The strongest striker system

Chapter 193 Made a Bet with the Dutch Blonde

After hanging up the phone, Sun Yingxiong, who had been in a state of high tension until now, let out a long sigh of relief, and felt a lot more relaxed. The big rock hanging on his chest was now safe and sound. It hit the ground.

Sun Yingxiong, who was sitting in the single dormitory, fiddled with the equipped computer for a while, played a few stand-alone games of football live, and the time came to [-]:[-] in the evening.

Even though he was lying on the big bed in the single dormitory in the afternoon and overslept in the morning, he didn't participate in the three-hour technical and tactical training class in the afternoon, and his stomach was already growling.

At this time, the restaurant at the Ajax football training base was serving dinner. Without further ado, Sun Yingxiong immediately changed into casual clothes, left the single dormitory where he lived, and went to Ajax, which is three or four hundred miles away. Dinner at the restaurant of the football training base.

When Sun Yingxiong walked into the restaurant of the Ajax football training base, he glanced casually, only to find that there were already more than 30 players sitting around eating.

He was so hungry that he picked out a few foods he usually likes to eat with a plate, and when he was about to find a free table, he heard a familiar voice not far away: " Sun Yingxiong, your kid is finally out for dinner, come quickly, come to our side, I have a free seat here."

Sun Yingxiong, who was still dead in Yopu just now, immediately followed Sheng A and found that the person who was talking to him just now was about ten meters away from him, sitting alone at the dining table with a smile on his face Ajax main goalkeeper Cillessen blinked at him.

At first, Sun Yingxiong was stunned for a moment, then he walked briskly over with the plate in his hand, and sat down on an empty seat opposite Cillessen.

"Okay, Sun Yingxiong, you boy is getting more and more courageous. You don't have the money to participate in the technical and tactical training class this morning. You don't know. At that time, our head coach, Mr. De Boer, was given Pissed off, he was all pissed off at the time, but hey, no one was sent to find you, a big young striker was transferred from the reserve team to replace you. Now it's dinner time, and you boy turned up here, you What did you do in the afternoon? Wait a minute, if De Boer brings those members of the coaching staff to the restaurant for dinner, aren't you afraid that Mr. De Boer will catch you?" Cileson waited until Sun Yingxiong was in Sitting down opposite him, he put down the knife and fork in his hand, and asked in a curious tone.

Facing Cillesen's inquiry, after Sun Yingxiong put down the dinner plate in his hand, he was a little embarrassed, first scratched the back of his head with his hand, and then replied in a low voice in a somewhat embarrassed tone: "Sillesen, to tell you the truth, this afternoon, I was taking a lunch break in the single dormitory where I lived. Because the phone was turned to silent before, and the alarm clock on the bedside table forgot to set the time, I this time I fell asleep, and when I woke up, it was almost around 05:30, and I perfectly missed the technical and tactical training session at the No. [-] venue this afternoon.

"Actually, not long after I woke up, I took the initiative to call the team's head coach, Mr. De Boer, with an uneasy mood. At that time, I was ready to be slapped in the face by Mr. De Boer on the phone. But I was overjoyed at the time result. Mr. De Boer answered the phone very quickly. Instead of scolding me in the downplay, he even talked to me very politely, as if he was an amiable uncle and comforted me. Let me know. I really don't know what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of this old guy De Boer.

"Anyway, Mr. De Boer expressed his forgiveness for not participating in this technical and tactical training session due to oversleeping during lunch break this afternoon, and he did not scold me. It really made me feel incredible. Now, I think back When I wake up, I still feel a little unbelievable that this is true!"

After listening to Sun Yingxiong's answer, he was immediately shocked by Ajax's main goalkeeper Cillesen and the other two Ajax players who were sitting at the same table. It was jaw-dropping, unbelievable.

Because in the inherent impression of the three of them, the team coach De Boer is a person with a very strict eyeball. If someone dares to miss the training session because he overslept during the lunch break, he will not only scold him , Moreover, they will be brutally placed in the reserve team for at least a month and undergo a deep review until De Boer is satisfied before returning to the first team, otherwise, stay in the reserve team for two or three months time is something that often happens.

It is precisely because De Boer has very strict requirements on the players of the Ajax first team that the players of the first team are very afraid of De Boer and will be careful when doing things. The things he ordered almost reached the level of absolute obedience, for fear that one day he might be sent to the reserve team because of some small mistake.

Anyway, in the eyes of Cillesen and the other two players, Sun Yingxiong overslept during his lunch break and did not attend the technical and tactical training session in the afternoon. This is definitely not a small mistake, but a big mistake. Being scolded by De Boer is a trivial matter, at least he will be sent to the reserve team for a month or two as a punishment.

However, the three of them learned from Sun Yingxiong that De Boer was very rarely angry. He didn't even criticize Sun Yingxiong. On the contrary, he comforted Sun Yingxiong. I was so shocked when I arrived, I almost startled a pool of gulls and herons!

Less than five seconds later, the player sitting diagonally across from Sun Yingxiong at the same table continued to ask for confirmation in an incredible tone: "Sun Yingxiong, is what you just said true? How can I Then I don’t believe it, how could Mr. De Boer let you go so easily, at least he would throw you to the reserve team to dry out for a month or so.”

After hearing the player's question, Sun Yingxiong immediately replied seriously at this moment: "I really didn't lie to you. What I said just now is absolutely true. If you don't believe me, then we will discuss it tomorrow morning." When you gather at the gate of the Ajax football training base at 08:30, you will know it at a glance, and you can see De Boer's attitude towards me at a glance."

When Sun Yingxiong finished speaking, the three players at the same table, including Cillesen, immediately nodded in unison and replied: "Okay, let's meet at the gate of the Ajax football training base at 08:30 tomorrow morning." !"

In fact, in the eyes of Cillessen and the other two players, since Sun Yingxiong was absent from the technical and tactical training session in the afternoon, Sun Yingxiong should not play in the away game against Breda the day after tomorrow. .

However, what the three of them never expected was that they learned from Sun Yingxiong that at 08:30 tomorrow morning, they will gather at the gate of the Ajax football training base. Gather up and take the bus to Breda, which is about 70 kilometers away. The head coach of the team, De Boer, actually wants to bring Sun Yingxiong.

Sun Yingxiong didn't want to continue spinning on this topic, so he changed the topic with Cillessen and the other two Ajax first-team players, and chatted about other things. The four of them finished eating talking and laughing. This dinner.

After the meal, the four of them walked out of the restaurant of the Ajax football training base together, and went to the single dormitory building of the players together. They said goodbye to each other, and went back to their rooms to rest.

Back in the room where he lived, Sun Yingxiong suddenly remembered a problem, that is, he hadn't contacted Yilanna for several days. I don't know what happened. When he Just sitting on the sofa and relaxing, I felt empty in my heart, as if something was missing.

So, Sun Yingxiong took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, opened the screen of the mobile phone, and saw that there were no missed calls, no unread text messages, and no new MSN messages.

Before he had time to think about it, Sun Yingxiong opened the chat interface between MSN and Ilana, and found that Ilana's MSN avatar was gray. In the past, when he opened it, Ilana's avatar was usually lit up. Yes, there are two kinds of situations now, one is that Yilanna is really not online, and the other is that she changed her MSN status to invisible.

After thinking for a few seconds, Sun Yingxiong quickly sent a message: Miss Yilanna, are you online?
About a minute after sending it, Sun Yingxiong kept staring at the phone screen, but he didn't wait for Yilanna's reply, which made him feel a little anxious.

Just when he was hesitating whether to make a call, he saw Yilana reply him a message: Sun Yingxiong, you finally thought of contacting me, what do you need?

Seeing the news from Ilana's reply, Sun Yingxiong felt mixed joy and sorrow. What made him happy was that Yilanna finally replied to him on MSN. What worried him was that the message that Yilanna replied to him The content seemed a bit lukewarm and neither salty nor light.

However, Sun Yingxiong replied quickly: I have nothing to do, so I can't contact you?I have been practicing free kick shooting for the past few days, working overtime day and night, practicing until midnight, falling asleep when I come back, and I have no free time to contact you!
In the above reply, Sun Yingxiong is indeed telling the truth. In the past few days, he has devoted himself to the training of direct free kicks. It can be said that he has reached the level of forgetting to sleep and eat. At night, when he returned to the dormitory, he was physically and mentally exhausted. Sometimes, before he had time to take a cold shower, he lay down on the big bed and fell asleep. How could he have any free time to play with his mobile phone?

Now Yingxiong Sun has finished the training of directly attacking the goal with a free kick. In addition, he overslept during the lunch break after eating at noon today. After eating dinner, he is free all of a sudden, and he will naturally think of him Miss Ilana, a friend of the opposite sex in a foreign country in the Netherlands.

No, less than a minute later, Ilana replied again: If you have nothing to do, of course you can contact me. If I remember correctly, you Ajax will challenge Breda away in the afternoon the day after tomorrow. , I hope you can continue to score goals. My brother Medel and I will watch the live broadcast of this game and cheer for you.

For Ilana's reply, Sun Yingxiong breathed a sigh of relief, and he quickly replied: Yes, in the afternoon of the day after tomorrow, our Ajax will challenge Breda away. This is the seventh round of the Eredivisie this season. Game, this game, I will definitely score at least one free kick, Miss Ilana, can you believe it?

After reading Sun Yingxiong's reply to his MSN message, Yilanna couldn't help but feel awkward. Some time ago, she got along with Sun Yingxiong, and she already knew Sun Yingxiong a little bit.

She also knew that Sun Yingxiong played in China before he joined Ajax. Nine years.

Although she doesn't know much about football knowledge, she also understands that the best way for a central defender to clear a siege is to clear the siege with a free kick. She thinks it is impossible for this to happen.

What's more, in her opinion, Sun Yingxiong practiced shooting directly from free kicks in the previous two or three days, even if he forgot to eat and sleep day and night. Of course, she would not believe that she scored directly from a free kick.

As a result, Ilana made a snickering expression first, and then replied: In the game the day after tomorrow afternoon, I will not believe that you can score a goal with a free kick, and you will be blown away!

Seeing that Ilana questioned his ability to score directly from a free kick, Sun Yingxiong replied immediately not to be outdone: "Ilana, how about a bet between the two of us? If in the game the day after tomorrow afternoon , Complete the goal with a direct shot from a free kick, almost I win, otherwise, you win, how about it?
As soon as she saw the bet, Yilanna's interest was immediately heightened, and she immediately replied very straightforwardly: "Bet, bet, who is afraid of whom, tell me, what is the bet between the two of us?"
After thinking for a while, Sun Yingxiong replied: The bet is very simple, as long as whoever wins, the loser has to promise the winner one thing, how about it?

Immediately afterwards, Ilana replied: "Okay, then the two of us can make a deal. To use an old Chinese saying, it is called 'a gentleman can never follow a word', Sun Yingxiong, you are not allowed to go back on your word." .At that time, if you lose, you must not deny it.

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