football era

Chapter 110 It's all your fault

Obviously, the advantages of each guild are now gradually showing.

In the carnival, it is normal for those players who concentrate on spawning monsters to reach level 29. When the carnival started, hundreds of core players in the guild were already members at level 26. The first batch of members has rich experience and strong ability to kill monsters. During the carnival, their task is to concentrate on leveling up, so although there is a gap of two levels between themselves and Zheng Qi, it has narrowed to only a little more than half a level after the carnival.

Of course, the further you get to the back, the higher the experience, and the experience gap narrowed by those players is not as much as reflected in the two levels. If Zheng Qi and the others were not constantly distracted to brush the boss, they would concentrate on leveling and rise to thirty That's no problem at all.

This is a primary and secondary issue. Quick upgrades are to grab records. The key to records is to be able to reward attribute points, and the boss of the carnival itself has attribute points that can be dropped. Of course, you can grab the boss if you can grab the boss, which will affect the upgrade speed. It is also a must.

Obviously, Zheng Qi and the others don't distinguish between priorities, although Zheng Qi is a rookie, but there are old rivers and lakes such as Beyond the Fog and Going With the Breeze, plus Meng Butler, who is almost an encyclopedia of the football era. Monster, how could they make such a mistake.

During the three days of the carnival, they captured [-] bosses, giving everyone a total of [-] extra attribute points—what kind of achievement is this?It's much cheaper than grabbing a dungeon record...

Of course, this also made them face a more severe test on the dungeon records.

Other guilds can make full use of their numerical advantage to create better conditions for the elite team. Although such an advantage is useless in the competition for individual dungeons, it can be extremely useful for the first and fifth raids of team dungeons. Good results.

But Zheng Qi and the others do not have such conditions. First, there are not so many core members who are willing to be dead soldiers to open up wasteland. Second, even if there are so many core members, it is difficult for them, who are mainly newcomers, to successfully detect information this kind of thing.

After all, they need to reach farther places faster, without accidentally passing the dungeon. A team may only be able to detect a small part, and then pass the information out like an ant relay, so that the next dungeon will go to the next dungeon. To go further, this requires a strong overall planning ability, which can only be possessed by the Great Sanhedrin.

For a newly established guild like the Extraordinary Guild, no matter how many people there are, it is impossible to have such abilities. These are talents that can only be cultivated through hard work...

They can only rely on themselves.

However, this reality will not affect their fighting spirit, but instead makes them look forward to the next day even more.

Zheng Qi and the others went to rest. They wanted to recharge their batteries. On the second day, they would attack and open up wasteland on the team dungeons they had never played before. However, Jiangshan outside the fog and Go with the breeze were not idle. They began to fight in the guild. Momentum...

"Tomorrow we will hit the team copy, and our guild boss is going to go there by himself from the very beginning..."

"What? Isn't that strange? Let me tell you, the land reclamation of new dungeons is terrible. It doesn't rely solely on technology. Every time a new district appears randomly, if you don't believe me, go check the information. The dungeons of each new district, from the three assassins of 29 From the beginning of the team dungeon, the content is completely random, and the specific situation of each dungeon is different. Those who opened up new areas, I don’t know how many times they have to die before they can know the correct information..."

"That's right, in other guilds, the core players are sent to die first, and after finding out the situation of the dungeon, the elite team is allowed to pick up the bargain. We are different, after all, our bosses are all good people..."

Go With the Breeze and Wuwai Jiangshan have a high prestige in the guild - even Zheng Qi and the others can't compare to this. After all, for these newcomers Xiaobai, they admire the miracles and achievements that Zheng Qi and the others have created. But with the breeze and Jiangshan's meticulous guidance, they can get more benefits.

Wuwai Jiangshan has saved them a lot of detours in terms of team dungeon and monster spawning efficiency, and there are not so many detours when going with the breeze, but his straightforward and fiery temper makes him always rush in On the front line, when there is a conflict with other guilds, as long as he knows, he will always rush to stand up for the members. The extraordinary guild has not been established for a long time, but the conflicts with other guilds are not rare. Go with the breeze Sometimes it can help the younger brothers get back the field, and sometimes it hangs up with the younger brothers, which seems extremely miserable.

After all, his operation is just a veteran's proficiency. The other guilds are basically veterans of this level, and even most of the operation level is much better than that of going with the breeze. After all, they are all elite members!
But hanging up with other people made other members admire this big brother-what is the friendship born in the flames of war?This is!

So they don't need to arrange for people to spread rumors. They just said in the guild channel that tomorrow the elite team where the president belongs will go to brush the team copy. After brushing, they will share the detailed strategy in the guild. The veteran players naturally started chatting...

Almost in a short period of time, all the players of the Extraordinary Guild knew that tomorrow the guild leaders would do something big, something that would be beneficial to the entire guild.

A reliable strategy for the new team dungeon is of course very important. This will allow novices to suffer less losses when brushing the team dungeon - as the most experienced upgrade, the highest burst rate, and at the same time can explode important hero cards The team copy of , has always been a must for every player to brush every day.Some players who are less online and not very keen on the game may not even use the personal instance, but the team instance, the five times a day, must be used up.

But team dungeons, to put it bluntly, cannot be completed with the strength of one person, and must be completed with the strength of at least ten people. It doesn't matter if you form a team to brush some dungeons that have already been done, and there are very few failures. But if you only form a wild team to clear the wasteland dungeon, how much blood and tears will you have to pay to become proficient.

With guild affiliation, familiar teammates, and correct strategy guidance, players don't know how many detours can be avoided.

Even if novices don't know this truth, they also know what the guild leaders are going to do while chatting in other people's guilds, so they immediately start to feel that they are not in vain to join such a guild.

To say that the Extraordinary Guild is indeed the best choice for those players who are slightly neutral. Although the benefits of joining a large guild are more, it will also be more restricted. Unrestricted small guilds, of course, do not need to be dead soldiers, but small guilds They also don't have the ability to form an elite team to open up wasteland, so they can really get a lot of benefits in the Extraordinary Guild.

Such a chat was quickly conveyed.

It’s not that other guilds have arranged undercover agents in Extraordinary Guilds—in fact, even if each of their guilds has dozens of accounts dedicated to undercover agents, such accounts do a lot of dirty work, so it’s not a good idea to upgrade. It was so easy, not to mention that it was meaningless for them to lurk in the Extraordinary Guild. After all, their greatest enemies were always each other.

So their undercover agents are more likely to find ways to get them into other guilds, and they don’t expect those undercover undercover agents to do anything big. If they are exhausted, they will report when they find a wild boss, and they can’t do anything else. something to do.

And the current situation seems to prove that there is really no need to place undercover agents in the Extraordinary Guild.

Because after chatting uproariously in the Extraordinary Guild, the players of the Extraordinary Guild, Xiaobai, soon made the whole world know about the chatter in the Extraordinary Guild.

The bosses of the guilds who haven't gone offline almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

Where is this all?Yes, we big guilds intend to let some members go to explore the way, to die, to pave the way for the elite team to attack the first and fifth raids of the raid, but don't forget, are those members who die are ordinary members?Is it an ordinary player?

Those are core members!They are all paid in the club, and belong to the club's employees!Of course, you can't just care about yourself after getting the salary. The necessary sacrifice is certain. If they don't sacrifice paving the way, how can they reflect the value of the Great Guild?
This is a very normal operation, and it is also an indicator of the overall strength of the guilds' competition.

But from the mouths of these little whites from the Extraordinary Guild, it seems that they, the guild bosses and elite team players, cruelly oppressed players like Huang Shiren oppressed Yang Bailao, forcing them to die to pave a bright road for the elite team ...

Unjust, Lord Qingtian!

In this case, it is of course meaningless to the veterans. Veterans know that even if they want to sacrifice for the guild, the guild may not let them sacrifice, because not only to open up wasteland, but also to use the fastest time to successfully open up wasteland. It’s not all about the spirit of sacrifice, it’s a highly technical job!
However, what is frightening is that in the new area where 90.00% of rookies are rookies, this kind of statement is very marketable, and after preconceived notions, the general rookie players have some indescribable disgust towards the club's big guild...

"These guys are disgusting!"

After hurriedly arranging some core personnel to go to the world to clarify this matter, the bosses of the various guilds began to complain in the discussion group again. Brush has a strong self-confidence.

To complain about the extraordinary guild, everyone has the same goal, but for the latter, everyone's goals are very inconsistent, so after complaining for a while, the guild bosses started to quarrel one after another, and finally broke up unhappy, and went to sleep with a stomach full of depression .

It's all so strange to the Extraordinary Guild!

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