The strongest striker system

Chapter 170 The two big stars of the Eredivisie giants assist the 2-year-old Chinese teenager to imp

"Mr. De Boer, just now, I heard Sun Yingxiong say that you asked me and Chene to come over, and you have something important to talk about. Now, Chene and I are standing in front of you, please You give me instructions!" Klaassen, who was standing side by side, exchanged glances with Schone, who was standing next to him, then he turned to Ajax coach De Boer, who was facing them back, and congratulated him in a tentative tone. He said respectfully.

Hearing Klaassen's voice, De Boer turned around, with a serious expression on his face, and asked meaningfully: "Klaassen, Schnei, you two know, why did I ask you two to come here? something?"

When De Boer finished asking, the two standing side by side, Klaasson and Schöne, looked at each other for about two seconds. At this point, they pretended to be at a loss, shook their heads, and answered in unison. Said: "Mr. De Boer, we don't know!"

In fact, the two of them had already guessed it when Sun Yingxiong issued the notice just now. It must be because Sun Yingxiong proposed to De Boer in person that in the course of the game, he won the chance of a frontcourt free kick in the future. It is to hoist the ball into the opponent's penalty area, or let the two of them try to score a direct free kick, so as to enrich the offensive methods of free kicks in the frontcourt.

Before Sun Yingxiong didn't get the chance to play in Ajax, but if he got a free kick in the frontcourt, the free kick on the right side of the front of the penalty area was basically taken by Klassen, and the free kick on the left side of the front of the penalty area was basically taken by Klaassen. Free kicks are basically taken by Schone. In most cases, both of them will choose free kicks to attack directly instead of hoisting the ball into the opponent's penalty area.

However, since Sun Yingxiong became the main player in Ajax, the team's head coach De Boer saw that Sun Yingxiong's header ability is very good, especially for the accurate judgment of the ball's landing point, and the header is even better. It is eighty-nine close to ten.

It was under such circumstances that De Boer changed Ajax's way of getting free kicks in the frontcourt, requiring the free kicks to be stretched and kept inside, and the ball must be hoisted into the penalty area. Inside, find the high point of Sun Yingxiong, let Sun Yingxiong complete a direct header in the opponent's penalty area, or let Sun Yingxiong ferry the header, let other players in the penalty area grab the ball, and then form the second point Goal.

When De Boer changed this free kick style of play, he received significant results. Among other things, Sun Yingxiong alone has scored at least half of the 6 goals he scored in the first 15 rounds of the Eredivisie. Heading the goal, since this free kick is so effective after the change, De Boer will make repeated orders before almost every game. After getting a free kick in the frontcourt, no matter the location of the free kick is close to the opponent's penalty area or not. Whether it is far or far, the ball must be hoisted into the penalty area, and it is absolutely not allowed to shoot directly.

Klaassen and Schöne, who have the ability to score directly from free kicks, cannot shoot directly after getting free kicks in the frontcourt. In the first 6 rounds of the Eredivisie, few goals were scored, but the assist data of the two of them has been greatly improved compared to previous seasons.

Moreover, almost without exception, most of the two of them assisted Sun Yingxiong to complete the goal, which will inevitably make them feel jealous. After all, before Sun Yingxiong did not enter the Ajax first team, the two of them were talented. He is the star of the team, and has been followed by the giants or powerful teams in the five major European leagues for a long time. It also has this ability, the only thing that is lacking is that there must be European giants or strong teams making offers to Ajax to buy them.

Since Ajax raises many young potential players from the reserve team or youth team to the first team almost every year, the average age of Ajax first team players has been kept at the early 20s.

Klaassen and Schöne, who are already in their 20s, believe that if they continue to play in Ajax and do not go to the top five European leagues, sooner or later, their positions will be replaced. , Either sit on the bench, or be rented or bought to play for other teams in the Eredivisie League. In this way, it will be more difficult for the two of them to play in the five major European leagues.

This is because looking at the entire Eredivisie team, in the "Eredivisie Troika", Ajax has attracted much attention. Almost all the young players who are the main force of the first team have become the focus of the five major European league teams. Once he goes to play for other teams in the Eredivisie, the attention will drop sharply.

Therefore, for the two of them, Klaassen and Schone, they don't want to have only brilliant assist data, but also hope to have good goal data. Going directly from a free kick is one of the best means of scoring, and this is the selfishness of the two of them.

Of course, the free kicks in the front field are always not directly attacking the goal, but always hoisting the ball into the penalty area to find the high point of Sun Yingxiong. Although it is very effective, there is no tactical change. Tall and strong, he will strictly defend Sun Yingxiong. At that time, if he continues to hoist the ball into the penalty area and cannot form an attack, it is a waste of opportunities to score.

It can be said that, publically and privately, both Klaassen and Schöne believe that the free kick tactics in the frontcourt should be changed, and Sun Yingxiong, who is the biggest beneficiary, agrees with the two of them, just worrying about the team Head coach De Boer disagrees.

At this moment, looking at De Boer's gloomy face, Klaassen and Schone, who knew it well, of course had to pretend to be ignorant, for fear of making De Boer angry and leaving them with no good fruit in the future.

After listening to the two of them, Klaassen and Schöne, they answered in unison that they didn't know, and De Boer, who had a serious expression just now, suddenly couldn't help but look handsome unexpectedly at this moment.

"I don't care if the two of you know it or not. Now, I will tell you two that from today onwards, in the process of our usual tactical drills, we will once again conduct the training of direct free kicks in the front court. In our team Inside, the two of you are the main free-kick takers, the one on the left side of the front of the penalty area is still in charge of you, and the one on the right side of the front side of the penalty area is still in charge of you, Klaassen." I couldn't help it for about ten seconds After a while, De Boer put on a serious face again, almost commanding, and said to Klaassen and Scherner standing side by side in front of him.

After hearing what De Boer said, Klaassen and Schöner didn't know whether to be happy or unhappy, especially looking at De Boer's serious expression, they The two seem to have knocked over a bottle of five flavors, which can be described as mixed flavors.

Less than five seconds later, De Boer glanced at Klaassen and Schone standing in front of him, then changed the subject and said with a smile on his face: "Since, from today onwards, restore the two of you. Personally, I usually practice the tactics of direct free kicks. In future games, of course, the two of you can also choose free kicks to directly attack the goal according to the specific situation, or hoist the ball into the opponent's penalty area. Both of you Two people make their own decisions when they play.

"However, if the two of you want to use your free kicks to directly attack the goal during the game, there must be a major premise. That is, the two of you will spend at least For an hour, teach Sun Yingxiong the methods and skills of direct free kicks. I must let me see that Sun Yingxiong is improving every day. Otherwise, the two of you have the right to direct free kicks during the game. I can Take it back at any time, do you both understand?"

When hearing the first half of De Boer's words, both Klaassen and Schone felt relaxed and relieved, and the big rock hanging over their chests finally landed safely.

However, when the two of them heard the second half of De Boer's words, they couldn't relax. Everyone frowned, thinking that Jiang was still hot, and knew that De Boer would not agree easily. They, as expected.

As soon as De Boer's question fell, the two of them, Klaassen and Schone, who were standing side by side, did not dare to be negligent, and replied in unison again: "Mr. De Boer, we both understand La!"

De Boer is naturally like a mirror in his heart for the answers of Klaassen and Shihne. The two of them are unwilling, but he must force Klaassen and Schene to do so.

Because in De Boer's view, he must build Sun Yingxin into an all-round high center forward, not only making Sun Yingxiong the king of the penalty area, but also scoring goals outside the penalty area, making Klaassen and Shener As a teacher, I believe Sun Yingxiong will be able to see good results in less than half a year by improving Sun Yingxiong's foot skills. By that time, after qualifying for the Champions League group and entering the knockout round, it will definitely come in handy.

In addition, De Boer also made a bad idea, that is, once under his argument, the executives of Ajax Football Club will not sell Sun Yingxiong in the winter transfer window. If there is too much money to maintain the normal operation of the club, it is better to sell the two of them, Klaassen and Schone, who have outstanding skills at their feet, to the giants or powerful teams of the five major European leagues.

Although the two of Klaassen and Schone put together in the winter transfer market, they can only buy a price of 2000 million to 3000 million euros at most. Compared with euros, it is also a considerable amount of capital income. For Ajax, which operates on a small budget, the 6000 million euros is enough to guarantee the normal operation of the club.

Once Klaassen and Schone left the team, it might be a good choice for the wily De Boer to let Sun Yingxiong replace the two of them and take the free kick in the frontcourt.

Considering that Sun Yingxiong, Schone and Klaassen are in the team, only Sun Yingxiong is indispensable. After the other two Li Diu, young players with similar playing styles can be found from the youth team or reserve team , De Boer is still very confident in the young players produced by the Ajax youth academy.

It’s just that Sun Yingxiong’s striker is hard to find in the entire European football circle, and it is unique in the Dutch football circle. Otherwise, the rich and powerful Paris Saint-Germain would not have played the first 5 rounds of the league in the Eredivisie. , He offered Ajax 6000 million euros to introduce Sun Yingxiong, which is enough to show that Sun Yingxiong is a favorite in the winter transfer market, and in De Boer's eyes, Sun Yingxiong is currently not for sale.

"Very good. Now that you both understand, let's go down and follow the assistant coach for recovery training. During the closed training in the afternoon, the two of you will teach Sun Yingxiong the method of direct free kick and skills." After taking a long breath of relief, De Boer first stretched out his thick thug hand, and patted the shoulders of Klaassen and Schone respectively twice, and then, with a smile on his face, Said.

After listening to De Boer's instructions, the two of them, Klaassen and Schone, returned to their original place in dejection. Under the leadership of an assistant coach, the two of them carried out simple recovery training.

"Klaassen, Schene, are you two okay? Mr. De Boer, did you criticize you two?" Sun Yingxiong saw Klaassen and Schene, like the eggplants beaten by Shuang—withered As if, he leaned closer and asked with concern in a curious tone.

When Sun Yingxiong finished asking questions, Klaassen sighed while doing restorative training: "Oh, what can I do with Chene, Mr. De Boer did not criticize us, but De Boer Monsieur gave Shane and me an order that made us both unhappy."

Sun Yingxiong, who was very curious about this, continued to ask: "Just now, Mr. De Boer called you two, what order did you give you two? Tell me too!"

She Nei, who was staying on the other side, replied in a somewhat mournful tone at this time: "What other order can I have? The old guy De Boer said that in the future, during normal training, I can let you And Klaassen directly attack the goal with consecutive free kicks. Moreover, during the game, we can also decide on our own whether to get a free kick at the front of the opponent's penalty area, whether to directly attack the goal or hoist the ball into the penalty area.

"It's just that one of the prerequisites that De Boer gave me and Klaassen is that in the private training session starting today, at least one hour will be taken, and Klaassen and I will take you to practice free kicks and direct attacks. Door, pass on to you all the methods and skills we have mastered and summed up. Moreover, you need to conduct assessments at regular intervals, and you must let him see your progress in this area.

"If your kid has not improved significantly in taking free kicks and directly attacking the goal, then De Boer will take back the right of me and Klaassen to directly attack the goal from free kicks on the field at any time. Sun Yingxiong, you say Tell me, is the condition that De Boer offered me and Klaassen reasonable?"

After listening to Shenei's inquiry, Sun Yingxiong replied excitedly: "The prerequisite that Mr. De Boer gave you and Klaassen is very fair and reasonable!"

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