The strongest striker system

Chapter 177 The 17-year-old Chinese teenager finally mastered the skill of scoring free kicks direct

If this is the method and technique for ordinary people to practice free kicks and directly score goals, after only watching the opponent's demonstration three times, I am afraid that when I practice again, I will definitely look confused, just like a monk who is two feet long, confused .

Don't look, Sun Yingxiong is only 17 years old. He has been embedded in his head with a powerful forward system. Before that, he has been playing as a central defender in China. He has greatly improved the skills of some forwards.

In addition, what surprised Sun Yingxiong is that recently, his memory has been super good. Not only can he achieve the level of photographic memory, but also, he can hold in his mind for a long time the impressive things. It's like a movie is playing in it.

To use a simple and easy-to-understand analogy, whenever Sun Yingxiong asked himself to remember things or scenes, he would replay them in slow motion in his mind, allowing him to deepen his memory. Can vividly remember.

No, when Klaassen and Shener demonstrated three times respectively, they went to rest at a place more than [-] meters away. They were afraid that others would see that they were running away, and they even sat in the second venue. On the chairs in the rest area next to it, the two of them didn't leave the No. [-] venue anyway. They just looked at the time displayed on the watch on their left wrists, while crossing their legs, and the two of them talked and chatted.

Sun Yingxiong, who stayed alone on the No. 25 court, picked up the five balls just now, and put them on the penalty spot at the front of the penalty area at [-]. First, he closed his eyes, and in his mind , I went through the "movie" of the entire process of Shenei taking the free kick on the left side of the front of the penalty area just now, and it was still in slow motion, which made Sun Yingxiong still fresh in his memory.

Less than ten seconds later, Sun Yingxiong opened his eyes. With his photographic memory, he took a free kick in the same way as Shener just now. It took him almost a minute to put a word in front of him The five balls lined up shot towards the goal one after another.

Although Sun Yingxiong has the ability of photographic memory, but these five balls were kicked one after another, but the effect was unsatisfactory. None of the balls entered the goal. The first three shots were all firmly hit in the penalty area. The top of the human wall model inside was bounced back again, and the door was opened twice after that, an anti-aircraft gun was fired once, and the sliding door passed by a very unfortunate one.

Sitting in the rest area more than [-] meters away, Shener and Klaassen saw that Sun Yingxiong took five free throws in a row, but none of them scored a goal. The two of them were happy, but they cheered for Sun Yingxiong .

Such a bad shot immediately made Sun Yingxiong a little disheartened. However, he heard the jeers from Klaassen and Shenei who were more than [-] meters away, but he was not willing to give up.

Sun Yingxiong, who hated his teeth itchingly, clenched his fists tightly and swore in his heart: He must practice the skill of scoring a free kick in the shortest possible time, at least he must be indistinguishable from Klaassen and Shener Up and down, when the time comes, see who else dares to laugh at himself.

After secretly swearing in his heart, Sun Yingxiong repositioned the five balls scattered around in front of him again, and continued to kick into the goal. This time, it was as bad as the last time. Not to mention the ball hitting the goal, and, five times, the ball hit the human wall model in the penalty area without exception.

After this was seen by Shener and Klaassen, who were sitting in the rest area more than twenty meters away, just a few seconds ago, the two of them restrained their bright smiles on their cheeks. I laughed out loud again.

On the left side of the front of the penalty area, about 25 away from the goal, Sun Yingxiong practiced for about an hour, then switched to the position on the right side of the penalty area, and according to the previous method and technique of Klaassen taking free kicks, Sun Yingxiong Practice for another half an hour.

However, this short period of time has passed, and there are only a handful of cases where Sun Yingxiong scored the ball into the goal, and there are very few of them, and Schone and Klaassen, who are sitting on the sidelines watching the game, both of them are very smiling. happy.

In addition to Sun Yingxiong's poor footwork, within an hour, there are not many kicks to complete the goal. What's more, they don't have to worry about their demonstration three times, Sun Yingxiong will let them The two people stole the method and technique of directly breaking the goal with a free kick. How could they not laugh heartily when they relaxed their hearts!
"How about it, Sun Yingxiong, the method and technique of directly breaking the goal with a free kick, both of us, Schoney and I, have demonstrated it to you. Moreover, each of us has demonstrated it to you three times, you If you can’t learn it, then there’s nothing we can do. The one-hour extra training time is up, so we’re going back. Don’t worry too much. After the next closed training session, you can continue to practice. !” After Klaassen saw that the time had passed for an hour, he walked up to Sun Yingxiong in a leisurely manner, and said with a playful smile.

When Klaassen had just finished speaking, he stood in the house next to him, and then, in a sarcastic tone, he teased Sun Yingxiong: "Sun Yingxiong, our captain Klaassen, this is a kind word of advice to you. You have to listen to it. As the saying goes, the city of Rome cannot be built in a day. The method and technique of scoring a goal with a free kick, I and Klassen have demonstrated it to you three times. It is completely impossible to fully grasp and learn within an hour, unless, your kid is a genius!
"However, you have been practicing for an hour, but you haven't seen any progress. This shows that you are not only not a genius, but also that your footwork is relatively rough. Don't say that you have spent an hour Well, even if it takes a month, I'm afraid you won't be able to master the method and technique of scoring directly from a free kick. Klassen and I won't waste our time here, we'll leave first, and you should go back earlier, let's See you in two days!"

After listening to the cynicism of Klassen and Shener, Sun Yingxiong was able to hold his breath even though he was only 17 years old, forced a smile from the corner of his mouth, and said: "Klaassen, Shener Now, I have already remembered what you two reminded me just now. Now that the one-hour practice time is up, then you two should leave, you can go about your business, and I will stay here alone for a while."

Before Sun Yingxiong finished speaking, the two of them, Klaassen and Schone, left the No. 300 court talking and laughing, and went straight to the player's single dormitory building [-] meters away.

Watching Klaassen and Shenei walk away, Sun Yingxiong looked back and realized that it was already nightfall, and the sky was gradually dimming. Just as he was about to leave alone, he suddenly saw The streetlights around the No. [-] field were all turned on at once. The strong but not dazzling lights made the field where Sun Yingxiong was located, which was used for direct free kick training, to become like daytime.

Immediately, Sun Yingxiong dispelled the idea of ​​leaving. He felt that if he had to work hard, he must initially master the method and skill of the two of them, Schone and Klassen, who scored directly from the free kick just now. Otherwise, not only the one hour just now Not to mention the time spent practicing for nothing, and also endured the cynicism of Klaassen and Schöne for nothing, and when the whole team regrouped here two days later, the head coach De Boer asked him to show him the ability to score directly from a free kick. If he doesn't have good footwork, wouldn't he be humiliated in public?

Thinking of this, Sun Yingxiong secretly said cruelly in his heart: Since all the street lights around the No. [-] venue are now on, as if it were daytime, before the staff came to gesture for football, equipment, and other facilities, he continued If you continue to practice, even if you practice until midnight, you must master the methods and skills of Klaassen and Schoney to score directly from free kicks.

After being so cruel, Sun Yingxiong retrieved the five balls that had been kicked around just now, and placed them in front of him, about 25 meters away from the goal on the left side of the penalty area. Hey, he first recalled the three footwork demonstrated by Shener before, and then started to practice directly scoring the goal with a free kick.

"Mr. De Boer, it's getting dark now. I saw that Schöne and Klaassen had left the second field, and Sun Yingxiong was the only one left who was still practicing extra free kicks and direct goals. We can't make up our minds, let him stop training, let's pack up, or let Sun Yingxiong continue to practice alone, and ask Mr. De Boer for instructions?" Standing in the office building of the Ajax football training base, In a head coach's office specially set up for De Boer, a logistics director of the Ajax football training base reported to De Boer for instructions.

After listening to the report and instructions from the logistics supervisor, De Boer was very surprised. In his opinion, Sun Yingxiong, a 17-year-old boy who is still in adolescence, must be more playful. He had guessed After an hour passed, Sun Yingxiong quit.

In the end, after listening to the report and instructions from the logistics supervisor, he was really surprised. In his opinion, it is necessary to train Sun Yingxiong to be a striker who is good at everything from head to foot, especially from free kicks outside the penalty area. The latter is a long-range goal, and Sun Yingxiong should continue to strengthen in this regard.

Knowing that Sun Yingxiong is so diligent and studious, De Boer thought about it for a while, and then told the logistics supervisor: "Well, don't disturb him in the second venue for the time being, and wait until twelve o'clock in the evening. The hero hasn't left yet, if he continues to practice, then you will force him to stop training and clean up the things on the second court."

Having said this, De Boer seemed to think of something again. He paused for about five seconds, then changed the topic, and continued to say to the logistics supervisor standing in front of him, "So what, today I will work hard on your logistics department tonight, even if you work overtime tonight, I will notify the club to pay overtime pay to your logistics staff in charge of the second venue."

When the Ajax head coach De Boer finished his orders, the logistics director who came to report and ask for instructions left De Boer's office and returned to the office of the logistics department to convey the decree to the logistics staff who were still on the night shift. Ball's latest instructions.

After practicing alone on the No. [-] field for about half an hour, Sun Yingxiong still didn't have any grasp of the method and technique of directly scoring free kicks, but there was one thing that made him curious.

It was originally agreed that after the closed training session in the afternoon, Klaassen and Schoney would lead the free kick training for an hour. However, as far as he estimated, it was all over now. For more than an hour and a half, no logistics staff came to pack things, which made him a little puzzled.

After thinking about it for a while, Sun Yingxiong felt that since the logistics staff did not come, he would continue to practice more. Anyway, tonight he must master the method and skill of scoring a free kick directly, otherwise, even if it is not tonight It's okay to sleep.

The hard work paid off, and after almost three hours of training, Sun Yingxiong finally mastered the method and technique of taking free kicks directly on the left and right sides of the front of the penalty area.

From the first wave of five free kicks to the goal, he couldn't even touch the side of the goal. After Sun Yingxiong's hard work for more than four hours, he hit the goal five times, and at least three times he was able to send it into the goal , although the angle is not tricky enough, but because Sun Yingxiong exerts enough force and kicks the ball very fast, even if there is a goalkeeper to save, it will cause the save to be missed.

You know, more than an hour ago, after Sun Yingxiong finished training for an hour, he still couldn't even touch the door. It can be said that Sun Yingxiong finally mastered the method and technique of directly breaking the goal with a free kick. He breathed a sigh of relief.

From two o'clock in the afternoon to now, during this period, Sun Yingxiong took a break of about 5 minutes every hour or so of training at most. He didn't even eat a sip of water or food. It can be said that he was thirsty and hungry.

Sun Yingxiong, who was starving, did not master the method and technique of scoring directly from a free kick until almost eleven o'clock in the evening. At the same time, it also made him feel thirsty and hungry.

Lying down on the No. 10 field and resting for about [-] minutes, Sun Yingxiong heard a sound of footsteps nearby, which became clearer and clearer from far to near, so he sat up and looked up. Only then did he realize that several logistics staff were walking towards the No. [-] venue where he was.

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