The strongest striker system

Chapter 167 The 17-year-old Chinese striker of the Eredivisie giants is once again scandal-ridden

The bus drove for more than an hour and parked at the Ajax football training base in the suburbs of Amsterdam. According to the instructions given by the team's head coach De Boer, the bus will start at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. For a public training session, everyone must stay in the base, including members of the coaching staff and all members of the first team, and are not allowed to leave the Ajax football training base.

After getting off the bus, it was already 06:30 in the evening. Sun Yingxiong returned to the single dormitory after dinner at the restaurant in the Ajax football training base.

After putting down the backpack containing his belongings, Sun Yingxiong didn't have time to think about it, so he lay down on the couch in the small living room of the single dormitory, and took out from his trouser pocket which one he bought two years ago Huawei cell phone.

Just as Sun Impression slid open the phone screen and was about to dial Yilanna's phone number, he suddenly stopped, closed the address book instead, opened MSN, and sent a message to Yilanna: Evening, Yilan Miss Na, I'm sorry, I just saw the message you sent me and the four phone calls you made to me. Since my mobile phone has been handed over to the coaching staff for safekeeping since [-] o'clock last night, So, I can't see your message in time, I'm really sorry!

After returning home and having a simple dinner, Ilana heard the ringtone of new MSN messages from her mobile phone. Sitting on the couch in a daze, she quickly took out her mobile phone from her trouser pocket and slid open the screen. Clicking on the MSN chat interface, she saw the message sent by Sun Yingxiong. Before that, she was helpless, and a happy smile appeared on her face.

After reading the MSN message sent by Sun Yingxiong, Ilana quickly typed and replied: Good evening, Sun Yingxiong, it's okay.At about nine o'clock last night, I just wanted to tell you that my brother Medel and I will go to the away game to cheer for you and the Ajax team you play for. I hope your team can win the game away. Hope you can score again, if you don't let me and my brother Medel down, it's your goal again, helping Ajax win the game, what you did on the pitch is amazing!

Seeing Yilanna's praise for replying to him on MSN, Sun Yingxiong pondered for a moment, then continued to reply: Thank you for your encouragement, my good friend Miss Yilanna, I will continue to work hard.This season, I hope to help Ajax successfully defend the Eredivisie title, and at the same time, go further in the Champions League.Of course, I also hope that after the end of the Eredivisie this season, I can win the Eredivisie top scorer once.I hope that you as a good friend and your younger brother can cheer for me and pray for me!

Yilanna, who was resting on the couch in the living room, read the message Sun Yingxiong sent him on MSN, calling her a "good friend", and immediately made her secretly happy in her heart, and ate Sweet as honey.

Immediately afterwards, Ilana also replied on MSN: My good friend, Sun Yingxiong, my brother Medel and I will support you.I sincerely hope that you can win the Eredivisie top scorer this season, and I also hope that under your leadership, Ajax can win the Eredivisie championship again this season, and go further in the Champions League. At least, Ajax Jax can reach the quarter-finals of the Champions League.It's getting late, you just went back, you must be very tired, take a quick shower, go to bed early and rest, we will continue to keep in touch tomorrow when you are free and have time.Good night, my good friend Sun Yingxiong.

After browsing the latest MSN message sent by Ilana, Sun Yingxiong first yawned, and then replied on MSN: "Okay, Ilana, you should also go to bed earlier."If I have time tomorrow, I will definitely contact you.Good night, my good friend Ilana.

After replying to Ilana, Sun Yingxiong put the mobile phone on a table near the wall, took out the charger to charge the mobile phone, and he took off a pair and went into the bathroom, and took a shower comfortably. cold.

Sun Yingxiong, who had changed into short clothes and shorts, lay down on the bed, and within 5 minutes, he fell into a deep sleep.

As usual, he has a very regular schedule, and he woke up at 06:30 the next morning, about half an hour earlier than the set alarm, because he slept for 10 hours last night For an hour, the quality of sleep was also very good, the whole person's face was rosy, and he didn't feel any tiredness at all, and there was no tiredness on his cheeks.

After waking up, Sun Yingxiong washed up, took out his mobile phone, and browsed the mobile phone news. What made him curious was that on some sports news websites in the Netherlands, yesterday afternoon, Ajax played an away game Feyenoord's game was almost all news reports on the front page, especially the picture of Sun Yingxiong's shooting moment, which was almost always on the top of the news channel.

It is no exaggeration to say that Sun Yingxiong is currently the darling of domestic sports news reports in the Netherlands. In addition, Su He also discovered a new situation, that is, in the game yesterday afternoon, Ilana's photo, It was also placed on the top slide of the Eredivisie League topic, and the news report turned out to be: Gossip Girlfriend cheered for Sun Yingxiong from the stands at the scene.

Of course, since the Immortal yesterday afternoon, the live broadcast organization pointed the camera at Ilana five or six times during the game, not only the broadcaster of the game noticed Ilana's existence, The media photographers at the scene also observed this point. More than a dozen media photographers took pictures of Yilanna through their "long guns and short cannons".

I am afraid that if Ilana herself sees the photos about her published on the domestic sports news websites in the Netherlands, she should have a question in her heart, that is, she is clearly sitting next to her younger brother. In the photos that came out, why did she appear alone, and her brother Medel either didn't appear, or even if he did, it was blurred out.

Because Ilana didn't know that in terms of picture processing, she ignored the huge action of PS. Obviously, before uploading pictures to the website, these media had already used PS to process and process her brother Medel Be as dispensable as possible.After all, all the focus should be on Yilanna alone.

I opened about five or six domestic mainstream news websites in the Netherlands, and almost all of them have photo albums of Ilana watching the game live, and the titles are also varied: The blonde girl appeared in the stands of the stadium just to catch a glimpse of the Eredivisie striker and the sexy stunner chasing Ajax's top scorer won't even miss the away game, the 17-year-old Chinese striker is inseparable from the rumored girlfriend, and Sun Yingxiong scored a goal under the witness of the rumored girlfriend...

Looking at these various news headlines, in the eyes of Sun Yingxiong himself, it is simply sensational. However, these news media are not just writing nonsense. It is not wrong to say that Ilana is a golden girl. As a native of Amsterdam People, Ilana, of course, has fair hair, fair skin, and blue eyes.

Speaking of Ilana being a sexy stunner, it was because the weather was really hot that day, and it was the game at 02:30 in the afternoon. Ilana was wearing a black suspender on her upper body and a pair of denim shorts on her lower body. Looking at her slender figure, it is not an exaggeration to say that she is a "sexy stunner".

Although some time ago, when Sun Yingxiong and Ilana were rumored to be rumored, both Ajax Football Club officials and Sun Yingxiong personally denied it. For this reason, he personally woven Ilana It was the lie of my Dutch teacher, and in the end, under the urging of De Boer, it turned out to be true.

However, Yilanna has never confirmed in front of the media from the beginning to the end that she and Sun Yingxiong are pure friends, or a teacher-student relationship, which naturally makes the media make infinite associations, which is understandable.

After finishing surfing the Internet, it was already [-]:[-] in the morning. Sun Yingxiong left the single dormitory and rushed to the restaurant of the Ajax football training base to have breakfast.Because after returning to the Ajax football training base after playing the game last night, Sun Yingxiong thought most of all about replying to Ilana quickly, so when he had dinner, he didn't eat much, probably He was only [-]% full, and after a whole night, before he arrived at the restaurant, he was so hungry that he was gurgling non-stop on the way.

After walking into the restaurant in the Ajax football training base, whether it was the players who went to eat or the restaurant staff, when they saw Sun Yingxiong, they all smiled at Sun Yingxiong and gave him a thumbs up. Can't help but praise Sun Yingxiong.

These people all know that in the game yesterday afternoon, the reason why Ajax was able to beat Feyenoord in the away game was inseparable from Sun Yingxiong's amazing performance.

In the first half, Sun Yingxiong created a penalty kick. If the captain Klassen could score the ball at the time, Ajax might have fallen into a passive situation for a while.

Not long after the start of the second half, Sun Yingxiong took advantage of a quick counterattack opportunity from Ajax. He completed the feat of scoring and helped Ajax score a goal in the away game. With a goal, Ajax beat Feyenoord with a score of 1-0 away.

It can be said that Ajax was able to win the game yesterday afternoon. There is no doubt that Sun Yingxiong contributed the most. Whether it is the players or the staff, facing the biggest contributor to the victory yesterday afternoon, how could it be impossible? Welcome with a smile!

What's more, in the past few days, whether it is other Ajax players or the staff of the club, they have already learned that Paris Saint-Germain, the Ligue 6000 class leader, has officially offered [-] million in order to buy Sun Yingxiong. However, Ajax Football Club has not given an official answer to the other party for a long time, and hesitated before releasing Sun Yingxiong and staying in the team.

It was the first time in the history of Ajax Football Club that Paris Saint-Germain offered 6000 million euros for a transfer, and this time was 2014.

The players who can be picked up by the top European teams are of course the future European football, even the world football superstars, how can other Ajax players and club staff not envy and hate, of course , more elements of envy and worship!
It took about 10 minutes. Sun Yingxiong finished his breakfast and was probably [-]% full. After waiting for more than an hour, they will have a public training session in the No. [-] venue. Even if Sun Yingxiong I am very hungry, and I dare not eat too much, which is not conducive to doing some relatively intense exercise later.

Since the players of Ajax's first team all stayed in the Ajax football training base, they naturally all had breakfast in the restaurant of the Ajax football training base. Guys, sat at a table with breakfast.

"Sun Yingxiong, did you watch the news last night or this morning?" Klaassen, who was sitting opposite Sun Yingxiong, looked at Sun Yingxiong with curious eyes, and asked meaningfully.

After listening to Klassen's question, Sun Yingxiong immediately understood what the "news" Klassen was talking about, but he pretended to be nonchalant and replied blankly: "Klasen , I watched a lot of news last night, which news did you ask?"

Seeing Sun Yingxiong, who was sitting across from him, pretending to be stupid in front of everyone, made Klaassen angry. However, since Sun Yingxiong is the team's top scorer, and also the team's head coach Debord I value people very much.

In addition, in the game yesterday afternoon, Sun Yingxiong won a penalty kick in the first half, but was missed by Klaassen. He felt quite guilty about it, and until now he thinks that penalty kick should not be taken leave.

Fortunately, in the second half, Sun Yingxiong took advantage of a quick counterattack and went to the meeting to score alone. Otherwise, the game would not be able to win the away game, but the final score was 0-0 and a goalless draw, turning 3 points into 1 point , that Klaassen is bound to become the object of condemnation and crusade by Ajax fans, and it must be the target of public criticism.

Considering the above-mentioned factors, Klaassen, who is usually a bit hot-tempered, suppressed the anger in his heart, and patiently explained: "Sun Yingxiong, the news I am talking about is that the game yesterday afternoon Well, that young and beautiful girl named Ilana is cheering for you away from home. The news media in the Netherlands are all making reports and snapping a lot of pictures of Ilana sitting in the stadium stands.

"Not only that, after returning to our football base last night, I turned on the computer and watched the game yesterday afternoon in the single dormitory. In the game footage, as long as it is about some key points about you, the camera will always be correct. Ilana, who is supposed to be sitting in the stands. Honestly, have you and her become boyfriend and girlfriend?"

The reason why Klaassen was so angry at this time was because nearly a month ago, in a bar in the downtown area of ​​Amsterdam, Klaassen took Sun Yingxiong and several other team members in a luxurious box in the bar. At that time, Yilanna, who was a bartender at the time, saw Yilanna right, as the saying goes: Bastard looks at mung beans—right!
But the problem is, Ilana doesn't have the slightest affection for Klaassen. On the contrary, in this luxurious box in the bar, she has a very heated fight with Sun Yingxiong. The hero has been rumored several times, how can he not annoy Klaassen who never forgets Ilana!

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