football era

Chapter 115 Control Field

"Mr. Meng is still a bit biased for letting our boss get in."

When he wanted to fly into the thatched cottage, Xinyi couldn't help thinking in his heart.

But it turned out that he was overthinking. Just after he entered the thatched cottage, he immediately sent a message on the team channel.

"There are only BOSS in the hut, be careful!"

Only bosses?What about the remaining two elite monsters?

Just as the others were taken aback, Zheng Qi and Fu Lei had already made their moves in time.

Fu Lei used the second skill of Guo Jin's hero card to counter charge, and rushed directly to Xin Yi who was standing there, knocking Xin Yi away, and Xin Yi flew two meters away, and his physical value dropped a bit , but Xinyi didn't have any opinion at all, because when he flew out, he saw a sword light soaring into the sky from where he was originally standing!

This is obviously a sneak attack by an elite monster, or a sneak attack directly at the vital point. If you get caught unprepared, it is normal to be instantly killed.

It doesn't matter if he dies, the first record is gone, that's the key event.

But Zheng Qi no longer has similar skills that can ram his teammates, but under such circumstances, he has shown his familiarity with the skills of using the Caesar hero card. Using the ultimate move, the sacred oath, he and the attacked The troubled times and crazy knives shrouded together.

Chaotic Crazy Knife had no time to dodge, and he was hit in the gut, but his physical strength only dropped by half. At the same time, Zheng Qi's physical strength also dropped by half.

In addition to blessing the entire team, the sacred oath also has a setting that if it is only shared with one of the teammates, then both parties will share the damage.

After such a setting took effect, the attack that could kill Chaos Crazy Knife in an instant, became a loss of half of the physical value of each person.

"Let's go shoulder to shoulder!" Zheng Qi shouted loudly, regardless that his stamina had dropped by half.

Yixin Xiangfei has been silent since reporting the news. He is facing the big boss Gai Nie alone in the thatched hut. No one knows how long he can last. He can only speed up to kill these two elite monsters. Then go to help bent on flying.

Originally, he thought that the final boss would be pushed smoothly, but in the end, he ran into this kind of uncertain factor, which made Zheng Qi feel a little anxious.

If it's just that the speed of advancement is slow, then it's not too urgent, but now I want to fly alone to face such a powerful BOSS, and I may die at any time. In vain.

It's really a pity that you can only get the dungeon strategy after hitting this level.

But even though he was in a hurry, Zheng Qi still kept calm enough. He didn't attack an elite monster together with Chaotic Knife, but commanded Chaos Knife to entangle an elite monster, and he and others began to besiege The remaining hapless elite monster.

Sometimes besieging monsters is not useful if there are many people, efficiency is the most important thing, but for Zheng Qi and his elite team, this kind of cooperation, as long as there is a backbone like Zheng Qi or Desire to Fly, then it will not be difficult. what's the problem.

Zheng Qi controls the field, the others hit the face with three consecutive moves, and then Fu Lei controls the field, and the remaining three follow up with the combo to face...

The land reclamation map is mainly difficult if you don't know the details of the map, but there is no special change in the strength of the monsters, and their strength will definitely play a huge role.

An elite monster fell down quickly and was beaten in the face continuously. Even if the elite monsters in the dungeon had relatively strong HP, they couldn't stand such a siege. When it came out, it was a roll immediately, rolling away from the elite monster.

After the Chaotic Crazy Knife rolled away, the onslaught of others caught up again...

It took less than 30 seconds to eliminate the two elite monsters one after the other, and during this time, the name that wanted to fly was still in the ranks of the team.

"Good job Lao Fei! We're ready to go in!"

Zheng Qi shouted, and then sent a "I'm here" message on the team channel, and entered the thatched cottage first.

After Zheng Qi entered, he happened to see that Yi Xin Xiangfei, who was about to lose his blood, used the Krasu hero card, and then a very accurate money greed fell on the boss's head...

His stamina regained more than half of it in a blink of an eye.

"It's beautiful, but it's been almost a minute, and the boss hasn't lost any blood. You can't perform well." Zheng Qi said while praising.

He wanted to fly and ignored him, but if he really wanted to, he would be pissed to death—if it weren’t for the boss’s skills and characteristics, there would be no new changes in the dungeon. He is also very familiar with Ge Nie’s characteristics, and constantly If he was dodging around, he would have died long ago, and this bastard Zheng Qi is still talking sarcasticly...

The boss of the team copy is not something that anyone can deal with. The boss has a huge amount of blood, powerful attack power, and unreasonable skill characteristics. As one of the three assassin heroes, Gai Nie's characteristics have long been recognized Players know that the first skill, Lunjian, can quickly move a certain distance in a certain direction, and then launch an attack. The lethality is quite good. The second skill is visual, which is a long-range attack. As a result, the three-skill sword god is an auxiliary skill, which can bring a substantial increase in attributes for up to ten seconds, bringing great explosive power to the player.

Although Gai Nie is an assassin hero, his style of play is closer to that of a combat hero. He is also the assassin hero most used by ordinary players, because it is relatively simple to use.

But changing to a BOSS, it will not be so simple. Although it is still the three skills, but when using the sword, it will act like a ghost, and when using it visually, it will be a large-scale crushing attack. It will be used when the remaining blood is rampant, which can bring a significant increase in offense and defense.

Of course, no matter how difficult the boss is, it is still a dish when facing players, but no matter how difficult it is, it is also a dish that requires ten people to work together to eat. , is already a very remarkable thing.

At this time, other people also got into the hut one after another, and they were all shocked to see Yixin Xiangfei being chased by the BOSS in a mess.

Xinyi wanted to go over to help at that time, but was stopped by Zheng Qi.

"Your boss can still support for a while, let's not worry." Zheng Qi said.

Fortunately, in the game, no one would think that Zheng Qi was going to borrow a knife to kill someone—if he borrowed a knife to kill someone, then everyone would be useless if he wanted to fly away, and Zheng Qi was not crazy.

So although Xinyi was anxious, she stopped obediently.

"Get ready, you can't swarm up like this to fight a boss."

Zheng Qi turned to Fu Lei: "Old Fei probably needs to take a rest for a while, the job of spreading hatred is just the two of us, are you confident?"

To deal with the boss, of course someone needs to hold back the hatred, but with the setting of the football era, it is unlikely that there will be a character like MT that is specially used to pull the hatred. People grab the output time to come out. Of course, if the cooperation is not tacit, the end will naturally be killed by the boss.

However, for the top players with excellent skills, if there are two people dedicated to pulling hatred, the others will be able to output well, and the efficiency and error rate will naturally be greatly reduced.

Boss hatred in Football Era has more complicated settings, but most of them use skills to attack to attract the attention of the boss, and hit the most angry part of the boss to cause hatred-these hatred points are naturally different, but after so many years After the accumulation of the boss, the players are very clear about where the hatred points of the boss are.

Attacking hatred points requires precise operations, and more importantly, players need to be able to resist the onslaught of the boss. If he wanted to take a rest, naturally Fu Lei had to step up.

"No problem." Fu Lei nodded. He didn't talk much after joining, but he was very reliable.

Hearing Fu Lei's answer, Zheng Qi stopped talking nonsense and flew up.

Yang Ye has a skill, but he is rarely chivalrous.

This is a buff skill. After buffing, the attack power and defense power have increased significantly. After charging close, Zheng Qi raised his foot, and the football under his feet flew towards the scabbard on Gai Nie's right hand.

As a sword god, he naturally regards the long sword in his hand as his life. This is what Ge Nie hates!
Sure enough, at the next moment, Gai Nie let out an angry roar, turned around and rushed towards Zheng Qi.

Zheng Qi dodged with a roll, and while he was rolling, the others had already started attacking in turn.

The volley hits the face with a series of volleys, first it was a mad knife in a chaotic world, then a wandering heart, and then a salary, three consecutive footballs hit the boss's face one after another, but Gai Nie seemed to just recognize Zheng Qi and continued to move towards him rushed over.

Seeing that he was about to catch up with Zheng Qi, Fu Lei seized the opportunity to make a move.

After the heroic charge, quickly hit Ge Nie's scabbard!
Gai Nie stopped, looked at Zheng Qi with some reluctance, and then turned around to Fu Lei.

Yixin Xiangfei took the opportunity to stop, took a gulp of medicine, and hurriedly recovered his stamina.

After recovering some of his stamina, he quickly joined the ranks of output.

Although it was only half a minute just now, it has indeed consumed a lot of his energy. Don't look at the BOSS being led by the nose now, but when he is alone, he can only dodge most of the time. , You also need to choose an attack that can be endured, so as to prevent yourself from being forced to death. It is simple to say, but the brainpower and energy consumed are quite amazing.

So at this time, he didn't think about taking over the task of field control, and quietly being a good output, that's about it.

At this point in time, the defeat of the boss is only a matter of time. It depends on whether other teams will kill the boss first during this period.

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