The strongest striker system

Chapter 194 The players of the European powerhouses all got on the bus

Early the next morning, at about 06:30 in the morning, Sun Yingxiong woke up early. Since he went to bed early last night, he and Ilana exchanged messages on MSN on their mobile phones. In half an hour, he took a cold shower, and at around nine o'clock in the evening, he lay down on the big bed in the bedroom of the single dormitory and fell asleep.

As soon as the eyes were closed and opened, the night's work was over. The original alarm time was 06:30 in the morning, but Sun Yingxiong woke up around [-]:[-] in the morning.

This sleep lasted for nine and a half hours. Sun Yingxiong's sleep quality was very good, and he was in a full state of mind. His eyes were not bloodshot, his face was glowing red, and he didn't feel sleepy at all.

I don't know if it was because he went to bed too early last night, or the lunch break in the afternoon was not very satisfying, and he was anxious to fall asleep at night, so he fell asleep without taking off the clothes he was wearing. Now he is still wearing clothes.

After getting up, Sun Yingxiong washed up and started to pack his things. After all, after breakfast, he was going to follow the Ajax players at 08:30 in the morning at the Ajax Football Club. Gather at the gate of the training base, take the bus of the Ajax club, and go to Breda to prepare for the seventh round of the Eredivisie match tomorrow afternoon.

Speaking of packing, in fact, Sun Yingxiong does not need to carry a lot of things, not to mention that the Ajax club provided him with two brand new sports brand backpacks, and the contents of these two backpacks are also large. a lot of.

However, Sun Yingxiong didn't use it, but put it away. He continued to use the broken canvas bag that he had used in China for seven or eight years. This backpack didn't hold many things, only two or three replacement clothes , and simple toiletries will fill the entire backpack.

But this time, Sun Yingxiong still took out the torn canvas bag that he had been using all the time and was reluctant to throw away, put two pieces of clothes that he could replace with him in it, and simple toiletries, and it was done.

Immediately, the time came to [-]:[-]. According to the development time of the restaurant at the Ajax football training base, the breakfast time has been open to the public since [-]:[-] in the morning.

At this time, Sun Yingxiong thought that they would have to take the bus for about two hours in the morning to arrive at Breda, in case they were hungry and had nothing to eat on the way.

So, Sun Yingxiong left the single dormitory and walked to the restaurant of the Ajax football training base three or four hundred miles away. When he walked into the door of the restaurant and looked around, he found that there were very few people coming to eat. There are only a handful of them.

After all, this time is only 07:30 in the morning. Most of the players or staff will not get up as early as Sun Yingxiong. They will come to have breakfast at about [-]:[-] .

No, after Sun Yingxiong finished his breakfast, he easily found a free dining table, sat down alone, and ate a plate full of food in less than 10 minutes. .

When Sun Yingxiong walked out of the restaurant of the Ajax football training base, there were still not many people coming to eat, which made him a little puzzled. It stands to reason that at 08:30 this morning, there were a total of 18 players in the squad for the game the day after tomorrow afternoon. At least the other 17 people except himself should have an early breakfast, so that they can rush to the gate of the Ajax football training base to gather in advance.

However, Sun Yingxiong entered the restaurant of the Ajax football training base, and when he went out, he was surprised to find that he did not see any Ajax first-team players, which really made him think Feel puzzled.

Although yesterday evening, Ajax coach De Boer did not tell him on the phone who was in the 18-man squad, but at least one thing is certain, that is, Sun Yingxiong must be there.

In addition, the 18-man roster will definitely be selected from the nearly 30 first-team players of Ajax. None of them were seen.

What happened next made Sun Yingxiong feel even more unbelievable. At about 07:30, this time should have been the peak dining time of the restaurant at the Ajax football training base.

However, Sun Yingxiong walked out of the single dormitory with his ragged canvas bag on his back, and headed for the gate of the Ajax football training base. The reason why he went to gather an hour earlier was also to hope that he could enter the stadium earlier. Parked inside the bus at the gate and found a back seat, because he really didn't want to sit in the first row with the team's coach De Boer.

It's not that he hates De Boer so much, but because he overslept during his lunch break yesterday. When he woke up, the technical and tactical training session in the afternoon had ended for about 15 minutes.

Although, afterward, Sun Yingxiong took the initiative to call De Boer to admit his mistake and apologize, but he felt that what De Boer said was a bit abnormal, so he didn't know how to deal with it.

Wait a minute, the bus is full of Ajax players and members of the coaching staff. In front of so many people, if De Boer criticizes him in public, it will make him feel very shameless. It was only then that I planned to rush to the car in advance and choose a position as far back as possible to avoid De Boer's sight.

As a result, when Sun Yingxiong rushed to the gate of the Ajax football training base with the ragged canvas bag on his back, he just responded to the old saying, "You don't know if you don't look at it, and you are shocked when you see it."

To his great surprise, he looked around. At this moment, on the inside of the gate of the Ajax football training base, there were already more than a dozen players who came here before him to gather.

However, the door of the bus parked next to it was locked, and the dozen or so players stood in front of the bus, gathered together in small groups, chatting and laughing.

"Sillessen, didn't you say that you gathered here at 08:30 this morning? Why did you all come so early? It's only around 07:30, and I thought I was early enough. I found out that you all came earlier than me!" Sun Yingxiong walked up to Cillesen and asked in a puzzled tone.

Seeing Sun Yingxiong walking in front of him, Cillesen first raised his hand, patted Sun Yingxiong on the shoulder, and replied with a smile: "Sun Yingxiong, your boy did not come early, to tell you the truth , I also came here about 5 minutes before you. At that time, when I came here, there were already seven or eight people gathered here. Moreover, I ran directly from the single dormitory to here!"

After listening to Cillesen's answer, Sun Yingxiong continued to ask in a puzzled tone, "Cillesen, do you mean that you didn't go to the restaurant for breakfast before you came here?"

As soon as Sun Yingxiong's question fell, Silesin replied with ease: "Sun Yingxiong, not only I came out of the single dormitory and went straight to gather here, but also other people who came here before you, Almost none of them went to the restaurant for breakfast. Otherwise, how could the big guys gather here so early!"

Having said this, Cillesen paused for about three seconds, then changed the topic and said with a smile: "Now, including me, everyone wants to get on this bus as soon as possible. , rushed to Breda, entered the hotel where we stayed, took a good rest, and had a sumptuous buffet in the hotel at noon. The lunch provided by the hotel must be better than the food in the restaurant of our training base There are more categories, and the taste is better."

When Silesen said this, Sun Yingxiong, who was still confused just now, suddenly realized that the reason why these dozen people came here before him was because they didn't go to the restaurant for breakfast, but were eagerly looking forward to it. Hurry to eat the lunch buffet at the hotel in Breda!
To be honest, the food in the restaurant of the Ajax football training base really cannot be compared with the buffet provided by big hotels. Most people just use it to fill their stomachs. People who eat less Western food, if it is not for filling their stomachs, or if there are other options, he probably will not eat so much food in the restaurant every time.

Immediately afterwards, Sun Yingxiong pointed to the bus parked five or six meters away from them, and at the same time continued to ask Cillesen standing in front of him: "Cillesen, what did you do just now?" Not to say, everyone came here very early to assemble, and they are all very eager to rush to Breda, but why don’t you get on the bus, why are you standing outside?”

After listening to Sun Yingxiong's inquiry, Silesen replied in a slightly helpless tone: "Who said no, but the driver of the bus said that he would go to the restaurant to have some breakfast to fill his stomach first." Stomach. Moreover, he also said that the door of the bus will not be opened for us to go up until the team's head coach De Boer arrives. Before the team's head coach De Boer arrives, the driver will not Open the door of the bus."

When Cillessen finished answering, Sun Yingxiong couldn't help but secretly "thumped" in his heart. He felt that his original wishful thinking was that he would go to the bus to pick a Sit down in the back seat, which is good. When De Boer comes, the bus door will open. It seems that he has no way to avoid De Boer.

After a while, at about 5:[-] in the morning, Sun Yingxiong chatted with Cillesen standing in front of him, and several other players, while looking left and right. After a while, he found that there were [-] players gathered in front of the bus. If he guessed correctly, these [-] players, including him, are the candidates for the away game against Breda tomorrow afternoon.

Sure enough, at about eight o'clock in the morning, the team's head coach De Boer led a dozen members of the coaching staff to rush over slowly. First, an assistant coach counted the names of the players. Eight people, all present.

After counting the names of the players, the driver opened the door, and the players standing in front of the bus filed in one after another, entered the bus and chose seats to sit down and rest.

Because Sun Yingxiong is tall, he was the last few people to get on the bus. He didn't want to sit in the first row. After getting on the bus, he found that there were a total of two seats in the fourth row on the left side of the aisle, but only Xi Lai was sitting. Sen was alone, so he immediately walked forward and sat down beside Cillessen.

"Cillessen, when we were having dinner in the restaurant yesterday, you and the other two were very skeptical that I was selected for the away game against Breda. Just now, before we got into the car, you must have heard Did the assistant coach read my name? The three of you lost!" After sitting down, Sun Yingxiong put the ragged rucksack on his lap and pointed at Xi sitting next to him. Layson spoke proudly.

If Sun Yingxiong didn't say it at this time, Cillesen would have really forgotten about it. From the point of view of him and the other two teammates, Sun Yingxiong missed the technical and tactical training session yesterday afternoon and made a mistake. For such a serious mistake, if the team coach De Boer followed the previous practice, Hero Sun would definitely be suspended for at least one game within the team.

However, Sun Yingxiong not only was not suspended by the team, he was even selected for the away game against Breda. Moreover, before getting on the bus, the team's head coach De Boer also made a special appearance in front of all the players. They said that this afternoon he would lead Sun Yingxiong to the pre-match press conference.

According to the usual practice, all players participating in the pre-match press conference must be included in the team's starting lineup unless they are affected by injuries before the game. Sen didn't think there was anything strange. At this moment, he vaguely felt that De Boer was too spoiled and partial to Sun Yingxiong.

After thinking for a while, Cillesen, who was just in his early 20s, immediately made a face at Sun Yingxiong who was sitting next to him, and then said roguely, "Sun Yingxiong, so what if you win?" ?Anyway, when we talked about this matter, we didn’t place any bets. Anyway, neither I nor the other two teammates will lose anything to you.”

Sun Yingxiong, who was sitting in the seat, saw the mangy look of Cillesen sitting next to him, and immediately made him angry, and secretly regretted in his heart: "I had dinner with Xi Leisen yesterday." When Leysen bet with the other two teammates, he really should have made a bet. Otherwise, now that I won, but I didn't win anything from the three of them, it was indeed a miscalculation.

However, Sun Yingxiong thought about it again. Before going to bed last night, he and Ilana made a bet. Fortunately, when they were chatting on MSN, they both made a bet. Otherwise, if he won again I'm afraid I still won't get any benefits, so what's the point of betting.

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