football era

Chapter 103 Follow them

"Today is a beautiful day!"

After Zheng Qi woke up, he felt energetic all over his body, and couldn't help admiring Butler Meng—Uncle Meng was really amazing, he let him take a bath after eating, and he recovered from his fatigue very quickly.

After running for half an hour in the community, Zheng Qi, who was sweating all over, came back to take a shower, and then enjoyed the hearty breakfast made for him by Butler Meng, before getting into the holographic cabin energetically.

"We now have [-] members, that's amazing!" After going online, Zheng Qi looked at the situation of the guild, and couldn't help but praise him.

"It's not a big deal. Although we have a few hundred more people, we have reached the limit for the time being. In terms of numbers, we have been left behind by other guilds..." Sui Qingfeng said with a wry smile.

"No way?" Zheng Qi was taken aback. Before the start of the carnival, the Extraordinary Guild had a full 3000 members. Although there is still a gap in the guild's top [-] members, it's not because Extraordinary Guild doesn't want to recruit members, but because there are too many newcomers and too few veterans. If there are too many newcomers, it will easily affect the results.

"Just look at the information of other guilds." Wu Wai Jiang Shan shook his head.

Zheng Qi glanced at it.

Then he discovered that the Extraordinary Guild had once again slipped from the number one position to twenty.

The top twenty guilds are dominated by guilds affiliated with professional clubs. The level of these guilds has risen from about ten at the beginning of the carnival to seventeen or eighth. The level is already considered good, but compared with these professional club guilds, it still seems to be progressing slowly.

"We can't beat them with less materials, right? On the contrary, it should be more." Zheng Qi felt a little strange.

"What's so strange about this? Before the carnival started, although there were only a few hundred people in each club and guild, those hundreds of people were all core members brought out from the old man's guild. They don't usually upgrade based on guild members. Units, but lead people around separately. Many of the potential fans who are not level enough are brought by their people. In yesterday's carnival, their groups were actually much more than ours. After the level reached, they directly joined the guild. The accumulated materials brought by the newly joined members can increase the experience and contribution points, that's really good." Sui Qingfeng sighed, and then said.

These veterans are well aware of this point, and now that the number of members of other guilds has skyrocketed to about [-], it will not have much impact on their new day's results.

"Well, there's no way around it. After all, they are clubs and guilds that have been in business for decades, so they naturally have an advantage over us, but we can take our time. Our results yesterday were also very good." Zheng Qiwen understood. After that, nodded and said.

"It's like this. In fact, the development of their new district has been greatly affected. In the past, in the old district, there were five major guilds at this level. After the first day of the second carnival, there were guilds who had passed the twentieth level. , now it is generally two levels higher than us, and it is already very backward." Wu Wai Jiangshan nodded in agreement.

"Besides, after yesterday's exercise, if we exercise again today, we can expand more new members to come in. Of course, there will be many undercover agents coming in, which is inevitable." Su Jing interjected.

"Yes, generally speaking, during the second carnival, the guild is developing rapidly. As long as the players can handle it well, they will quickly adapt to the rhythm of the carnival. Let's take it slowly, and gradually increase the tacit understanding of the players. , Our future development will not be worse than those of the great guilds." Xin Wandering waved his fist and said.

"Assign the task well, we will still have to embarrass those clubs in Changfeng!" Zheng Qi waved his fist in the same way.

The carnival on the second day was held near Taiyuan City.

High-end players are very familiar with this map. After all, they have been spawning monsters on this map for the past week. However, Taiyuan City is still a bit unfamiliar to ordinary players. After all, many players have not yet reached the level to This is one of the reasons why each guild’s income is relatively leisurely. After all, in the copy of Taiyuan City, you will be able to adapt faster after you are familiar with the map. Have you ever been here before? Players, just getting familiar with the characteristics of the monsters refreshed here, will have to spend a long time.

In terms of area division, it is not the same as near Shiling Pass. After all, the terrain is different, and the major guilds naturally have changes in dividing areas. At the same time, the guilds that were together before cannot stay together. In the carnival on the first day, there will always be some small conflicts between guild players. Although the bosses will not launch a full-scale conflict because of this small conflict, if the younger brothers below see the opponents who clashed yesterday are extremely jealous, put It would be too bad if the entire guild was involved.

It was not without such precedents before. The two guilds were peaceful at first, but the two ordinary players who had PKed the day before ran into each other in the carnival the next day. First they quarreled, then PKed, and then got involved in the entire team. And it happens that they are the kind of players who are very popular in the guild. Those who call for friends directly involve both guilds. When the guild management wants to calm things down, the whole situation is out of control. During the carnival, the two guilds fought each other, and suffered heavy losses - not only did they not get the boss and material experience that they should have obtained, but each of them hung up three or four times on average, and the experience loss was huge.

In such a meaningless fight, the losers are each other, and the jokes are made by other people.

So after that, the bosses of the various guilds paid great attention to this point, especially if the carnival was divided into regions, the second and third days would have to be separated from each other, so as to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

Thousands of riders looked at the left side, then the right side, feeling a little more at ease.

He was relieved not to be parted with the guys from Fengyuyan City. The two sides almost fought yesterday-although the fuse was the Extraordinary Guild, because the Extraordinary Guild snatched the two bosses of Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves. He was full of anger, and when he was robbing monsters at the junction, he almost had a conflict with Fengyuyancheng. Although it was stopped in time, the guild management couldn't make every player feel less angry. Now they are separated, okay.

Today, the guilds that are close to both sides of Riding the Wind and the Waves are the guilds of Star Rain and Thunder, the guilds of Stars and Thunder. These two clubs have only entered the Super League in recent years. Although the results are not bad, the guilds have also improved. It's fast, but whether it's at the club level or the guild level, compared with a strong team like Changfeng, it's still a lot worse.

Being close to these two guilds, as long as the luck is not as bad as yesterday, it is not difficult to grab a few more bosses.

But soon, the good mood of thousands of rides was completely destroyed.

"The guys from the Extraordinary Guild appeared on both sides of us."

"There are also those guys next to Xingyu and Lei Ting."

"Ren Pingsheng and the elite team who wanted to fly appeared between us and Xingyu."

"Damn it, why are you here again?"

Qian Cheng Wan Qi couldn't help yelling, as one of the five major guilds, as a guild under the powerful Changfeng Club, yesterday came to the bottom of the guild's boss competition, which in itself was a matter of great pressure for him— —In fact, there are a few small club guilds with zero record and no BOSS, but if you ride the wind and waves and only grab one BOSS, that would be a disgrace and throw it to grandma’s house. It's not that there is any difficulty!
These guild bosses seem to be very beautiful - they lead thousands of troops in the game, and they have countless younger brothers to play at the fingertips. They seem to be more beautiful than professional players and club management, but they themselves know that The scenery also means pressure.

Thousands of rides and thousands of rides are paid in the Changfeng Club. The Changfeng Club has tens of thousands of professional players and hundreds of guild leaders. The salary of the guild leader is not particularly high, but it also has tasks. The evaluation of indicators and performance evaluation is very simple. How many new fans have you absorbed for the club in the guild, how many materials have been collected by the guild, and in the new area, how many talents have you sent to the main guild alliance in the mythical area!
And the number of bosses that the carnival in the new area has obtained, which is usually difficult to obtain, is naturally one of the evaluation indicators.

It's a shame to get only one yesterday. For a guild like Riding the Wind and Waves, if you don't get seven or eight bosses in three days, can you still be considered qualified?I only got one yesterday, but I will get more these two days. It is not impossible to be lucky and work hard, but why are those bastards from the Extraordinary Guild running over again!
Therefore, thousands of rides can only go to the professional players of the second team, He Jing, Zhuo Zhenjiang and Mi Yiran. In yesterday's day, these three were also very depressed, and they refreshed three bosses in total. When they rushed to the first one, they had been beaten to the brim by Ren Pingsheng's gang. They rushed to the second one first and took it down smoothly. As for the third one, they didn't even have enough time to get there. When Ren Pingsheng wanted to fly, those people had already killed the BOSS and then ran away, not even leaving a potion that exploded for them.

Although He Jing is extremely rational, he is also very annoyed by this. Zhuo Zhenjiang and Mi Yiran, who are more irritable, have already complained many times.

"They're here again?" He Jing asked in surprise.

"This is bullying us, Boss He, you calmly backed down yesterday, they must have thought we were easy to bully!" Zhuo Zhenjiang said angrily.

"Maybe they really underestimated us... OK, I know what to do." He Jing thought for a while, and then nodded to Qian Cheng Wan Qi.

"Then... what are we going to do?" Qian Cheng Wan Qi asked hesitantly.

"It's very simple, once they wander around our sphere of influence, we will go directly there, regardless of whether the boss has been refreshed, just follow them!" He Jing sneered.

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