football era

Chapter 102 Tired

The first day of the Carnival ended with victory.

For the players, this day's carnival basically didn't have the kind of harvest that was not much. On the contrary, their harvest was very rich. If only a few players in a thousand reached level 25 before, then this At the end of the day, at least 25% of the players reached level [-]!

So for the bosses of the various guilds, after the carnival of this day is over, they can't go to rest, count today's harvest, and recruit new players-now the big guilds basically have more than ten levels, and they can recruit players. Nearly [-] players, some players who are interested but not high enough can now choose to join first.

However, many guilds will not easily add people at this time. You must know that the more players in the guild, the better. After the dungeon usually forms a fixed match, the team can make enough contributions to the guild. If the team goes to the carnival, it is no different from the wild team, but it will lower the overall score of the guild.

The carnival is not just good. After the carnival is over, the system will have a scoring system for the guild, based on the average number of kills per person, the number of bosses killed by the guild as a whole, the average output of each player, and the number of deaths... These will have detailed bonuses and calculations. If you add people casually and lower the score of the guild, it will be even more worthless.

Of course, some people choose to join, and it would be a waste not to join, so each guild will have its own set of methods. For example, some teams are very good in their own strength, so they can be split into two and filled with a few newcomers, which can be faster. Composition of combat power.

Each guild already has its own set of methods for this approach, so I won't go into details here.

In addition to increasing the number of candidates for some members, the most important thing is naturally to count the gains.

Equipment materials, extra hero cards, these things don’t need them to bother. The non-tradable setting of materials and hero cards makes the trading in the game meaningless. Exchange with the guild for contribution.

There were also transactions between professional clubs, but those were all guild-to-guild transactions, and there was no need for transactions between individuals.

The harvest of various materials is not small, and every ordinary member has a lot of harvest, but for high-end players, what they care most about is not other things, but how many bosses the guild has killed...

One hundred bosses, close to fifty guilds. If the area is divided according to twenty big guilds, then it is normal for a big guild to get five bosses on average.

Of course, this is only theoretical. In fact, the bosses of all guilds know it well. Generally speaking, regardless of various factors, getting three bosses is considered qualified.

After all, the new area is not dominated by twenty big guilds. No matter how powerful they are, they still have to rely on a certain amount of luck to grab the boss. After all, the time and location of the respawn are uncertain, and they happened to be by the side of the opposing elite team. Then the opponent will run away after hitting, no matter how strong you are, you can't take it away.

It is amazing to be able to reach an average of three. After all, there are twenty guilds, and each guild has three, which is sixty, accounting for [-]% of all bosses!

After the carnival this time, there were joys and sorrows. Tianhe maintained their excellent performance in the league and grabbed four bosses, surpassing the average.

However, Changfeng, who has a great reputation in the league, is even more miserable. Nanguo, who is next door to them, has robbed three bosses and reached the average level. But what about Changfeng?only one……

Changfeng's luck is indeed bad. Logically speaking, there should be five bosses spawned in each guild's divided area, but today there are only three bosses spawned in their area, and two of them have been killed by extraordinary bosses. The guild was robbed, who to talk to?

The elite elite team of the Extraordinary Guild running around has achieved a lot.

In addition to the two bosses of Changfeng, they also snatched one boss each from Nanguo and Kangning. In addition, they snatched a boss in the Junlintang area. They snatched a total of five bosses. Going to the guild with the most bosses, and other clubs robbing their own, I don’t have any opinions, but the opinions of the four guilds, Riding the Wind and Waves, Storm and Smoke City, Preparing for Danger in Peace of Mind, and King’s Landing Hall, are quite big...

If there is no Extraordinary Guild to make trouble, then riding the wind and waves can grab at least three bosses, and other guilds can also get one more. The female players who are prepared for danger in times of peace began to attack the heinous behavior of the Extraordinary Guild on the World Channel, but their shouts The sound was soon suppressed angrily by the players riding the wind and waves.

"Who stipulated the division of regions? Are you the only guild in the new area? Do other guilds have to be exploited by you?"

Not to be outdone, the players of the Extraordinary Guild began to refute, which made the players of these four guilds seem to have no confidence. After all, robbing the boss depends on its own ability, and the Extraordinary Guild can't be banned from robbing...

"Let them argue, anyway, we are the cheapest." Zheng Qi said in the guild channel.

"Then boss, shall we still do the same tomorrow?" A player from the Extraordinary Guild asked.

"Well, we're lucky in these places, let's concentrate on searching in these places." Zheng Qi replied.

Although there are no undercover agents in the Extraordinary Guild, after all, there are too many people talking. Soon, Zheng Qi's words spread...

After the word got out, the gentleman with thousands of rides and ten thousand riders was harmless, Ansi Yuannan, Wuxin, and the four bosses were cursing collectively--damn you can't catch our brothers even if you squeeze the wool?What to do if you are bald?
However, there was nothing they could do. Other clubs and guilds were naturally happy to see such a situation. Otherwise, if the pests from the Extraordinary Guild were to pluck their wool in another place, they would be the ones who would suffer!
"Changfeng doesn't know we're targeting them, does it?" Chaotic Knife laughed happily in the team channel.

"Let's rob all four guild areas. In fact, we have already shared a lot. They won't find out." Zheng Qi laughed wretchedly.

"But they only grabbed one today..." Xin Zai Wandered shook his head.

"That's because they were unlucky. If they refreshed more bosses, they wouldn't be so miserable that there would be only one... So after changing the map of Taiyuan City tomorrow, we will do the same to hurt them, but we won't let them die." They think we are targeting them," Zheng Qi said.

"It wasn't aimed at them in the first place, it was aimed at the four of them!" Chaotic Knife laughed.

After chatting for a while, Zheng Qi went offline. He was also very tired today. After all, robbing the boss itself is very exhausting. Except for the first two times when no conflict broke out, the process of robbing the boss several times Fierce conflicts broke out in the middle of the world, and the elite teams of the two sides had to fight the boss while PKing each other-if it was an ordinary player, they would have been wiped out long ago.

However, for the elite teams of both sides, they both showed excellent operation and level. While confronting each other, they also slowly killed the BOSS. The last blow and the output during the killing process are used to judge which team killed it. The level displayed by the elite teams of each guild can be seen.

"Actually, PK isn't very interesting right now. It's nothing compared to a real professional game after you've exhausted six hero cards." Yixin Xiangfei said suddenly.

"Upgrading must also follow the basic law. The first six heroes are all fighters, but soon, assassins, strategists, and all kinds of weird heroes will come out. Professional players, they can compete with each other. All-round level." Meng Butler said with a smile: "The setting of the game is also to allow you to thoroughly understand the attributes of various heroes in battle. Only those who can truly enter the mythical zone and operate well can become professional heroes. Players. Football Era is not so much a game as it is a selection system."

"Grandpa Meng, at the next carnival, I'm afraid it will be more complicated to grab the BOSS?" Chaotic Knife asked Butler Meng.

"Just call Uncle Meng..." Butler Meng emphasized routinely: "Of course it will be more complicated. The three heroes that appear below are all assassin-type. This is what we will do next." Butler Meng replied.

After chatting for a few words, the members of the elite team happily went offline to rest, only Wuwaijiangshan and Suifengfeng stayed to deal with some details, such as splitting up the teams with good results, passing some newcomers' applications, adding The number of teams in the guild...the number cannot be small, nor too many. How to strike a balance between the number of people and the level of the team is the kingly way.

"Take a good rest, young master, I think you are a bit tired." After coming out of the holographic cabin, Butler Meng looked at Zheng Qi and said.

"It's okay, I'm so energetic, how could I be tired." Zheng Qi yawned as he spoke, and then smiled awkwardly.

Butler Meng smiled slightly: "I'll help you cook, remember to take a bath after eating, and then have a good sleep."

Zheng Qi nodded. He was indeed a bit tired. As I said before, PK and robbing bosses were exhausting for everyone's spirit.

Zheng Qi didn't feel strange in the game, but after exiting the holographic cabin, he immediately looked very tired, which he didn't even notice.

After eating and taking a bath, Meng Butler found that Zheng Qi hadn't come out of the bathroom at ten o'clock in the evening, and after he walked in quietly, he found that Zheng Qi had already fallen asleep in the water.

Butler Meng shook his head, helped Zheng Qi dry, put on his pajamas and put him on the bed, then touched his forehead.

"Your body..."

Butler Meng sighed, then left the room and came in with a box.

In the next moment, Zheng Qi's whole body was pierced with shining silver needles like a hedgehog, but he himself was unconscious and continued to sleep soundly.

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