Both Curry and Irving have the ability to shoot through the heart with an arrow, while Davis and Gay also have the ability to shoot mid-range.

Xu Feng calmly directed his teammates to switch defenses quickly when they encountered cover, don't hesitate!

The referee whistled, Cousins ​​held the ball up, feinted twice, and suddenly passed the ball to Curry outside the three-point line!

Ding Yanyu defended Curry alone, Owen immediately ran over to block Ding Yanyu, Curry took the space and made a three-pointer!
6 seconds left!
The basketball draws an arc and flies towards the hoop.

All the players, fans, and even the security guards turned their heads and stared at the ball.

Curry is Curry!

God of three points!

Hollow into the network!

After the goal, Curry ran wildly, and his teammates chased after him, celebrating wildly!
141: 140!

The US team leads again by 1 point!
The timer shows that there are 1 seconds left!
Quasi lore!

Xu Feng shook his head slightly, sighing in his heart, there is no way, with Curry here, there is such a possibility, his range is too far, and he cannot be strangled.

And the US team is not the Warriors and has no weaknesses.

The Warriors can empty Green and double-team Curry.

But the U.S. team has Irving, Davis, Gay, and Cousins, all of whom are capable of three-pointers and two-pointers.

Curry gets a lot more space.

Director Gong called the last timeout and arranged a tactic.

In the NBA arena, more than 1 second is enough for a lore.

But it is also very difficult.

Director Gong held the tactical board and talked quickly with the team members.

Although Director Gong is a domestic player, his tactical theory is very rich.

He let Zhou Qi and A Lian intersperse under the basket, and then let Xu Feng catch the ball and go straight to the basket!

This tactic is very good, mainly depends on whether the US team can be fooled.

Fortunately, both Zhou Qi and Yi Jianlian scored goals just now, and the US team did not dare to let them go.

The timeout is over and the final moment has come.

With a difference of 1 point between the two sides, the game will basically not enter the second overtime. Whether it is scored or not, the game is over!
141:140!The US team temporarily leads by 1 point!
Wang Zhelin stood on the sidelines, Yi Jianlian and Zhou Qi started running on both sides of the paint area, Davis and Cousins ​​​​of the US team followed suit.

Xu Feng stood at the three-point line, seemingly not intending to run, while Ding Yanyuhang squatted in the corner.

The referee whistled, and Wang Zhelin looked at Zhou Qi and Yi Jianlian, as if to give an insider call.

Suddenly, Xu Feng started and rushed to the paint area. Wang Zhelin immediately threw the ball high.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Davis and Cousins ​​immediately discarded Zhou Qi and Yi Jianlian, trying to block Xu Feng.

But how did they know that Xu Feng just used Jordan's star card for himself!

The trapeze reappears!

Xu Feng's height of 206, coupled with Jordan's bullet speed, boo!
Before Cousins ​​and Davis, caught the basketball and slammed it into the basket!

At the same time, the red light is on, and the game is over!

This action was too fast, and it was difficult for the referee to judge whether the goal was valid or not!

The three referees walked to the sidelines to watch the replay video.

Players and fans from both sides stared at the big screen, nervously waiting for the result!

The referee finally turned around, raised two fingers, and then put them down!
Two points work!

142: 141!

The Long Guo team defeated the US team!
The whole audience exclaimed, and the fans of the Longguo team burst into bursts of cheers.

The players of the Longguo team roared excitedly, then their bodies went limp and they all fell to the ground.

Xu Feng was no exception, he was really too tired.

In this game, he played 41 minutes!

Iron man!
Director Gong also forgot that he was over 60 years old. He jumped into the field, lay down on the ground, and hugged the players.

Dayao and Director Zhang also shed tears of excitement, and they hugged tightly!

"we are the champion!"

"we are the champion!"

In Longguo, countless student dormitories and residential buildings erupted in cheers and thumping sounds.


Dozens of reporters rushed to the players of the Longguo team. Although the players were still lying on the ground, the reporters also squatted on the ground for interviews.

The superstars of the U.S. team returned to the locker room with dull eyes.

The powerful US team just lost the championship.

Xu Feng was surrounded by the most reporters, but Xu Feng was too tired to speak.

After a while, he sat up and looked at the dozen or so reporters squatting beside him.

"Mr. Xu Feng, you scored 56 points in this game, and you still scored a lore at a critical moment. Do you have anything to say?"

"I want to say, long live the motherland, long live the Dragon Kingdom, the Dragon Kingdom basketball has risen!"

This sentence spread to all parts of the world through the Internet, and everyone in the Dragon Kingdom was shocked.

The Dragon Kingdom team is about to rise!
Xu Feng is only 20 years old and has a bright future!
As long as Xu Feng is there, the Longguo team will always be among the strongest teams!
After a long time, the players of the Longguo team stood up, and everyone hugged together, enjoying the happy moment of winning the championship!

Until now, they still can't believe that the Longguo team really won the championship!
If it weren't for the crazy shouts of the fans and the flying of the national flag, they really thought it was just a dream.

The awards ceremony has begun.

All the members of the Long Guo team stood on the highest podium, and the American team lowered their heads and stood in the runner-up position. Spain defeated Lithuania in the previous game and became the third runner-up.

When the national flag of Longguo slowly rose above the arena, and when the national flag was played, the players of Longguo were all excited and shed tears!
Xu Feng put his hands on his chest and vowed secretly that he would definitely help the Longguo team reach the peak!

Xu Feng returned to the hotel and did not accept any more interviews. He changed his clothes, walked out of the hotel, and came to Yin Suwan's hotel.

Now he wanted to be alone with her, to share the joy together.

"Suwan, I'm sorry, I didn't accompany you on this vacation, and I left you alone most of the time."

Xu Feng embraced Yin Suwan and said apologetically.

"Don't say that, you are doing big things, and being with me is a small thing. Besides, I am also from Longguo, and cheering for you off the court is also the happiest time for me!"

"Really? It's good to have you! Suwan..." Xu Feng put Yin Suwan flat on the bed...

After the game, Xu Feng quietly returned to Longguo with Yin Suwan.

The last time was too hasty, he hadn't had a good time in the motherland with Yin Suwan.


While the two were playing, Xu Feng received a call from Lakers manager Kupchak.

"Xu Feng, the vacation deal has started. We want to build a championship team around you. Do you have any players you are looking forward to?"

Xu Feng was rowing with Yin Suwan on the West Lake at this time, when he heard the manager's words, he almost jumped up.

"Manager, is the transaction starting now? Then I have to think about it."

"Well, think about it carefully, and then tell me the players in your mind. I will try my best to trade. In addition, you should also pay attention to the trading market of other teams."

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