"Ah? What's the matter? Aren't you coming back for training?" Yin Suwan really wanted to see Xu Feng soon, but she was too embarrassed to say so.

"I want to set up a basketball school in Longguo, and I will talk to Dayao and the staff of the Basketball Association tomorrow."

When Yin Suwan heard it, she also thought it was good: "That's great. Now that you have achieved achievements and experience, you should train more children. There are too few people in the Dragon Kingdom in the NBA."

"Yeah, I think so too. I am very happy that you support me so much! You are really my good wife!" Xu Feng thought that Yin Suwan would talk about a few difficulties and make Xu Feng quit. Without hesitation, I fully support Xu Feng.

"Slick tongue! You, as long as you don't have any confidante around you, I will support you in whatever you do!"

"A confidante?" Xu Feng was taken aback, not understanding what Yin Suwan meant.

"For example, Xiaoqi, Kelly..." Yin Suwan said sourly.

Xu Feng suddenly realized, and then burst out laughing.

In fact, Xu Feng knew that Yin Suwan didn't doubt him, she just relied on the sensitivity of a woman. She knew that there must be women thinking about Xu Feng's successful career and handsome appearance.

So she also wanted to order Xu Feng.

"Xiaowan, they are better off without you. Besides, you are my wife already. Will I consider other women?"

"Hmph, it's good if you know. By the way, if you want to run a school, do you need funds? I think you'd better not pay for it yourself, even if it was established by Feita Sports." Yin Suwan knows very well that Feita Sports is The Longguo men's basketball team donated some money and sponsored the CBA league.

The trips to Spain and Brazil by the Dragon Country team were all sponsored by Feita Sports.

So if you fly to Sports to prepare for the construction of the school, some things will be more convenient.

Xu Feng slapped his forehead: "That's right, you reminded me! It would be very troublesome for me to apply personally, and Dayao also meant the same thing."

"Well, Feita Sports is preparing to build a school, and then you will be the principal and technical director, and then you will choose teachers, so that you can select talents according to your ideas."

Yin Suwan is indeed a talented student with several years of management experience, and she does things in an orderly manner.

"That's great, that's what I think, haha, Xiaowan, you are really my good wife! Bobo..." Xu Feng couldn't help but kissed her on the phone.

Yin Suwan was amused by him and giggled.

"Okay, don't be silly, I'll ask my assistant to draw up a proposal and send it to the Basketball Association to apply for the school in the name of Feita Sports. You can talk to them directly tomorrow, and it should go much smoother, Yao It won't be difficult anymore."

Xu Feng nodded his head vigorously. On the phone just now, Xu Feng heard that Dayao was a little embarrassed.

"That's good Xiaowan, I won't bother you, Bobo!"

"You should rest too, husband!"

Xu Feng leaned on the sofa with his mobile phone in his hand, feeling elated.

He was lamenting that it was the greatest blessing in his life to be able to marry a good wife like Yin Suwan.

In fact, Yin Suwan didn't think so, even Yin Suwan's family regarded Xu Feng as a nobleman.

If it weren't for Xu Feng, Feita Sports should have withdrawn from the American market by now, and can only be a third-rate small brand in Longguo.


The next day, Xu Feng came to Dayao's office.

As soon as he knocked on the door, Dayao greeted him.

"Haha, the MVP is here!" Dayao teased and stretched out his big hand.

Xu Feng also smiled and stretched out his hand, and the two held together: "Dayao, don't laugh at me, what MVP is, it's just a contribution, and it's just a contribution."

"Don't be humble. The performance of our Longguo team has risen sharply in the past three years. It's not all due to you! The officials of the Basketball Association are embarrassed. How do you want to reward you! Who knows that you don't want this, then Don’t even want to donate all the prize money, you! I don’t even know how to praise you!”

Dayao complained about Xu Feng's generosity, and dragged Xu Feng to the office.

He first asked his assistant to make a cup of coffee for Xu Feng, then called and summoned two Basketball Association officials.

The four of them came to a small conference room, and after being seated, Dayao first said: "Let me introduce first, this is Director Zhang who is in charge of talent training of the Basketball Association."

Xu Feng stretched out his hand and shook hands with him.

"This is Minister Huang who is in charge of club management."

Xu Feng also greeted him.

Dayao went on to say: "Yesterday, our Basketball Association received a proposal from Feita Sports. The content mainly includes the establishment of basketball schools in several big cities in Longguo to find and train talents."

"For so many years, Feita Sports has been supporting our Dragon Country's basketball career. It has been of great help in terms of funds and manpower. We should also cooperate with them once. Besides, training basketball talents is also for the country! "

Dayao briefly introduced the ins and outs of this matter, and put Feita Sports in front, just to save the two people from causing trouble.

Director Zhang and Minister Huang looked at each other.

Then Minister Huang said slowly: "This is a good thing. Xu Feng has achieved such a good result in the United States, and led our Long Guo team to win the World Cup and Olympic champions. Our Basketball Association should take advantage of this shareholder wind to train basketball Make it up, and don’t let the talents fail!”

The sonorous and forceful words he said made people feel excited, but Dayao, who was used to listening to these people's speeches, did not change his expression at all, because he knew that he would definitely say "but" later.

Xu Feng also probably understood the temper of these officials, so he was not in a hurry to express his opinions, and listened quietly.


Sure enough, "but" came!
"However, there are actually quite a few basketball schools now. You see, sports schools in various places, as well as the selection of basketball clubs at various stages, as well as college leagues and high school leagues, are in full swing. The talents selected from here , have entered the CBA. Then we can directly select in the CBA, shouldn’t it be enough?”

Xu Feng resisted listening to his speech without interrupting him.

There are so many flaws in this passage, Xu Feng can hardly listen to it anymore.

Dayao understood Xu Feng's psychology, and was afraid that he would speak too bluntly and offend others.

So he coughed, and said in front of Xu Feng: "Minister Huang is right, but it seems that there have been no good seedlings in recent years. I think this method should be supplemented, such as adding some folks." mechanism."

Director Zhang said with displeasure: "The level of non-government organizations is uneven, just playing streetball, dunking a basketball, etc. If you really want to find talents, the possibility is not great!"

Dayao knows that officials don't like non-governmental organizations very much, because if the popularity of non-governmental organizations is too high, it will affect the official thinking of cultivating talents.

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