football era

Chapter 116 Adventure

When the system news flashed across the world, all the bosses of the guild and members of the elite team hated these guys from the Extraordinary guild extremely.

"Player Ren Pingsheng, Wanting to Fly, Turning to Meet, Chaotic Crazy Sword, Heart Wandering, Xin Yi, Fox Talking and Feather, Jingying Shenbi, Still Like, Songjiang's Perch, Succeeded in the Yuci team dungeon for the first time at the end of the year , each reward attribute points two points."

This system news meant that their previous efforts were in vain—especially the elite team in the Southern Kingdom. They had already beaten Gai Nie to the brink of collapse, but they were still ahead of Zheng Qi in the end!
"These guys are simply too much!" Wu Xun couldn't help cursing, a negligence, and was knocked out by the boss.

"Hold on, don't be distracted!" Liu Shibo roared, and quickly attacked Gai Nie's scabbard, pulling the hatred back.

But he just pulled a wave, and his physical value is not good at this time, and he looks very embarrassed after pulling the hatred.

This gasp allowed Wu Xun to stabilize his position and quickly took over the hatred.

"The first brush is gone, so we are still a little behind. We still have a chance for the fifth brush." ​​Liu Shibo regained his composure, and then said to Wu Xun.

Wu Xun nodded. He knew that he had made a mistake just now, so he buried his head and began to output immediately.

At this time, the players of the Extraordinary Guild began to cheer. Their boss lived up to expectations and got the first record, and the strategy points that soon appeared in the guild also made them feel even more excited.

Although many members are not qualified to participate in the team dungeon competition, but there is a complete strategy, which means that after they reach their level, they can smoothly go to the team dungeon - the benefits of the team dungeon strategy, they have long known , in the previous team dungeon, because of the veteran belt and the complete dungeon strategy in the guild, they were basically able to finish the daily dungeon smoothly, which allowed their experience to improve much faster than ordinary players .

This itself is also one of the advantages of the guild. Although for professional players, the biggest advantage of the guild is definitely not the strategy, but for ordinary players, the team copy strategy is the most practical benefit.

After Meng Butler put the recorded strategies into the guild files, Zheng Qi and the others didn't have much rest, and continued to scan the dungeons.

Getting the first brush means that they will occupy the pole position in the five brush competitions—but it is only the pole position. In the subsequent brushing process, the focus is on who is faster and who is more efficient— In this respect, Zheng Qi and the others may not be able to compare with the elite teams of the Great Guild.

Zheng Qihe's single-minded desire to fly is of course excellent, but they are novices after all, and the others may not be veterans. In the situation where the speed and quality of dungeons must be guaranteed, the elite teams of other guilds have excellent skills. It is easier for quasi-professional players and elite players selected from thousands of players.

"Next, we will adopt a new style of play. Only in this way can we be faster than other teams." After entering the instance, Meng Butler said to everyone.

"New style of play?" Everyone was taken aback.

Didn't this just clarify the details of the dungeon?Can come up with a new style of play so quickly?That's great!
"It's a low-level dungeon after all..." Meng Butler replied.

Regarding this, the others looked at each other in blank dismay, and could only choose to believe it. After all, Butler Meng never told lies. Since he said there was a way, there must be a way.

"For ordinary players, when crossing the moat, they can choose to walk directly into the river, destroy the mobs in the river first, and then go to besiege the boss, but fighting in the water is different from fighting on land. It is only suitable for experienced players, we may not have much experience in water warfare." Meng Butler said.

The others nodded one after another. They are all newcomers. Water combat requires experience and adaptability. In this regard, they may not be comparable to an ordinary experienced player.

"This is where you need to practice, but now is not the time for practice. What we have to do is to contain the three little monsters in the water on the bridge alone, and then the others will focus on dealing with the No. [-] boss and solve it as soon as possible." Meng Butler Then he said: "This kind of operation must be adopted by those elite teams, because it can better play their level."

"In this case, we won't have any advantage in time." Zheng Qi said after thinking about it.

"In the first stage, what we need to ensure is not to be opened up by the opponent." Meng Butler replied.

The others nodded one after another. Since they can use their operational advantages here, they will naturally use them.

The whole team began to move forward quickly, and when they came to the middle of the bridge, as expected, three mobs started to sneak attack at the same time.

"Others rush forward, you stay when we meet!" Butler Meng shouted.

Fu Lei nodded. With his technique, he can naturally entangle the three mobs very well when he has the advantage of the terrain.

With Fu Lei involved, the others began to rush forward quickly. When they reached the bridge, only Zheng Qi and Lu Lisujing were left to confront the No. [-] boss head-on. .

This kind of terrain is actually easier to attract attention. Zheng Qihe wanted to fly and kept pulling the hatred of the boss one after another, while the others began to output desperately.

In less than 2 minutes, the boss fell to the ground helplessly. Under the command of Butler Meng, Fu Lei began to retreat towards the bridge, luring the three mobs to the ground. The others rushed forward and divided into three groups to attack in turn. Soon all will be wiped out.

"Ahead, there are four mobs on the left and right, half at a time, kill them quickly." Butler Meng continued to command.

For other elite teams, in this situation, they often choose to fight while walking, leading the monsters to the direction of other monsters, and then destroy these monsters before entering the hatred point of other monsters, which requires strong control And operational ability, they are more particular about the details, Zheng Qi and the others can't do this kind of attention, so Meng Butler simply used the simplest and rude method, first kill these monsters.

After a hard fight, the two teams of monsters were wiped out again. Zheng Qi and the others began to accelerate forward. They already knew the refresh points of the next few monsters, and the direction of progress was very clear.

"Go directly to the street." Butler Meng gave such instructions.

"No way, give up the No. [-] boss?" Xin Zai Wandering couldn't help asking in surprise.

"No, when we are advancing on the long street, the No. [-] BOSS will be alarmed. According to the setting, the No. [-] BOSS belongs to one of Ge Nie's personal guards. It will quickly move in this direction, and at the same time it will drive All the mobs are moving towards the thatched cottage." Butler Meng laughed.

"Boss, this is playing with fire." Xin Yi muttered.

"That's right, it's playing with fire, but it can shorten the distance we move and take advantage of our output." Butler Meng smiled slightly: "Before the No. Monsters in the streets."

"Fight hard, there are mobs, let's go out one by one to get involved, and the rest of them will focus on a certain one, and kill them as soon as possible!" Zheng Qi said loudly.

If it is based on the map, then it is troublesome to find monsters one by one, but now it is troublesome for monsters to come to them on their own initiative...

Of course there are advantages, it can save time to the greatest extent, as for the disadvantage, if the speed of eliminating mobs is not as fast as the speed of mobs coming, then they may be drowned alive by the mobs who are rushing over.

Now there are still fifty little monsters and eight elite monsters. If they swarm up, no matter how strong they are, they will have to be wiped clean.

This method is to see how fast they can eliminate the mobs.

After crossing the long street, two mobs appeared.

Yixin wanted to fly and entangled one, and the others began to line up to set fire to the other one.

The mob persisted for ten seconds, then died with a scream, but at this moment, two mobs had rushed behind him.

"Crazy Sword, meet up, come on!" Meng Butler commanded, Chaotic Crazy Sword and Fu Lei respectively entangled the two new mobs. that only.

From here, we can see the level of wanting to fly - he not only entangled the little monster, but also reduced the blood volume of the little monster by attacking, which made the little monster burn for five days. Seconds later, with the same scream, he hung up directly.

"If it's moving, our focus fire can't be so perfect..." Yixin Xiangfei thought in his heart.

The next thing that appeared was an elite monster, Zheng Qihe Yixinxiangfei didn't say much, Zheng Qifei entangled the elite monster, Yixinxiangfei started to join the ranks of besieging mobs.

"Yes, the rhythm is well grasped, continue." Meng Butler shouted in satisfaction.

Regular output in place, Zheng Qi's team is no worse than any elite team, and may even be higher. After all, their attribute points are stronger than other players, but in the case of output while moving , they lack experience in this area, and they are prone to mistakes. Even if they can still pass the level, there is a high possibility that some teammates will die during this period-it doesn't matter if they die, but if they die, they will not get the record of five brushes. Can only come back tomorrow...

So they can only choose this risky way.

Butler Meng made such a request, which is very risky in itself. After all, monsters are constantly coming out, and they also have high requirements for their output, cooperation, and stability of mentality. The only advantage is that this is their own strength. possess the qualities.

Now it seems that the effect is quite good, at least at this time, the effect is very good, as long as there are not six or seven monsters appearing in one go, they can quickly wipe out all the monster groups that are less than four, including elite monsters !

"This is also a very important test for you..." Meng Butler thought silently in his heart.

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