football era

Chapter 111 Difficulty of opening up wasteland

Zheng Qi and the others certainly didn't know that the guild bosses had been depressed all night. At 07:30 the next morning, the members of the elite team went online collectively to make final preparations before land reclamation.

The new area is a new test for players, especially the third new area, which means that in addition to the six combat heroes, the players can play three more assassin heroes.

There are still quite a few types of hero cards in Football Era, some are biased towards frontal combat, some are biased toward side assassination, some are biased towards overall planning, and some are biased towards support... It is precisely because there are so many heroes that are biased towards different types, among the professional players In the hands, countless possibilities can be displayed, making the attraction of professional competitions even stronger.

No matter how good a professional player is, he is only familiar with all the heroes. Those who are truly proficient, among the hundreds of heroes, only half of them are proficient.

For players, there is often not much emphasis on it. Many players play to level [-], and they often use those combat heroes, because they are easy to use. Stronger players will use various types of heroes in turn to achieve better results.

For the new players in the new area, the opening of the assassin area is also a test for them. The wild monsters they face are no longer those silly frontal combat monsters, but assassin monsters hiding in the shadows.

So starting from this stage, the level distance between players will gradually be widened. Those who adapt and know how to play can upgrade in the area where the level matches. Those who are not adapted can only continue to stay in the The effect of leveling in the last area is naturally not a little bit worse.

The new rest point, in the main city of Yuci on the new map, after Zheng Qi and the others appeared at the rest point, the number of people in the rest point gradually increased.

Zheng Qi looked around, and it seemed that they were all acquaintances.

Those from Nanguo, Changfeng, Tianhe, Kangning, Shenhua... Among them, there are many people who have dealt with bosses in carnivals. Of course, most of them are death squads among the core members of various guilds. Zheng Qi didn't know each other, nor was he familiar with their IDs.

"Actually, these guys are the backbone of the guilds. Remember their names, and you will kill them once you see them." Zheng Qi said in the team channel.

"Okay, I'll remember the name." Chaotic Knife replied.

"You're not serious, are you?" Zheng Qi was shocked.

"Of course it's just talking casually." Chaotic Knife replied.

The others burst out laughing collectively, it was rare for Zheng Qi to be so deflated.

The chat is in the team channel, so you are not afraid of being seen by others, but this kind of hilarious laughter is directly displayed in the game, and it can be heard if you are closer.

Originally, the elite teams from other guilds didn't gather around Zheng Qi and the others to listen, but they were not too far away. The group of them burst into laughter, which naturally attracted the attention of others.

"It's quite a happy smile, let's have fun!" Wu Xun said after snorting.

"Don't worry about other people." Liu Shibo said in a deep voice. This time, the elite team of the Southern Kingdom of the Carnival suffered a bit at first, but in the next two days they achieved quite good results, which belonged to the upper level of the guild's performance. The combination of quasi-professional players is considered to be the strongest in the new area. If it weren't for Zheng Qi and his group of monsters, even Changfeng and Tianhe would have a hard time suppressing them.

"They laugh so happily, do they really have the confidence to pass the test first?" Wu Xun couldn't help asking.

"I don't know, but compared with them, our advantage is obvious. We can let the death squad check out the environment before moving forward. In fact, it is not much slower. If they can still surpass us, then their operation level and cooperation ability , much better than us." Liu Shibo replied.

Wu Xun nodded. This is natural. You must know that they did not enter after resting and waiting for the Death Squad to find out the news, but entered at the same time as other teams. , Only one team will move forward, and the others will move forward according to the arrangement and reduce losses until accurate news is detected with life and sacrifice.

Under such sacrifices, every step they take can be said to be a road paved by the blood of the core members.

This kind of advance speed will not be fast, but the more the death squad advances, the faster they can advance. This kind of land reclamation is the best embodiment to measure the overall strength of a guild. Not only must there be a strong team, but also a group of brave Sacrifice can also detect core members of the terrain.

Only big guilds like them have this kind of condition, and only these big guilds can participate in the competition, and even weaker club guilds cannot participate in such games.

And what about the Extraordinary Guild?

They have a top elite team, but it is impossible for them to have such a death squad.

If they still lose the competition like this, how strong are these guys going to be?
"Actually, it can also be seen from what happened yesterday that they are not sure about the success of land reclamation." He Jing said to the two teammates around him.

"Well... If I'm sure, I won't say it in advance, but give the players a surprise, right? I will say it in advance. It shouldn't be slandering other guilds and putting gold on their guild's face. After all, this kind of thing is too ridiculous .They just want to get a vaccination in advance, so as not to lose the record and lead to instability in the army." Mi Yiran nodded.

"If you are really careful and take every step, it is normal for them to succeed in land reclamation based on their level, but it would be a bit difficult if no one is killed. Their teams are uneven in level. Ren Pingsheng and Xinxiangfei are much better. It's not bad, and the next ones are Crazy Sword in Chaos, Wandering Heart, Salary Yi, Hu Yan Luan Yu, You Ruan and Jing Ying Shen Bi are passable, and Songjiang Zhiba is much worse, it's just the player level. Zhuo Zhenjiang also put forward his own opinion.

"Yes, after one experience, they won't have a problem clearing the customs, but it's very difficult to get the records, but in this way, they can also get the dungeon strategy at the first time to strengthen the cohesion of the guild. In this regard, even if the loss Some extra attribute points are nothing." He Jing nodded: "Our competitors are still those other big guilds."

"In short, the outcome is uncertain, and we have a chance." Zhuo Zhenjiang looked very confident.

For these veterans, they certainly know that now, the competition for team dungeons is not only about attribute points—of course, for professional teams, building a powerful account is still the most important thing. Compared with a powerful account, any other material It is not a scarce resource.

Although the number of attribute points released in the new area is not small, according to statistics, each new area can create at most hundreds of professional-level accounts a year. It is not that there are not enough attribute points, but that the attribute points are too scattered. , have a professional operation level, and have created a strong account, the possibility of this is even smaller.

What is the most expensive?talent!

This sentence is vividly displayed in the football era.

The moment it arrived at eight o'clock in the morning, the new area was officially opened.

Hurrah, the rest point that was originally overcrowded suddenly became more vacant. The top-level players in this area, without exception, all entered the team instance.

The team dungeon does not mean that once you enter the dungeon, you will definitely start fighting. If you don’t disturb the monsters, you can stand quietly in the dungeon until the end of time, and no one will take care of you. It is precisely because of this setting that the major players The death squads of the trade union have room to operate.

The first wave of death squads began to explore forward.

The team copy map of the Yuci map has not changed much-although there will be differences in details, but there are no major changes. First, there is the Yuci City Gate, and after stepping in, there is a long street at the end of the long street It is the thatched hut where the sword god Gai Nie lives—this is the whole and will not change.

However, there will be some differences in details, and the way monsters appear will also be different. At the same time, there will be different changes in the skills and attributes of the two small bosses, the Sword God Envoy and the Sword God Disciple.

In the previous team dungeons, no matter how strong the bosses and monsters were, they were attacking from the front. From this dungeon onwards, the bosses and monsters in the dungeons must be elusive. I don’t know where to refresh them. What the death squads want to investigate is these changes.

Zheng Qi and the others did not have death squads.

After entering the team instance, a small city appeared in front of them.

Compared with the map of Yuci, this city is not much different, but it is much smaller. There is a moat in front of the city gate, and there is a bridge on the moat. This is the only way to pass.

"Go ahead carefully, Crazy Knife and Wandering lead the way. Brother Fei and I are careful on the sides. Turn over and you are responsible for breaking the back. The others are in the middle, and be careful of everything around you." Zheng Qi said.

"Including the top of the head and the bottom of the feet." Meng Butler added.

"That's right, there are also the top of the head and the bottom of the feet." Zheng Qi replied.

Participating in the game from the main perspective, of course, the viewing angle is relatively narrow, and you can only see an area in front of you. Under such circumstances, you must be ten thousand times more careful when facing assassins who appear from nowhere.

"Our goal is to win the first brush, but we don't need to be aggressive. The elite teams of those big guilds will only be slower than us... Do you understand? Preserving yourself is the first element." Zheng Qi emphasized again, and Lu Li Nodding her head, she didn't know much about it, because she knew that in this team, she was the one with the worst level. Even Su Jing, who was not as good as him before, had a lot of training during this period and the guidance of Butler Meng. Under the circumstances, the progress is also quite fast.

"Don't worry, it's okay, I'll be with you." Su Jing knew the uneasiness in her good friend's heart, so she immediately whispered something to Lu Li.

Lu Li nodded.

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