NBA: Bind the ability of Sakuragi Flower Road at the beginning

Chapter 571 Xu Feng's Targeted Training

The Lakers pre-game training is very serious and very targeted.

Xu Feng focused on continuing to do simulation training with Tucker.

Although Xu Feng is a little shorter than Durant, he imitated Durant's movements perfectly.

Tucker can't defend against Durant alone, but at the same time of defense, if he engages in Adu's mentality, he may make Adu mad.

"You can't hit me! I'll keep you from crying!"

"You're nothing without a warrior, look, you're a jerk!"

"You will never have a championship in your life. Where will the next team be? Come to the Lakers?"

"I suggest you go to the Cavaliers, team up with James, and maybe become the Eastern Conference champion once!"


I have to say that Tucker's level of trash talking is really good. Hearing these words, Xu Feng laughed so hard that his stomach hurts.

He could already imagine that Durant's face turned livid when he heard these words.


The Warriors are also preparing intensely.

Losing to the Lakers in the Western Conference Finals for two consecutive years made the Warriors hold their breath from top to bottom.

This mountain must be climbed this year, not to mention Durant came this year.

If you can't turn it over again, it's really too hopeless.

In fact, Durant is also under a lot of pressure. He left the Thunder and went to the Warriors, just imitating James' going to the Heat.

But in any case, the Heat were still not a team that could make the playoffs before James went.

The Warriors are the team in the Western Conference Finals, fighting the Lakers in seven games, which means they are on par with the defending champions.

Joining such a team, the intention is obvious, it is to win the championship.

And it's a shortcut.

But Durant said at the press conference that he had taken the most difficult path.

In fact, this can also be understood as, if you join the Warriors, you must win the championship, and if you fail to win the championship, you will fail!

Although his behavior of surrendering to the enemy was criticized by fans, Durant knew very well that as long as he won the championship, everything could be washed away.

And with his singles ability, he will definitely score higher than Curry, because Curry is the opponent's key defense object.

Curry didn't think as much as Durant did, and he didn't even think about who would be the boss of the team after Durant came.

And with Durant, how much will Curry's personal honor be lost.

Curry has only one thing in mind, and that is the championship.

As for who will become the boss of the team, his own honor and status, he doesn't care.

So Curry's mentality is very peaceful, just fight.

So when the Warriors are training, the content is still how to play the ball after Curry is double-teamed, so that his teammates can play easier and more comfortable.


Time passed quickly, three days passed quickly, and the much-anticipated Lakers vs. Warriors Western Conference decisive battle was about to begin.

Did the Lakers eliminate the Warriors for three consecutive years, or did the Warriors succeed in revenge this year and overthrow the Lakers?
Time will give the answer.

At the Lakers press conference, Xu Feng and Wade were interviewed by reporters.

"Mr. Xu Feng, this is the fourth year you have reached the Western Conference Finals after you came to the Lakers. Do you think this time is any different from the previous three times?"

Xu Feng replied calmly: "I don't think there is any difference, we have to face it seriously, and my teammates and I will go all out to advance to the finals!"

"This year the Warriors have Durant, do you think the Lakers' hopes are much smaller?"

Xu Feng chuckled: "When he was in the Thunder, we eliminated him twice. Why do you think the Lakers' hopes have diminished? Neither the Warriors nor the Thunder have beaten us in the playoffs, so we have an incomparable confidence!"

These words were full of domineering, Wade smiled and applauded, impressed by Xu Feng's wonderful answer.

Another reporter asked: "In the first two rounds of the playoffs, the Lakers overcame obstacles and were invincible. They performed very strongly. Does it mean that the Lakers are stronger this season?"

"Of course, we have won two consecutive championships, the lineup has basically remained the same, the chemical reaction is better, and Wade has also been added. He brings us a lot of things, far exceeding our expectations!"

After Xu Feng finished speaking, he looked at Wade, and the two clapped hands again and laughed.

The atmosphere in the Lakers team is great. Of course, this is inseparable from Xu Feng's high EQ communication style. Wade also admires and admires Xu Feng very much.

The reporter looked at Wade again: "Wade, what do you think is the difference between the Lakers who won two consecutive championships and the Heat who won two consecutive championships?"

The reporter was making trouble again, Wade pondered for a moment, and replied: "These two teams are very strong. As a player who has been in both teams at the same time, I don't think there is any difference. They are both championship teams." !"

Wade did not blame his old club just because he came to the Lakers. Xu Feng also admired Wade's answer and nodded repeatedly.


At the Warriors' press conference, Curry and Durant were interviewed.

Judging from the performance of the two sitting on the stage, Durant seemed a little nervous, while Curry looked calm, no different from before.

"Curry, this is the third year for the Warriors to meet the Lakers. Do you have anything to say about the failures of the previous two years?"

Curry smiled and replied: "I am not a person who is afraid of failure. The failures in the first two years show that the Lakers are a stronger team. I have learned a lot from them, which will make us stronger. .This year we have a comeback, and we have Durant, which gives us enough confidence to beat the Lakers!"

The reporter nodded and said, "Your mentality is very good. It seems that this year should be a rewarding year, and you tied the Lakers 2:2 in the regular season. The fans also have too much expectation for you."

Curry replied: "Thank the fans, they gave us greater confidence, we will definitely do our best, no matter what the result is, on the court, we will not let them down."

The reporter asked Durant another question.

"Mr. Durant, do you think there is any difference between the Thunder and the Warriors?"

Durant shrugged: "Of course it's different. The Thunder players are a group of cats and dogs. With them, I will never win a championship. But the Warriors are a group of players who really play. I get along very well with them. Harmony, the atmosphere in the team is also very happy, I love the Warriors!"

The reporter laughed: "If, I mean, if the Warriors fell in front of the Lakers again this year, would you still stay with the Warriors?"

Durant hesitated a little, blinked, coughed, and slowly replied: "I will at least stay with the Warriors until I win the championship!"

The reporter asked again: "What if you can't win the championship? You will never leave?"

Curry can't stand it anymore. This question is indeed a bit too much. The reporter deliberately made things difficult for Durant in order to cater to the psychology of the fans.

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