So this Heat team is unprecedentedly strong, and it is no wonder that James said in a press conference with a little joke: "We will not only win two championships, nor three,!"

When he said this, no one would doubt that the Big Three could not win seven championships, because this combination is too scary.

However, everyone has also seen the later results. With various problems in the team, after four years of formation, the Big Three fell apart and only won 2 championships.

So Wade is someone who has experienced it. He knows what kind of problems will arise in the super team that everyone is optimistic about.

Everyone was waiting for Wade to reveal the Warriors' weaknesses, but Wade kept it a secret.

He turned to Xu Feng and said, "Xu Feng, you should have found the weakness of the warrior, right?"

Xu Feng laughed loudly, nodded and said, "Wade, you want to test me, right?"

Wade shook his head: "No, because when I saw you training last time, one of the content should be aimed at the Warriors, not the Rockets. I guessed at that time that you should already be playing for the Warriors. Ready. It's just that the second-round series isn't over yet, and you don't want to say it ahead of time."

The Lakers players were surprised and let out a voice of "Oh". It seems that the powerful players are all connected with each other. What they usually think about is more than other players, and they think farther!

Xu Feng was shocked when he heard Wade's words, and admired Wade even more.

I didn't expect Wade to be so careful. One of his training sessions was noticed by Wade and connected with the Warriors.

This shows that what Wade thought of was very consistent with what Xu Feng thought of.

Otherwise, even if you see it, you won't think of anything.

Nick Young joked and said: "Hey? That's not necessarily true. Maybe you are talking about two different things? Well, let's make a bet. Xu Feng and I will whisper your strategy, and Wade will whisper his strategy to the coach. , see if it's the same!"

The players all applauded. The Lakers' training is so interesting, even the pre-game arrangement is so interesting.

Xu Feng and Wade smiled at each other, they already knew each other's thoughts.

But in order to keep a little suspense for his teammates, he agreed to Nick Young's arrangement to see if the two really wanted to go together.

So Xu Feng walked up to Nick Young and whispered in his ear: "The weakness of the Warriors is Durant!"

When Nick Yang heard it, his face was full of disbelief, he stared at Xu Feng with wide eyes, and whispered: "Did I hear correctly?"

Xu Feng smiled: "That's right, it's him!"

At this time, Wade also said the name to D'Antoni: "Coach, the weakness of the Warriors is Durant's singles!"

The German handsome also looked puzzled: "How is it possible?"

The other players were all anxious, scratching their ears and shouting: "Hurry up, what is it? Does the Warriors have any weaknesses?"

Nick Yang couldn't hold his breath, and shouted first: "Xu Feng said that the weak point of the Warriors is Durant!"

At the same time, everyone looked at D'Antoni.

D'Antoni was also very surprised, nodded vigorously, and said: "Wade told me just now about Durant, he said that Durant's singles is a weakness!"

The players were even more surprised and talked a lot.

"I don't understand. Durant joined the Warriors and became even more powerful. How could he become a weakness instead?"

"Is it a psychological tactic? Otherwise, Durant doesn't seem like a weakness, but rather a super strength!"

"I don't think Xu Feng and Wade are joking, but when I say this, it's just a joke..."


The players expressed their incomprehension, and D'Antoni didn't understand either. He didn't care about face, and asked directly: "You two, stop playing charades and explain quickly. Why is Durant's singles the only weakness of the Warriors?"

Wade said: "Then let me explain, because Durant joined the Warriors, he actually wanted to realize his own value, not just to replace Barnes and become a link, so what he wanted to do most was to Solve the problem through your own singles."

"At the beginning of the season, his intention was particularly obvious, so the Warriors' record was mediocre, and they didn't have the effect of 1+1 greater than 2."

"Later, Cole should have communicated and persuaded Durant to compromise. But whether he really wanted to compromise or was forced to do so, I don't know."

"If we want to defeat the Warriors, we must lure out this desire in Durant's heart! Otherwise, he is willing to be a scythe, and the Warriors will be invincible."

"If he is not willing to be just a sickle and wants to be a god of death, then he will be trapped in singles, and the Warriors will return to the beginning of the season again, and we have a chance!"

After the players listened, they suddenly realized, and Xu Feng nodded again and again. The two looked at each other and laughed again, then clapped their hands and hugged each other.

It's not surprising that Xu Feng can see this meaning, because he has dealt with the Warriors too much.

But Wade's ability to think of this level is definitely related to the Big Three back then.

If there are no internal problems in the first year, the Heat should be able to win the Mavericks.

But there was a struggle for the ball internally, so it failed in the first year, and then Wade gave up the ball, and James became the absolute core of the team.

After that, Wade became a green leaf and assisted James, and the Heat won two consecutive championships.


The duel between teams is not only a battle at the tactical level, but also a psychological battle!

For example, Kobe Bryant said a famous quote before.

Can't remember which team the Lakers played against, Kobe said to his teammates: "Let that player play, because he is in a contract year! He will definitely be greedy for the ball and eager to play statistics."

Later, the player really made crazy shots, but he was not capable enough, so he lost the game.


Although the Warriors have found their weakness, how to force Durant's singles is a problem.

Xu Feng once deliberately let Tucker defend himself during training, and what Xu Feng imitated was Durant's singles.

When Tucker was defending, Xu Feng asked him to do all kinds of small tricks, as long as they didn't hurt others, they could be used, and the referee didn't care whether he played or not.

Moreover, Xu Feng also told Tucker not to keep his mouth idle, and he must spit out trash talk!
Although Tucker is very tough, he usually doesn't like to talk trash.

But since Xu Feng asked, Tucker tried his best to talk, kept talking, and sometimes made Xu Feng laugh at what he said.

Wade saw this scene, so he guessed that Xu Feng was using Durant as an imaginary enemy to train Tucker.

The reason why Xu Feng didn't defend Durant himself was because Xu Feng's defense was too strong. If he defended, Durant really wouldn't dare to fight!

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