The strongest striker system

Chapter 176 The 17-year-old Chinese teenager was teased by the 2 giants of the Eredivisie

Just as the first-team players standing on the No. [-] field in the Ajax football training base were cheering, Ajax coach De Boer announced the last thing, that is, let the two big players in the team The core of the midfielder, Klaassen and Schone, stayed and taught Sun Yingxiong the method and skill of scoring free kicks directly, that is, they took Sun Yingxiong to practice for an extra hour.

Just now, I heard that after this closed training session is over, you can take two days to rest. The two standing side by side, Klaassen and Shener, are still dragging their slightly tired bodies, showing bright smiles. Upon hearing the announcement from head coach De Boer, the smiles on the cheeks of the two of them immediately froze, and their mood immediately fell from the top of the cloud to the bottom of the valley.

After the announcement, the head coach of Ajax waved his hands at the twenty or so first-team players standing in front of him, and with a smile on his face, he said loudly: "Except for Sun Yingxiong, Klaassen and Scher Except for the three of them staying here, the rest of you can go back and rest!"

As soon as De Boer's words fell, apart from Sun Yingxiong, Klaassen and Schone, the other twenty or so Ajax players immediately dispersed.

After blinking their eyelids a few times, the twenty or so Ajax players disappeared in the No. [-] venue, and rushed back to each of their single dormitories to take a shower.

After watching the twenty or so Ajax players leave, Ajax head coach De Boer saw the staff and assistant coaches standing still, and he stepped forward. , and said with a smile: "What are you all doing in a daze? Now, this No. [-] field is handed over to Sun Yingxiong, Klaassen, and Shenei. We are all off work!"

After finishing speaking, De Boer walked up to the dozen or so staff members and told them in a low voice that after an hour, he would come to the No. [-] venue to pack up the balls, sports equipment, and all the equipment.

In this way, under the leadership of Ajax head coach De Boer, all the coaching staff and more than a dozen Ajax football training base staff quickly left the No. [-] field.

Less than half a minute later, in the huge No. [-] training ground, there were only Sun Yingxiong, Klaasen, and Shener who were looking at each other. At this time, they all had their own ghosts.

At this time, Sun Yingxiong wanted to come, since the team's head coach De Boer has issued an order, then within the next hour, he must humbly follow Klaassen and Schone to accept free kicks directly Breaking training.

As for Klaassen and Schone, at this moment, the two of them think the most in their hearts, if within the next hour, tell them all the methods and skills they have mastered to directly score free kicks. Give Sun Yingxiong, then, from now on, the status of the two of them in the Ajax team may be seriously affected.

After all, before this, whether Ajax participated in official games or training sessions within the team, almost all free kicks or corner kicks were arranged by the two of them. Once Sun Yingxiong learned both left and right feet, After that, there will really be nothing for the two of them!

Thinking of this, Klaassen and Schone, who were standing side by side just now, are now standing opposite each other. After looking at each other for a few times, they blinked at each other, which is what is called a frown.

The two of them, Klaassen and Schone, who were still looking distressed just now, walked up to Sun Yingxiong, and Klaasen said: "Sun Yingxiong, don't be dazed, let's quickly train the method of scoring directly from a free kick and Skills, it’s almost sunset, if we don’t hurry up to train, I’m afraid it will get dark soon, at night, Shenei and I have other things to do!”

In fact, Sun Yingxiong, who was standing there, was like a mirror in his heart. He could see right away that Klaasson and Schoney, the two most skilled bosses in the team, and Nurse really wanted to put them every step of the way. I taught myself the method and technique of directly scoring free kicks to myself, probably in order to be perfunctory and end the one-hour free kick direct scoring practice as soon as possible, and then I walked up to myself and took the initiative to tell him to hurry up and practice.

"Okay, Klaassen, Schöne, thank you very much for teaching me the method and technique of scoring free kicks directly, wait a minute, I will do what you two say, in short, I will follow your two orders and arrangements " Sun Yingxiong said politely with a smile on his face after hearing what Klaassen said.

Standing about 25 meters away from the goal, on the left side of the front of the penalty area, five balls were lined up in a row. Without saying a word, She Nei gave a very succinct instruction to Sun Yingxiong standing in front of the ball: "Okay, Sun Yingxiong, the ball is placed for you, you go straight to the goal!"

After listening to She Nei's instructions, Sun Yingxiong didn't go up just to knock on the door, but with a smile on his face, he said to She Nei who was standing next to him in a discussing tone, with reason and affection: "She Nei Nai, you have to demonstrate it to me first. You let me play without any demonstration. This is not you teaching me. It is obviously my own practice. Wait a minute, if the team coach De Boer When asked, do you think I am telling the truth, or hiding it for you.

"Furthermore, if I follow you and Klaassen for several days in a row, and practice an extra hour of direct free kick practice every day in the training session, when our team's head coach Mr. De Boer checks the effect, my free kick It is not ideal for the ball to score directly. Once Mr. De Boer is held accountable, not only myself, I am afraid that you two will also be to blame.

"So, I implore Schene, you will practice it for me a few times first, and then I will practice the direct goal from a free kick. If you are the one who demonstrates for me, I still haven't practiced the direct goal from a free kick. Even if Mr. De Boer pursues it at that time, I, Sun Yingxiong, will never shirk responsibility on you. I, Sun Yingxiong, will definitely do things alone. Professor's question."

Originally, Shenei's original idea was very simple. He just let Sun Yingxiong practice by himself like this. The method and technique of scoring the ball, this is the wishful thinking he had just made in his heart.

To Shenei's surprise, his wishful thinking was seen through by Sun Yingxiong in such a short period of time. Moreover, what Sun Yingxiong said was a combination of soft and hard, which made him Nothing can be refuted.

Indeed, as Sun Yingxiong said just now, once De Boer pursues this matter, he will naturally be unable to escape any ties. According to De Boer's strict style of managing the army, suspension of pay and games is inevitable.

At this moment, Klaassen, who was standing on the side, pretended to support Sun Yingxiong with a smile on his face at this moment: "Shenei, you see Sun Yingxiong has talked about this part, you just Demonstrate Sun Yingxiong two or three times. If you do nothing, let Sun Yingxiong practice the free kick on the left side of the front of the penalty area and directly attack the goal. Well, even if it's me, I can't stand it. Don't have too many psychological worries, it won't take much trouble to demonstrate it two or three times."

While saying these words, Klaassen still blinked his eyelids at Shener who was standing opposite him from time to time, and after about ten seconds, Shener, who was stunned in place, finally understood, when Klaassen said the words After finishing, he also hurriedly winked at Klaassen who was standing opposite.

Immediately afterwards, She Nei said to Sun Yingxiong who was standing next to him in a slightly serious tone: "Well, Sun Yingxiong, originally I just asked you to practice your footwork first, and asked you to find some Just looking for a feeling. Since you asked me to show you the footwork, then I will show you three times. You have to see clearly. If you still haven’t learned it after three times, then we will first show you The ugly thing is up front, when the head coach of the team, Mr. De Boer, investigates this matter, you can’t shirk the responsibility to me, because you are not good at learning.”

After listening to what Shenei said, Sun Yingxiong also responded with a smile on his face: "Shenei, let's make an agreement. Within this one hour, you will demonstrate it to me three times, and I will show you once more. You will not be allowed to demonstrate. If I do not improve my footwork for direct free kicks in the future, and Mr. De Boer asks me about this matter, I will definitely not put the blame on you. To use an old Chinese saying, this is called 'The master leads the door to practice on the individual'. You just put 120 hearts on it."

To be fair and objective, just asking Schoney to demonstrate the practice of direct free kicks three times is not enough to say that he can lead Sun Yingxiong into the goal. Seeing that he is practicing alone, it is better to let She Nei demonstrate it three times before practicing, anyway, it is better than nothing.

No, Sun Yingxiong stepped aside, and Schonei walked up to the row of balls. He first observed the position of the goal and the model of the human wall placed in the penalty area, and then completed a kick shot.

In other words, Schöne's left-footed shot was not blocked. The first free kick he demonstrated went directly to the goal, and the ball went straight to the corner of the goal. It almost flew into the net by rubbing against the goal frame. .

Less than ten seconds later, Schone continued to shoot. His second shot was almost exactly the same as the first shot. It also hit the near corner of the goal, the dead corner in the upper left corner, and rubbed against the left corner. The post goes into the net.

It stands to reason that under normal circumstances, for left-footed players, they tend to habitually hit the far corner of the goal and have a higher chance of hitting the net. However, in most cases, Schone is used to hitting the left foot of the goal. It has to be said that his way of directly attacking the goal with a free kick is relatively rare in football.

After about 15 seconds, Schone continued to complete the third kick, but this time he was unlucky, and the ball passed the sliding goal on the left post. I have to say that this kick It is indeed a pity that I could not join the network.

Of course, for Schone, the three kicks he completed, and two of the kicks he completed were all netted, and he scored from a dead corner, which already surpassed the average player. If the third kick continues to break Net, that's really amazing, even if it hits the goal twice with three feet and breaks the center post once, it can fully reflect Shenei's outstanding left-footed footwork.

"Okay, Sun Yingxiong, I have completed the demonstration of my three direct free kicks. Next, it's up to you!" After finishing the third kick, Shener stepped aside and pointed at the main goal just now. At the position of the free kick, he pretended to be relaxed and said to Sun Yingxiong.

Fighting again at the penalty spot of the free kick, at this time, there are already two balls left, Sun Yingxiong imitated the situation of the goal and the human wall model just now, about ten seconds later In time, he completed a shot.

Since Sun Yingxiong's foot skills are relatively rough, the ball did not go around the human wall model placed in the penalty area when he hit the goal, but hit the front of the human wall model and bounced in front of him. .

Subsequently, Sun Yingxiong completed the second kick to hit the goal. Although the ball passed the wall this time, the ball was [-] centimeters higher than the crossbar, which was almost like firing an anti-aircraft gun.

Seeing that Sun Yingxiong's two kicks were not satisfactory, She Nei, who was standing aside, breathed a sigh of relief. At first, he thought that Sun Yingxiong was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. Sun Yingxiong has learned it, and now he is finally relieved, and the big rock hanging on his chest has safely landed on the ground.

"Sun Yingxiong, we just agreed in advance. Today, I will only show you three times to hit the door. Anyway, I have already finished the demonstration. Next, it depends on your own performance. You can't master the footwork well. You can't blame me." Seeing Sun Yingxiong's dejected look after he finished hitting the goal with two kicks, She Nei immediately stood aside and said gloatingly.

The footwork of the left foot shot has just come two feet. At this time, Klaassen asked Sun Yingxiong to learn from him the random direct attack of the right foot. Just like Schone just now, Klaassen also demonstrated for Sun Yingxiong Three times and it's over.

Different from Schone, the three free kicks from the right side of the front of the restricted area demonstrated by Klaassen turned out to be the far corner of the main goal. His three shots were all within the range of the goal. The top dead corner of the post, and the last time it hit the bottom left corner of the goal.

It can be seen from this that it is very reasonable to let Klaassen serve as the captain of Ajax and the core of the midfield. If nothing else, just from such an outstanding right-footed free kick to break the goal, look at the entire Netherlands In the league, I'm afraid there will never be another person who can compare with him.

But, again, it's just free kick training. Whether it's Schone or Klaassen, they shoot at a high rate, and they can both hit the four corners of the goal. If it's in an official game , their probability of breaking the door will be reduced a lot.

The reason is very simple. During training, the human wall model is fixed and will not move in the penalty area. Moreover, there is no goalkeeper to save the ball. However, in the official game, there will be players from both offensive and defensive teams lined up. The wall, and the human wall is moving, and there will be changes between the players. In addition, there are goalkeepers guarding the goal, which of course will reduce their chances of scoring.

After Schone and Klaassen demonstrated three free kicks and directly attacked the goal, they stood on the sidelines and let Sun Yingxiong play freely for the next time. It can be said that the two of them didn't care at all. .

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