The strongest striker system

Chapter 171 The Eredivisie powerhouse formally rejects the offer of 6000 million euros from Paris

According to the previous arrangement of Ajax coach De Boer, the public training session this morning will last for two hours, starting at nine o'clock in the morning and ending at eleven o'clock in the morning.

The entire public training session was also focused on the recovery training of the Ajax players. There were no intense group confrontations, offensive and defensive drills, for fear of being filmed by the media reporters who came to watch the game. Then it was made public, wouldn't the opponents in the next round of the game have all their Ajax tactics under control?

If this was the case in the past, De Boer would simply arrange for the players to have a training confrontation, because there were only a handful of media reporters who came to watch the game at that time, and they could be counted on ten fingers.

However, since Sun Yingxiong became popular in the first few rounds of the Eredivisie League, almost every public training session will attract a large number of media reporters to watch the game, not only from the Netherlands, but also from well-known European media. Reporters, especially the media reporters from the countries where the five major European leagues are located, are almost as numerous as a cow's hair.

Take this ordinary public training class this morning, it attracted more than a hundred media reporters to watch the battle, not only from print media, but also from newspapers, magazines, and TV media. It can be said that these reporters work for Various forms of media.

In addition, the hundreds of media reporters standing on the sidelines watching the game almost without exception focused on Sun Yingxiong alone. For the other Ajax players on the field, they all chose Sex is ignored.

In fact, before Sun Yingxiong joined Ajax, the media darlings in the team were Klaassen and Schone. The calls for them to join the top five European league giants or powerful teams have been very high before.

However, with the arrival of Sun Yingxiong and his astonishing performance, Superman's scoring efficiency has become the number one star in the entire Eredivisie league. More than three months later, the hottest player in the winter transfer market has been chased by the big clubs in the five major European leagues.

No, when the head coach of the Ajax team, De Boer, looked down at the time on the watch on his left wrist, and summoned more than 20 first-team players who were training on the field in front of him, It was announced that the public training session held in the morning was over, and they would regroup at the No. [-] venue at [-] o'clock in the afternoon for closed training.

Those media reporters standing on the sidelines are already gearing up and preparing to interview Sun Yingxiong!

This time, De Boer did not come forward to deal with the media in person, but ordered the staff at the scene to open five questions to the media reporters on the sidelines as usual. When the media reporters finished asking Sun Yingxiong, they asked these questions All the media reporters were invited out of the gate of the Ajax football training base. Without his permission, no media reporter could enter.

After instructing more than a dozen staff members on site, De Boer led the coaching staff to leave the No. [-] venue, went to his office to rest, and discussed the closed training session in the afternoon.

Except for Sun Yingxiong, the other members of Ajax's first team, because De Boer did not arrange media reporters to interview them, they had no choice but to leave angrily. Klaassen, Schöne and other well-known Eredivisie players asked questions. They also smiled and said repeatedly that they would not accept any interviews from media reporters. Please understand these media reporters.

Sun Yingxiong, who came down from the No. [-] venue, was immediately surrounded by hundreds of media reporters as soon as he walked to the sidelines. Several media reporters read out the team's head coach De Boer's interview request, which finally calmed down the commotion.

The first media reporter who got the right to ask questions, standing about two meters away from Sun Yingxiong, he asked loudly: "Sun Yingxiong, hello, I am a football reporter from the French "L'Equipe". The question for you is. According to the latest news obtained by our L’Equipe from Paris Saint-Germain and the team reporter, you Ajax already asked Paris Saint-Germain to buy you at about ten o’clock this morning. A formal offer of 6000 million euros was made in response.

"The content of the reply is that Ajax rejected Paris Saint-Germain's offer, thinking that Paris Saint-Germain's offer of 6000 million euros to buy you is the low point of your worth, and your worth is more than 6000 million euros. Excuse me, what do you think about Ajax What is your opinion on the reason why Si rejected Paris Saint-Germain's official offer to buy you? Also, do you think you are currently worth 6000 million euros in the transfer market?"

Since the French "L'Equipe" reporter was two meters away from Sun Yingxiong, and the environment at the scene was a bit noisy, when he asked questions, his voice was a bit loud, giving people an aggressive feeling. A tense atmosphere shrouded the scene.

Faced with this very targeted question from the reporter of the French "L'Equipe", Sun Yingxiong smiled and replied: "Thank you to the reporter from the French "L'Equipe" for the question just now. The latest news, I really don't know yet, whether the Ajax club I play for agrees or rejects the official offer from the Paris Saint-Germain club for me!

"From the process of asking questions from the French "L'Equipe" reporter just now, I have learned that Ajax has officially rejected Paris Saint-Germain's offer for me about an hour ago. Here, I am very grateful The top management of the Ajax club can let me continue to play in the team and dispel the idea of ​​​​selling me to Paris Saint-Germain.

"Of course, for me personally, I'm only 17 years old, and I'm still from a country with a very backward level of football, and I've just played the first six rounds of the Eredivisie. That is, my football career is just in its infancy. I think my personal worth is definitely not worth 6000 million euros at the moment, but there is a lot of room for me to improve in the future. I think my future worth will definitely be more than 6000 million euros. In any case, Paris Saint-Germain is willing to spend 6000 million euros to buy me from Ajax. This is a kind of affirmation for me. For this, I also want to express my gratitude to Paris Saint-Germain.

"As for the reason why the Ajax club rejected this transfer deal, I am worth more than 6000 million euros, presumably because I have a lot of room for future development and improvement. Anyway, Ajax has officially rejected Selling me so that I can continue to play at Ajax with peace of mind is what I am most concerned about at the moment. Playing in the top five European leagues is something that I personally hope will happen in the future. As far as the current However, I still hope that I can fulfill my three-year contract at Ajax without any thought of leaving the team."

After Sun Yingxiong finished answering, the second questioner was very close to Sun Yingxiong, almost at hand, and he also asked in a loud voice: "Sun Yingxiong, hello, I am from the Dutch National TV Sports Channel According to the latest German market transfer website, your current worth is only 100 million euros. Even at this price, you are still a leader among all Chinese players.

"Players worth 100 million euros can be said to be everywhere in the Eredivisie. Although you scored 6 goals in the first 15 rounds of the Eredivisie, it may not be reflected in your personal worth. Just As you said just now, you also think that your current worth is not worth 6000 million euros. However, if another team offered 100 million euros, would you choose to join? Also, Ajax rejected Paris Saint-Germain’s offer You quoted 6000 million euros, but you also think that you are worth more than 6000 million euros. In this regard, do you think that Ajax is asking the lions for a lot of money?"

When the second reporter from the Dutch National TV Sports Channel finished his questioning, almost everyone present was shocked and stunned, because he unexpectedly raised such a sharp question, not only aimed at Sun The hero himself, also targeting Ajax Football Club, is clearly deliberately finding fault with the rhythm.

After taking a deep breath, Sun Yingxiong replied: "Thank you very much for the question from the reporter from the Dutch National TV Sports Channel. Regarding the question you just asked, I personally think that the German transfer market website has a high opinion of my worth. The mark is only 100 million euros, so it must be temporary. As far as I know, this was about a month ago, when I just joined Ajax and played the first round of the Eredivisie. An assessment of an individual's worth.

"I believe that when the German transfer market website updates the value of the Eredivisie League team, my value will definitely increase significantly. As the Dutch national TV sports reporter said just now, our Chinese players are in Europe. There are very few players who play football, and there is no player who plays in the five major European leagues. Our own domestic Chinese Super League cannot be compared with the five major European leagues, or even the second- and third-tier leagues in Europe. As a result, the value of Chinese players is generally low. Gao, this is an indisputable fact, I have to admit it.

"However, with the popularization of our domestic football youth training in China, I believe that within ten or eight years, there will definitely be a large number of outstanding young players. By then, they will all have the potential to go to Europe to play football. What's more, in the current five major European leagues, there are already many strong teams controlled by Chinese capital. Presumably, in order to tap the huge Chinese market, they will also introduce many young Chinese players with potential. By that time , There must be many, many Chinese players whose worth reaches four-digit euros.

"So, I am not worried at all about the fact that I am currently only marked 100 million euros on the German transfer market website. In addition, the club I am currently playing for, Ajax, has rejected Paris Saint-Germain anyway. My buying, no matter what reason they use, doesn’t matter to me personally. I just want to play football in Ajax safely, not when I want to play for a club in the top five European leagues. It will take another two to three years of training.

"Therefore, I don't think so for the reporter from the Dutch National TV Sports Channel who said that Ajax was asking the lions for a lot of money. I just found a reason for rejection. I hope that the media reporters present will not Excessive association. I believe in the head coach of the team, Mr. De Boer, and also in the top management of the club, they all very much hope that I can stay and continue to play."

Later, the third questioner asked Sun Yingxiong in a half-joking tone: "Sun Yingxiong, hello, I am a reporter from the "World Sports Daily" in Barcelona, ​​​​Spain. I saw that you were interviewed by media reporters before. When I said that you want to become a superstar like Ronaldo and Messi in the future, you don't want to land in the top five consecutive European games and play for a wealthy team.

"At the same time, you also said that the reason why you don't want to join a giant team is very simple, that is, you don't want to be the younger brother of the star of these giant teams, such as Paris Saint-Germain's Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Real Madrid's Cristiano Ronaldo, Barcelona's Messi, They are all superstars among the currently active players. But, have you ever thought about it, you are much younger than them, and after they enter the age of 30, they will enter the end of their football careers. These top European giants need Looking for successors who can take over the banner of offense from their hands, haven't you considered joining these European giants as a successor?
"Also, judging from the current point of view, among these European giants, the superstars who have entered the end of their careers are of course not Ibrahimovic. Although he still maintains a very high scoring efficiency, but France The competitiveness of the first league is not strong, and it is almost the same as the Eredivisie league you play. If you can join Paris Saint-Germain, you will definitely be regarded as the successor of Ibrahimovic. You don’t want to be the successor of these European giants. Number two?"

In response to the question from the "World Sports Daily" reporter in Barcelona, ​​Spain, Sun Yingxiong first laughed it off, and after about ten seconds, he restrained the smile on his cheeks and replied seriously: "Thank you very much for the interview just now." A reporter from the "World Sports Daily" in Barcelona, ​​​​Spain. In fact, I also understand that Paris Saint-Germain wants to introduce me, and it must also consider the successor of the team's striker.

"As we all know, Ibrahimovic is currently 33 years old. However, as a veteran striker, he still maintains a very high scoring efficiency in Ligue [-]. This fully shows that Ibrahimovic can still play for three or two years. After all, Ibrahimovic's competitive state is currently very good, and he rarely suffers from injuries. Now, it may be too early to start looking for a successor for Ibrahimovic.

"What's more, in the Paris Saint-Germain team, there is also Cavani, a striker with a high scoring efficiency. For me personally, in terms of personal ability, it must be inferior to Ibrahimovic and Cavani. .Even if I join Paris Saint-Germain as Ibrahimovic's successor, I'm afraid I won't have too many opportunities to play. In terms of overlapping positions, I am very similar to Ibrahimovic, both playing the center forward position.

"So, Ibrahimovic can still play in Paris Saint-Germain for two to three years. After I get training in Ajax, it will not be too late to go to Paris Saint-Germain. Here, I must declare that I just It's just a hypothetical. It's not that I really want to join Paris Saint-Germain."

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