NBA: Bind the ability of Sakuragi Flower Road at the beginning

Chapter 520 Convincing the Basketball Association

Xu Feng couldn't bear it any longer. He coughed and said, "Director Zhang, Minister Huang, since our way of cultivating talents is so perfect, why haven't any players been able to enter the NBA in recent years?"

"If I count as one, then I am not trained through domestic channels, but should be regarded as non-governmental institutions."

"Ding Yanyu is one of them, but I brought him there. He didn't go through the draft process, otherwise he wouldn't have the chance to enter the NBA."

Everything Xu Feng said was the truth, and the two of them moved their mouths without thinking of a reason to refute.

Dayao hurriedly came out to smooth things over, and said with a smile, "Actually, both methods are very good, and they should coexist. Moreover, Feita Sports' funding for the construction of the school is not a private organization, it is a cooperation with the Basketball Association."

When Feita Sports was mentioned, Director Zhang and Minister Huang's faces eased a lot. They both received a lot of sponsorship benefits, so they should give Feita Sports some face.

"Well, what Xu Feng and Dayao said makes sense, so how about it, let's go back and have another meeting, discuss it, and give you an answer tomorrow, how about it?"

Xu Feng was unhappy, but he still had to do superficial work.

He smiled and nodded: "Okay, then I will wait for the good news from you two!"

Xu Feng and Dayao stood up and sent the two officials out.

Then the two sat down again, Dayao's face was gloomy and not very good-looking, Xu Feng knew that Dayao was angry with those two officials.

"It's okay, Dayao, it takes a long time, I believe they will figure it out. As you said just now, official organizations and private organizations can coexist!"

Dayao knew that Xu Feng really wanted to cultivate and select talents, not to compete with the authorities for resources and earn money for his children.

So he fully supported Xu Feng.

"Xu Feng, I'm very relieved that you have such a heart. If there were more people like you in Longguo, basketball would have started!" Dayao patted Xu Feng's shoulder with helplessness in his tone.

It seems that Dayao has also suffered a lot in the past few years in the Basketball Association, and there is a feeling of unspeakable suffering in his words.

It was inconvenient for Xu Feng to chat, so he stood up: "Dayao, I know, you have already tried your best to support me. As for whether it will be successful or not, it depends on God's will. You do your work first, and I won't bother you!"

Dayao has done everything that should be done, and said all that should be said, now it is up to the two officials to save face.

Xu Feng left Dayao's office, walked out of the building, and saw a person walking towards him.

It is none other than Gong Guidance.

He also resigned here.

Director Gong is getting old and has been the head coach of the national men's basketball team for several years, so he wants to quit.

"Director Gong, you're here." Xu Feng took the initiative to greet him.

Director Gong looked at Xu Feng with a smile, held Xu Feng's hand, and said loudly: "Xu Feng, my record of leading the national team in the past few years is very good, and it is all thanks to you!"

Xu Feng quickly shook his head and said, "Guide Gong, don't say that, your ability is obvious to all, I just did a little bit of work."

Instructor Gong looked at Xu Feng kindly, and shook his head gently: "You are too modest, you must be very promising in the future! You have my contact information, and you must contact me when you return to China! Tell me if you have any difficulties! "

An idea came to Xu Feng's mind, and he asked, "Director Gong, do you have any recommendations for good basketball teachers?"

"Basketball teacher? What are you going to do?"

"It's like this, Director Gong, I'm here this time to apply to the Basketball Association to build a basketball school to train basketball talents."

"Ah? This is a good thing! It's rare that you are so successful, and you still think about basketball education. It's really rare!" Director Gong patted Xu Feng's shoulder vigorously and nodded repeatedly. He liked Xu Feng from the bottom of his heart.

As a basketball star in Dragon Country, Director Gong has seen too many talented basketball talents in the past few years. After achieving some results, he just eats, drinks, and enjoys life all day long, without thinking about basketball education at all.

And Xu Feng is only 21 years old, and now he is a billionaire, but he has not fallen at all. Not only did he help the Long Guo team win the Olympic championship during the offseason, but he also spent money and energy on training basketball talents.

Such a young man can't be found even with a lantern now!
"Guide Gong, don't praise me. In fact, you and your predecessors have made great contributions to the national basketball, including Dayao who was earlier than me. They have also done a lot of things. I am just doing a little bit. .”

"Good boy, what a good boy, I really saw the right person! Okay, since you mentioned it, I will help you find a basketball teacher. If necessary, I can also be your basketball consultant! It's free!" Gong The director clapped his chest and made a promise to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng was overjoyed!

Although Director Gong is too old, his basketball philosophy is not behind. On the contrary, he often watches the NBA, as well as the current basketball games, and discusses new tactics with Xu Feng.

"Guide Gong, thank you very much. By the way, you are so busy as the head coach, you probably don't have much time to be a consultant."

"Haha, I forgot to tell you, I am here today to resign! I am old, the head coach is not suitable for me, being a consultant is suitable for me!"

Xu Feng was surprised and delighted.

Surprisingly, Guidance Gong has become famous and retired.

The good news is that after Director Gong retired, it would be perfect to be a consultant.

He has connections and resources in Longguo, and he can help the school solve some troublesome matters.

"Really? Guidance Gong, that is a great loss for the national team!" Although it is beneficial to him, Xu Feng has to admit that Guidance Gong is the most suitable head coach of the national team.

Guidance Gong shook his head helplessly: "It's not good if you don't accept it, your body is bad, and you can't do the work of the head coach. From now on, I will concentrate on being your consultant! As long as you don't dislike me, I will work until I can't walk! "

Xu Feng nodded movedly: "Okay, great, I should spend most of my time abroad, and I will leave the school to you in the future!"

"Don't give me such a big burden. I can only be a consultant. Of course, I will try my best, haha!" Director Gong said humorously.

The two chatted a few more words before Xu Feng left the office building of the Basketball Association.

Back at the hotel, Yin Suwan sent him a WeChat message, asking him to turn on the computer and check the information in the mailbox.

Xu Feng saw Yin Suwan sent him school addresses in several cities.

It has to be said that Yin Suwan's efficiency in doing things is too high.

In just one day, she asked the employees of Feita Sports Headquarters in China to find several addresses where schools could be built.

As long as the Basketball Association agrees, the preparations can begin.

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