still have to go. It's pointless to stay." Xin Zai Wai said with a smile.

"Yeah, unfortunately, this will refresh the BOSS, we can grab one less." Zheng Qi said.

"Boss, you learn very quickly, so you won't be a drag on us any longer!" Chaotic Knife said cheerfully while outputting.

"In the case of PVE, of course it is simpler. When it comes to PVP, it may not be so simple, so you have to work hard to adapt. The way of movement and the routine of attracting hatred can only be regarded as the basics. In such a routine, learn to adapt to the situation. Only then can we truly bring out our advantages in robbing the boss." Meng Butler said.

"You mean, what we're practicing now is just the way to fight the boss?" Dynamic Guangbo was taken aback.

"Of course, no matter how powerful the boss's movement and fighting methods are, there are still rules that can be found. The movement method you came up with is not that the top players in the professional arena can't think of it, but that their focus is not here. Their opponents are human beings whose operation precision is no less than that of the system, and who are especially superior in being unmeasurable. Although your method requires a lot of detailed information and research on the characteristics of bosses and monsters, as long as the big clubs are willing to invest enough It can still be inferred." Meng Butler saw the dissatisfaction in the words of the dynamic light wave, and couldn't help laughing.

"No way?" Dynamic Guangbo asked.

"Let's see, in the next one or two years, all the clubs will figure it out. With everyone else starting to study, no club dares not to study this matter." Butler Meng smiled slightly.

"Is it so worthless that what I have finally researched is so worthless?" Dynamic Guangbo was very sad.

"It's not worthless. In fact, the thing you've researched is likely to lead an era, a brand new era." Meng Butler said lightly.

Just when he uttered the last word, the BOSS was finally wiped out of the last ounce of blood by the onslaught of Zheng Qi and others, let out an unwilling roar, and then fell to the ground, bursting out a lot of material potions, and every An extra attribute point that everyone will have.

The elite team was happiest when the boss exploded, because it meant that their hard work had paid off. However, at this time today, everyone was not happy, but looked at Butler Meng blankly, incomparably shocked .

If it wasn't for the fact that the BOSS had already died, based on their shock at this moment, they would have been wiped out if the BOSS went berserk.

Fortunately, the boss has already hung up, otherwise, even Zheng Qihe, who wanted to fly, would have fallen into a sluggish state at this moment...

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