"Klaason, don't get excited and don't use your brains. Miss Ilana and I are really not what you think. The relationship between me and her is purely friendship, definitely not a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend. Moreover, According to the arrangement of our team coach De Boer, I set aside one or two days a week to learn Dutch from Miss Ilana.

"Miss Ilana is a top student at the University of Amsterdam, and she is very proficient in Dutch. I just came to the Netherlands not long ago, and it's only been four months. I don't know anything about Dutch. Now I talk to you all in English. In our team, some people can't speak English, or they can't speak English well, so they can't communicate directly, and they have to rely on other teammates to translate, which is really cumbersome.

"So, after Mr. De Boer learned about this situation, he asked the club to pay for Miss Ilana to be my private Dutch teacher. This is the situation." Facing the furious Klaassen sitting opposite him Sun Yingxiong, who was afraid that the situation would expand, hurriedly explained with all his might.

As soon as he said this, Sun Yingxiong saw that Klaassen sitting opposite him was not only unmoved, but even the other teammates who were sitting at the same table having breakfast had puzzled expressions on their cheeks.

After a pause of about five seconds, Sun Yingxiong changed the subject, and then continued to explain in a slightly relaxed tone: "Klaassen, and everyone sitting here, the game yesterday afternoon, The reason why Miss Ilana appeared in the stands of the game really has nothing to do with me. It is because her younger brother is a die-hard Ajax fan. Going away to cheer on us at Ajax is a spontaneous act of the fans, it really has nothing to do with me."

Immediately afterwards, Klaassen, who was sitting opposite Sun Yingxiong, continued to ask relentlessly: "Sun Yingxiong, you just explained that Miss Ilana went to the game with her brother, but why did those news media report , In the picture used, there is only Ilana alone, without her younger brother? How should you explain this?"

Faced with Klaassen's questioning again, Sun Yingxiong hardly hesitated, and he replied without hesitation: "Klaassen, think about it, these media reporters who watch the excitement and don't think it's a big deal, have nothing to do when they are idle. Of course, Miss Ilana's younger brother will not be reported on the news breakthrough, which will not cause any news diffusion effect.

"Another point is that these news media reporters have all used breakthrough processing technology to delete the pictures of Miss Yilanna's brother! If you watch the replay of the game, you can definitely see that Yilan is sitting next to each other. On the seats left and right of Na, there is a chubby boy who looks fifteen or sixteen years old. He is Yilanna's younger brother. Moreover, the two of them communicate with each other. The broadcast footage during the game should not be deceiving. Human."

When Sun Yingxiong finished answering, Klaassen finally calmed down at this moment. He closed his eyes and thought about it carefully. There was a shot of Ilana in the game video he watched last night, and he thought about it for about ten seconds. Zhong's time, Sun Yingxiong said so, really impressed him.

On the seat next to Ilana on the left, there is indeed a big chubby boy who looks about fifteen or sixteen years old. Could it be that he is Miss Ilana's younger brother? Maybe it is true. As Sun Yingxiong said, then he really wronged Sun Yingxiong!
Considering that Sun Yingxiong is currently the team's top scorer and a player that the team's head coach De Boer relies heavily on and trusts, if there is a conflict and conflict with Sun Yingxiong, it will not be a good thing for him Son!

Even though he is currently the captain of Ajax and the core of the midfield, Ligue 6000 is willing to spend [-] million euros to take Sun Yingxiong directly from Ajax. It can be said that he has created them The highest record in team history being offered by other clubs.

I'm afraid that even those high-level executives who are blind to money will regard Sun Yingxiong as the team's baby bump. Under such circumstances, once he has a public conflict with Sun Yingxiong, he will probably not What a good fruit.

Now that Sun Yingxiong has explained it clearly enough, he has to be forgiving and forgiving. Anyway, he and Miss Yilanna have never met since the meeting at the bar. It can be said that Yilan Miss Lanna is just his dream lover and an object of lust. There is absolutely no need to have trouble with Sun Yingxiong because of a woman.

Just now, Klaassen, who was very emotional and furious, thought about it secretly, and finally calmed him down completely, thinking that he should maintain a good relationship with Sun Yingxiong , I really thought too much just now.

After calming down, Klaassen quickly smiled again, and said very apologetically to Sun Yingxiong who was sitting opposite him: "I'm sorry, Sun Yingxiong, I lost control of my emotions just now. Actually, even if you and Miss Ilana The relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend is also very normal. Although I like her very much, until now, she doesn’t know me, and I don’t know her. I haven’t seen each other since the time I hit the bar. What I said is a bit serious, please Sun Yingxiong You must forgive me, here, in front of other teammates, I apologize to you Peru, sincerely say, I'm sorry!"

The other four teammates sitting at the same dining table saw Klaassen, who was still angry just now, and now apologized to Sun Yingxiong in a friendly manner, which made the four of them look confused, not knowing what Klaassen was doing. What kind of medicine was sold in the stomach, it simply surprised them.

You know, in the Ajax team, Klaassen is not only the captain, but also the boss of the team. When he has conflicts with other teammates, even if he made a mistake first, in the end, the other party took the initiative to find him Apologizing, there has never been such a thing as an apology, but today, it just happened, how can it not make the other four Ajax players present feel curious and surprised!
There is an old saying in China that is good, it’s not speculative. When Sun Yingxiong saw Klaassen sitting opposite him, he apologized to him in person. He immediately accepted it readily and stopped talking about this topic. Instead of discussing in depth, he changed the subject and chatted about other things.

After breakfast, Sun Yingxiong, Klaassen, and several other players came out of the restaurant of the Ajax football training base and went to the No. [-] field for training together.

It was only after the six of them arrived at the No. [-] venue that there was no one else here except them. It was just around [-]:[-] in the morning, and even the staff in charge of some training equipment were not even there. There is no personal shadow.

So, under Sun Yingxiong's suggestion, the six people who rushed to the No. [-] venue first took a jogging lap around the venue to prepare for the training session.

About 15 minutes later, more than a dozen staff rushed over with the training equipment of the players. They saw Sun Yingxiong and Klaassen and others came here before them, and, Carry out laps around the field, and don't dare to neglect in the slightest, and quickly arrange some things needed for the training session in the field.

Sun Yingxiong, who had jogged for almost five laps, walked up to several staff members and asked them to set up a model of the human wall in the penalty area first. He was going to wait for the training of taking direct free kicks.

Since Sun Yingxiong is now the top scorer in the Ajax team, and he is also a player who is highly valued and trusted by the manager of the Ajax football club and the team's head coach De Boer. According to the report, Paris Saint-Germain, the French class leader, has officially offered Ajax 6000 million euros for Sun Yingxiong. It can be said that Sun Yingxiong is now a big star in the Ajax team. How dare the staff at the base offend Sun Yingxiong? Naturally, they nodded and agreed to Sun Yingxiong's request without hesitation.

In less than 2 minutes, several staff members placed the human wall model in the penalty area, and prepared five balls for Sun Yingxiong separately, so that he could finish five balls at one time as a penalty. One group, instead of going to another place to pick up the kicked ball after a penalty, which is too troublesome.

Klaassen and the other four players, who were running around just now, saw Sun Yingxiong stop and were about to practice taking a direct free kick to score the goal. They stepped forward and stood aside to observe.

When the staff placed five balls in a row on the right side of the top of the arc at the front of the penalty area, about 25 meters away from the goal, Sun Yingxiong tried his own footwork without saying a word.

After five "bang bang bang bang bang" strikes, the five balls lined up in front of Sun Yingxiong were all kicked out by him at intervals of about three to five seconds.

The result was terrible. Except for one ball that passed through the gap between the human wall models in the penalty area and was shot into the goal at a not tricky angle, two of the other four balls hit the human wall. The model was ejected, and the other two balls were fired with anti-aircraft guns.

Witnessing that Sun Yingxiong's footwork is so rough, the other Ajax players standing on the sidelines laughed. While laughing, they secretly thought with disdain in their hearts that although Sun Yingxiong is currently The top scorer in their team, he scored 6 goals in the first 15 rounds of the Eredivisie this season, but his footwork is so bad, it is really funny.

After taking the penalty, Sun Yingxiong heard the players standing on the side laughing forward and backward. He thought it was mocking his rough footwork, and his mood suddenly became extremely bad.

"Sun Yingxiong, we have re-arranged the five balls, you can continue the practice of direct free kicks!" A staff member who re-arranged the five balls at the position just now, faced the stunned Sun Yingxiong said in a tentative tone.

On the contrary, these staff members, none of them laughed, as long as they had witnessed Sun Yingxiong's free kick practice yesterday morning, seeing how hard Sun Yingxiong worked, how could they Laughing loudly, it is more to encourage Sun Yingxiong, stand aside and cheer for Sun Yingxiong!
The only difference between these staff and the players is that they may have a certain understanding of football, but in terms of football skills, they are definitely not as good as these players in the Ajax team, and naturally they do not have the qualifications and capital to make fun of Sun Yingxiong .

However, at this moment, the players standing on the sidelines watching Sun Yingxiong's direct free kick practice are different. Among them, most of them come from the Ajax youth training camp, and all of them have excellent skills The players in the Eredivisie League are in the upper middle class, otherwise, they would not be able to enter the Ajax first team or even serve as the main force of the team after thousands of choices.

In their eyes, Sun Yingxiong doesn't care how many goals he scored during the game, but his footwork is so bad, they feel that they have the qualifications and capital to make fun of Sun Yingxiong, because just randomly pulling someone out of them will do whatever they want just like before. The practice of scoring directly with the ball feels that the effect is better than that of Sun Yingxiong.

Facing the ridicule of these team members who usually have a good relationship, Sun Yingxiong immediately felt ashamed. At this time, he really wanted to find a place to get in, and wanted to save his face and dignity.

After listening to the concern reminder from the staff next to him, just as Sun Yingxiong was hesitating whether to continue the practice of scoring free kicks, he suddenly heard a voice behind him: "Sun Yingxiong, don't be discouraged. You practice how to do the free kick and directly break the goal, you take a good look at the movements of my feet, I believe it will not take long before you will practice successfully."

Before he finished listening to the words, Sun Yingxiong turned around and took a closer look. He really didn't know if he didn't see it, and he was startled when he saw it.

What Sun Yingxiong never expected was that the person who said this was Klaasson, the boss of the team who had had a dispute and quarrel with Ilana in the restaurant before, and, just now, he He also clearly heard Klaassen's laughter, but within less than a minute, he heard Klaassen's care and encouragement for him.

As soon as Klaassen's words fell, Sun Yingxiong nodded and stepped aside. Klaassen stood in front of the five balls lined up. He was not in a hurry to make a free throw, but visually inspected the penalty area. Inner wall model, and goal.

After about half a minute, Klaassen took a shot. The goal kicked out by him, as if a precision guidance system had been installed, bypassed the human wall model in the penalty area, "Swoosh "He hit the ground and flew into the goal.

Not only that, but to the shock of Sun Yingxiong who stood watching from the sidelines, the ball kicked by Klaassen not only bypassed the human wall model in the penalty area, but also scored through the dead corner in the upper right corner of the goal. Tricky, in order to highlight that Klaassen's footwork is very good, it is really good.

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