football era

Chapter 126 Termination of Alliance

"Have you been robbed of the boss?"

Nan Wuxin suddenly received a message from Zheng Qi.

Nan Wuxin was taken aback for a moment, and then flew into a rage.

"Did you snatch the BOSS in our core area?" Nan Wuxin asked angrily: "You have all four areas, why are you still not greedy enough? It is really deceiving to rob the BOSS in our core area..."

Just when he was about to curse endlessly, Zheng Qi's words interrupted his typing.

"Ours was robbed too."

Seeing this sentence, Nan Wuxin was stunned, and then all her anger disappeared suddenly, and she still felt like laughing...

Of course, Nan Wuxin knew that her mentality was wrong. After all, her boss was also robbed, so what's there to be happy about?
However, Nan Wuxin felt a little happy when he saw Ren Pingsheng and his gang who had never suffered a loss suffered the same loss as himself.

"The IDs of the team members are..."

Zheng Qi mentioned the ID names of the team members. Not joining the guild means that there is no guild ID above the head, but after the twentieth level, the ID names cannot be hidden. If you can't even see the ID names of the other party, you can only It means that the opponent has not even reached level 20...

That's what's really impossible.

These ten IDs are very unfamiliar, and they are all messed up. At first glance, it is obvious that the IDs were created without intention, and they may have been typed out casually.

"Well, it's this group of people." Comparing with the news from our side, Nan Wuxin said with certainty.

"That means not only our two families were robbed, let's ask other people." Zheng Qi said.

The two went to the guild leader's discussion group to ask, and sure enough, the bosses refreshed by several guilds in the core area were all robbed by the same group of people. There have been such news since the morning, but they were all digested internally and did not say it out. That's all.

After comparing each other, everyone was shocked to find that during the morning and noon alone, eight bosses had been robbed by this group of people.

"How could it be so fast?" Qian Cheng Wan Qi felt a little surprised, his guild was not robbed, but with the brutality of those people, it is not uncommon to be robbed of their guild, of course it must be done well Take care.

"It's possible if you don't participate in the upgrade and just move around to find it." Xi Meng said after thinking about it.

"Is this a group of guys who only want to grab bosses to get extra attribute points? Judging from this requirement, they may be professional players..."

"That's impossible. If this is the case, our club will have news."

"That is, if you are a member of a certain club, then you still need the intelligence support from the guild."

"Oh, you Changfeng didn't get robbed of the boss this time, is it your undercover agent?"

"Fart, we Changfeng won't do such sneaky things!"

The guild leaders had a discussion, but they couldn't come up with any results. In the end, they could only decide that all guilds should pay attention to the whereabouts of this group of people at the same time, and report immediately if they find anything.

The mobilization of the various guilds is naturally extremely efficient. Originally, the members of the guilds spread all over the map, brushing monsters separately, but now they just look around while brushing monsters to see if they found the team. Of course it is not difficult.

With such attention, the news will come out soon.

This team of people with messy IDs and no connotation really walked through every corner of the map at a very fast speed.

They don't spawn monsters, even if they disturb the wild monsters, they will quickly get rid of them by moving quickly. They move very regularly. Veterans can look at the map and find that their moving route can observe the entire map. All the hidden places, and at the same time, they can be regarded as professional level in terms of movement operation. The combination of various movement methods allows them to maintain faster movement and longer battery life without affecting their physical value. .

"Looking at the way they move, they're all veterans."

Zheng Qi had already left the chairman's discussion group at this time, and said to others.

"It is precisely because of the most scientific way of moving that they can always maintain their advantage in speed. Unless they happen to meet an elite team of our level, otherwise, no amount of ordinary teams trying to stop them will be useless. "Yin Xiangfei said coldly.

"Ah, if we can move like this, we won't be afraid of other guilds besieging us." Chaotic Knife had a whim.

"It's not difficult for a single person to do this. I can barely achieve this kind of movement effect now, but the whole team moves closely at the same frequency, so it's not something that can be achieved by individual efforts." Su Jing replied.

"In short, these guys are not simple, and their purpose is not clear. At least what is certain is that they are very familiar with the game, and they have a very detailed understanding of the terrain, the characteristics of bosses, etc., so they can achieve this effect. This It's not something that professional players can explain. Professional players are rich in experience and won't go into details like this." Meng Butler said affirmatively.

"What is it if you're not a professional player? A researcher?" Xin Zaizai asked with a smile.

The others laughed one after another. Ever since the game Football Era appeared, countless people have wanted to study this system that surpasses the technology of the same generation, but they have never done it.

No one can find out where the football era server is, only know that the football era signal is everywhere, as long as you can enter the holographic cabin, you can enter the football era, this way of display is beyond the imagination of modern technology - so many players can Entering the world of football era smoothly, there has not been any inaccessible incident for so many years. New areas are opened on time every year, and it runs automatically like a complete world without any stagnation.

In the beginning, institutions from various countries continued to send scientific researchers to study the operation method and hardware location of the football era, but they never succeeded. Instead, a large number of scientific researchers who entered began to doubt the correctness of what they had learned. No one dares to think about this aspect anymore. As an indispensable entertainment venue for human beings around the world, no one will think about this game anymore.

So the researcher's statement has now become a joke, and the wandering heart is obviously a cold joke.

"Judging from the characteristics of these guys now, they really look like researchers. But they are not just against us. When they enter our area again, they will report quickly, and we will go and fight them." Zheng period said.

The others nodded one after another. It is undoubtedly an extremely rare experience to fight against such an opponent.

"The power attribute is average, but the operation is extremely precise...Su Jing, if you really meet, you have to observe the other party carefully." Meng Butler said.

Su Jing nodded. She is characterized by precise operation and strong judgment. If the other party's operation and judgment can be accurate to that level, it is really worth learning from her.

But... Is that kind of computing power that is almost at the same level as a computer really something that humans can do?

Thinking of this, Su Jing was a little at a loss.

"Don't think too much, let's talk when we meet." Zheng Qi patted Su Jing on the shoulder and said.

This was just an episode, and then the members of the Extraordinary Guild Elite Team continued to spawn monsters, waiting to fight with others to compete for the boss.This mysterious team certainly attracted the attention of many guilds, but in the eyes of many people, it was just that no one cared about such a team of people running around before. Now that the guilds are so concerned, their positions will be recognized. People keep paying attention, will something unexpected happen?
Unfortunately, however, the accident happened like this.

At the junction of Shenhua and Tianlong, a BOSS spawned.

The elite teams of both sides went to the BOSS refresh place, entered the arena and began to compete.

Just when the two sides were in a ball, a group of people rushed out from above the junction of the two sides, that is, in the area of ​​Kang Ning. Disappeared in the crowd...

"Why didn't you tell us the news?" Shenhua and Tianlong's guild bosses were very angry and went to Kang Ning's guild boss to settle accounts.

"How do we know that a boss has been refreshed?" Corning's boss asked plausibly.

The two bosses were speechless, and at this time the elite team who had finished playing the arena came out, knowing that the boss had been snatched by someone, the losing side was happy, and the winning side was furious to catch up, only to find that the other side had already run into it. Another area...

"Be careful, these guys will snatch the boss when they find the boss. When the elite team is in the arena, it's easy to be snatched away."

When this news reached the ears of all the presidents, it caused everyone to panic.

The current state of relative peace is because there is a rule to divide the boss in the arena to decide the outcome. This rule is recognized by everyone, but what about now?Even if you win, the boss may be snatched away by that team of disruptive players, so what's the point of competing?
"In the future, if you find the boss, you will kill it. If you want to fight for the boss, each depends on his ability." A guild leader roared in the discussion group.

After this shout, the former guild alliance immediately fell apart.

The relationship between them was already quite fragile, and the fear of each other formed a fragile alliance, but now, after the reality that even if they win the arena, they may not be able to grab the boss, all guilds will no longer be able to win the boss. There is also no possibility of peace of mind and sharing of interests.

Looking at the discussion group that had suddenly quieted down, Zheng Qi turned his head and said to everyone, "It's very lively now, it seems that the next step is to directly grab the boss, and whoever can grab it will get it."

"Then pass it on, our troops shrink, and we just need to occupy a piece of land. At least we will grab all the bosses in this piece of land! Whoever comes to snatch it, we will beat them back!" Meng Butler issued an order.

This was originally the advantage of the Extraordinary Guild, but it was only because of the pressure of other guilds that they accepted the division of regions. Now that such an alliance has collapsed, what the Extraordinary Guild has to do is to give full play to their greatest advantage!

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