football era

Chapter 125 The Mysterious Team

"how do you feel?"

The elite team of the Extraordinary Guild admitted defeat happily and left happily.

After Liu Shibo and the others left the arena, there was no sign of Zheng Qi and the others near the boss.

Although in theory Zheng Qi and the others would keep helping them sweep the formation, but Liu Shibo and the others didn't care - at their level, it would be too contemptuous of them to fight a low-level field boss and still sweep the formation.

While opening the monster, Liu Shibo asked Wu Xun a question.

"Others can't, Ren Pingsheng and Yixin Want to Fly... are very strong." Wu Xun replied.

Liu Shibo nodded. It was a bit difficult for him to single out Ren Pingsheng just now. Although Ren Pingsheng is not as proficient as him in terms of skill switching and other aspects, and his experience is also much worse, but in terms of operation and flexibility, he still has to rely on him. above.

However, Liu Shibo was better at defense, so it was normal for Zheng Qi to suffer a bit from Zheng Qi's flexible offense.

"If these two people have strong accounts, they will definitely be able to become the main force if they enter our southern country, and even have a chance to hit the core position." Liu Shibo commented.

Wu Xun pouted, feeling very upset.

He admitted Liu Shibo's judgment, but it was precisely because of this that he was even more upset - his goal was to become the main force in the southern country, if there were two more competitors...

"Concentrate on killing the boss." Liu Shibo said simply.

When they killed the boss, Zheng Qi and the others had already crossed this area and came to another area belonging to the Extraordinary Guild.

"Fighting against the elite team, our key is not to win. As long as we are not bad luck, the BOSS in our area alone is enough for us to fight against the quasi-professional players of the elite team. This is our goal, understand Is it? So don't talk nonsense after the fight, and go immediately to meet the next one." Meng Butler said while following them.

The others nodded one after another while digesting the shock.

For others, they are actually quite inexperienced in a head-to-head confrontation with players of this level. Although they have won such opponents before, it was in a group fight. Yuan maintained a tie, but that was because he kept running around, so when he fought head-on, he immediately began to notice the gap between himself.

With his flexible offense, he couldn't find too many opportunities in front of the opponent's solid defense, and in the opponent's offense, he seemed to be full of flaws.

Su Jing is also fighting against the opponent. During this period of time, she has been constantly training her strengths and has made rapid progress. However, when fighting against the opponent, she also quickly discovered that she could not find the opponent's flaws. It's not that the opponent can be flawless, but that the pressure she exerts is not enough to make an opponent of this level show his flaws.

"Keep working hard." Meng Butler simply said to Chaotic Knife and Su Jing.

This is not another problem, but the gap in strength and experience. Only by narrowing this gap little by little can they truly grow.

Butler Meng is very optimistic about Chaotic Knife and Su Jing. The training plan he gave, Chaotic Knife and Su Jing have been training by themselves, and their offense is also quite fast. Su Jing was originally in this elite team. The ability is considered to be at the bottom, but now it has been improved to a very high level. The output and contribution of each copy are second only to the three cores of Zheng Qi Yixin Xiangfei and Fu Lei, and the two people who are wandering in troubled times.

Zheng Qi and the others can give up all the bosses refreshed at the connection points around the four areas, as long as the members of the elite team can get enough exercise, then such giving up is definitely worth it!
The BOSS in the area is guaranteed to provide attribute points, and the BOSS at the edge of the area provides combat experience, killing two birds with one stone.

This is the carnival training that Butler Meng planned for them. Of course, this is an ideal state, and it will not be so perfect.

At noon in the carnival, Zheng Qi and the others only grabbed two bosses. They had three chances to compete on the edge, but they lost all of them. He Jing and others lost to Kang Ning's women's army led by Chang Er again, which made Kang Ning feel elated.

"It's okay, even if we grab fewer bosses this time, it won't be a loss." Zheng Qi comforted the others like this.

Others are also aware of this truth. After all, the number of BOSS competitions cannot be guaranteed. Even if the Extraordinary Guild occupies the largest area, it does not mean that the most BOSS will be refreshed within their sphere of influence, let alone the four areas It is divided into four areas, and all four areas are connected to other guild areas. Theoretically, the four areas that can be controlled by them may not be able to reach two areas.

In the fringe competition, Zheng Qi and the others gave up the boss in order to gain experience, but did they really give up?

If the normal competition method is followed, the two sides will fight for the boss while fighting, and it will be difficult for Zheng Qi and the others to win-don't look at the second carnival, they have a high winning rate in the boss fight, that's because the quasi-professional players have no advantage. It can be played out completely - there are only six heroes, how much room is there for manipulation?
Although there are only three more heroes now than before, the addition of three assassin heroes can form a leap in operation, and the advantages of quasi-professional players can be played even better under such circumstances.

Confronting them head-on and losing without temper is a proof.

What they give up is something that is difficult to obtain in the first place, and what they gain is real experience.

When noon came, the frequency of spawning monsters gradually slowed down, and players could also go offline to eat and have a rest. Zheng Qi and the others would naturally go offline to take a rest, and then go online again.

It took 10 minutes to rest offline. However, after Zheng Qi and the others went back online, they quickly got a bad news.

"Our BOSS has been robbed!" A message came from Jiangshan outside the fog.

"Is it in the connected area? Let's forget about being robbed of our offline time." Zheng Qi replied.

"No, it's the core area! An area where no other guild would send elite teams!" Wuwai Jiangshan shouted.

"Damn, no way, who is so bold?" Zheng Qi was taken aback.

"I don't know, there is no top guild name, it should be scattered people, just a small team." Wu Wai Jiangshan replied.

"Aren't we watching?" Chaotic Knife asked strangely.

"There are people, there are four teams." Wuwai Jiangshan replied.

Between the question and the answer, Wuwai Jiangshan had already rushed over, and the typed message was not careful, so he said it more clearly in person.

Soon Wuwai Jiangshan explained the matter clearly. It turned out that after Zheng Qi and the others went offline, they respawned a boss in the core area of ​​a certain area. After the players they found died, they happily respawned. , Wuwai Jiangshan happened to be nearby, so he took the four teams nearby, and did not disturb the boss, just spawned monsters near the boss, this kind of area is generally not visited by other guilds, they just need to watch That's fine.

As a result, after staying for a while, a team of people without a guild came over, pulled the hatred of the boss and ran away. Naturally, Wuwai Jiangshan and the others would not just watch each other take the boss away, and immediately began to block them everywhere, but the opponent also Instead of confronting them head-on, just run around with the boss. For some reason, every time the boss attacks, he will fall into the blocking team. While killing the extraordinary guild's team, his blood volume is constantly weakened by that team. In the end, he died, and that team quickly picked up some materials and ran away, even the members of the Extraordinary Guild couldn't catch up.

"No way, these guys are very strong."

Zheng Qi sighed, although Jiangshan Wuwai couldn't tell what the other party did, but it was obvious that the other party was quite powerful in calculations, constantly outputting, and then constantly judging the direction of the boss's attack, luring the extraordinary guild Players take the damage and play with the BOSS and the team of the extraordinary guild.

This kind of operation does not necessarily need to be very good, but it requires extremely powerful computing power and momentum-building ability.

"Is it the Street Attackers Alliance?" Zheng Qi could only think of these people.

"No, those guys have basically registered in the guilds, so it's impossible to re-open the vest." Wu Wai Jiangshan shook his head, what Zheng Qi thought of, of course he also thought of it.

"Could it be the wild team of a certain guild?" My heart was wandering and guessing, but he quickly shook his head. There are wild teams in all major guilds, but the level cannot be so high. If there is such a high level , has already joined the elite teams of various guilds, and grabbed the boss in an open and honest manner.

"No guild's attribute bonus can do this. We can only say that they have mastered a good set of methods to control the boss." Meng Steward said suddenly.

"Yes, yes, their attacks are not outstanding. At least every time they attack the boss, although they hit the vital parts, the blood volume of the boss is not dropping fast, which means that their own attributes are just like that." Wu Wai Jiangshan nodded .

"Then there are two possibilities now. First, it is a secret weapon of a certain guild, which is responsible for grabbing additional bosses to obtain attribute points. However, the possibility of this is very small. Even if it is a big club, it is unlikely to have such a weapon. The second is a grassroots team that has mastered this method." Meng Butler said after thinking about it.

"If you really master this method, I'm afraid the entire football era will be greatly affected." Yixin Xiangfei said suddenly.

The battle for the boss has always been one of the key elements in the football era. High-level materials and hero upgrade materials are basically exploded on the boss, not to mention that there is still a certain probability that attribute points can be exploded. If there are really people who can monopolize the output of bosses, then these people will affect the pattern of professional competitions in the entire football era!

"This is a bit unimaginable." Chaos Chaos Knife said.

"It's hard to imagine, but if they rob the boss, it won't be just ours. Other guilds should have suffered similar losses." Zheng Qi replied.

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