Many fans shouted their voices hoarse, opened their mouths, but could not speak.

Even so, they are still desperately cheering for their country's team.

Let alone the fans, Dayao and Director Zhang in the commentary booth were a little hoarse.
But they are very experienced, took a few lozenges, and continued to explain to everyone.

"Director Zhang, today's game will be unforgettable for me forever. I really hope this is not only the pinnacle of the Longguo team's take-off, but the beginning!"

"I really agree with your statement. I hope that under the leadership of Xu Feng, the Longguo team can become a strong basketball team in Asia, and even the world. You can wrestle with any team!"

"Not to mention anything else, with today's energy, even if it's not a strong basketball team, the fans will enjoy watching it!"

"I have a deep understanding. In fact, the fans are very cute. They are not all winning fans. Many of them simply appreciate the game and appreciate the sportsmanship!"


The score on the field is still very stalemate. Relying on the overall strength of the American team, they can still score continuously, while the Longguo team, under the leadership of Xu Feng, is supporting it with willpower.


Xu Feng held the ball and watched his teammates move after halftime.

This goal is very critical, and there is only more than 1 minute left. If the goal cannot be scored and the opponent counterattacks again, the game will be over.

The members of the Long Guo team were all exhausted, almost dragging their legs.

The only one who can continue to run and jump is Yi Jianlian.

Alian left regrets in the NBA. After returning to China, he is very self-disciplined and still uses the scientific methods of the NBA to maintain his physical strength.

So his physical fitness has always been good, even better than young CBA players.

In the overtime game, Yi Jianlian was still stuck inside and asked for the ball.

Xu Feng immediately passed the ball to him.

The star card that Xu Feng used for Yi Jianlian belonged to Karl Malone, which was very practical.

Although Ma Long has no champion, his strength is beyond doubt. He just lost to the number one god in history.

Alian resisted Faried, squeezed towards the basket, and made a one-handed layup before Cousins ​​made up the defense!

Go in!

At the same time, the referee blew his whistle and called Fariedra for a foul!

"Cow pen!"

"Alian is awesome!"

"Fuck! Overtime is still so exciting! Besides Xu Feng, it's Alian!"


The Dragon Country fans were so excited, now that one more person stands up, there is more hope!
136 flats!
Alian will be punished more!

Xu Feng ran over and clapped hands with A-Lian in celebration.

Originally, he wanted to bump his chest with A-Lian to celebrate, but he saw that A-Lian was also a little staggering, and he was really tired.

Unfortunately, Alian missed a free throw.

The ball hit the right side of the basket and popped out. Zhou Qi actually grabbed the rebound and made a tip-up!

unexpected surprise!

Zhou Qi's performance in this game was average, especially after four fouls, she didn't dare to make moves.

But this tip-up showed Zhou Qi's extremely strong physical fitness, and the David Robinson star card that Xu Feng gave him also played an important role.

138: 136.

With 1 minute and 02 seconds left in the time, the US team attacked.

Now the pressure is on the US team, this goal must be scored.

Irving dribbled the ball past half court, and he reached out and called a pick-and-roll.

In fact, with Irving's strength, he doesn't need a pick-and-roll, but this is a critical moment, and he needs to call out the big man.

Cousins ​​ran to a high position and blocked Dongrelijiang, and Owen rushed to the paint.

Yi Jianlian rushed over to help defend, stretched her arms high, and covered Owen.

But Irving's combination of man and ball is really awesome. With a little worship, he shook Alian up, then bent down and rushed to the basket.

Zhou Qi rushed over to defend, but Owen threw the ball from Zhou Qi's armpit into the basket with a super big pull!
So handsome!
The American fans screamed suddenly, it was incredible!
138 flats!
There are 39 seconds left in the time, it's too intense!

Who will kill the deer is still unknown.

The fans talked one after another: "Will overtime still be played?"

"It's very possible, the score is too tight!"

"Don't overtime, let alone players, I can't take it anymore, I have been holding my urine for half an hour, and I dare not go!"

"Hi, me too!"


In 39 seconds, both sides had a relatively sufficient time to attack.

It depends on who can hold on.

The Longguo team attacked, and Xu Feng dribbled the ball past halftime.

Because the two balls were passes just now, Xu Feng set up a smoke bomb, and he looked left and right again, pretending to pass the ball.

Sure enough, the American players were very nervous, staring at the other players.

Only Davis clings to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng suddenly started, bent down, and rushed from the right of Davis.

Davis hurriedly moved to block, but Xu Feng stopped again. Davis thought that Xu Feng was about to stop for a jump shot, so he hurriedly stopped and raised his arm at the same time.

But Xu Feng used the change of rhythm to break through again.

Dude, Davis' ankle can't take it anymore, stop and move, he tripped over himself.

Xu Feng quickly passed by him and went to the basket.

Cousins ​​immediately came to defend, Xu Feng jumped up high, as if about to dunk, Cousins ​​yelled and pressed his arms down.

But Xu Feng's body turned in the air, and he turned his back to Cousins, bang!
He bumped it, then held the ball in his left hand and threw it in the opposite direction.

The ball was purely a matter of feeling, because Xu Feng had his back to Cousins ​​and the basket, and couldn't see the basket at all.

Jordan also had a similar goal that year.


140: 138!

16 seconds left!
The Dragon Country fans went crazy again, while the American fans held their heads in pain.

"Xu Feng is so brilliant, I don't even know what to say."

"Big heart, you dare to play like this at this time?"

"This is the audacity of a master of arts!"


Dayao also patted the table several times in succession, nodding vigorously.

"My God! Xu Feng is simply a genius! A genius in basketball art!"

"It's really hard to imagine, if the goal is not scored, how much blame will be received after the game..."

"This is Xu Feng. He dared to make such an attempt, which also shows that he is very sure about this kind of ball!"

The head coach of the US team, Old K, shook his head and sighed. With Xu Feng, the Long Guo team is just like Optimus Prime, too arrogant!
Time was running out, and Old K called the last timeout.

This ball is very critical. Is it a two-point tactic or a three-point tactic?

Long Guo team players dragged their tired bodies and walked off the court slowly to rest.

Although Xu Feng himself was exhausted enough, he still encouraged his teammates, and Director Gong's heart was already in his throat.

He didn't know what to say, he just kept clapping and nodding.

After the timeout ended, the US team served in the frontcourt.

Cousins ​​stood courtside, holding the ball, and Davis and Rudy Gay stood on either side of the paint.

Curry and Irving are at two 45-degree angles.

This lineup is horrible.

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