NBA super point guard

Chapter 804 Mentality is the most important

Knicks 110:96 Spurs.

Another away win.

While shocked by the performance of the Knicks, he was also surprised by Li Muhua's ability to lead the team.

Li Muhua knew in his heart that this was tactical suppression, and no matter how strong the team was, it was useless.

The luck of the Knicks is not so good, Popovich sent tactics to the door.

At the press conference after the game, Li Muhua was not arrogant.

"This is something we didn't expect before the game. To be honest, it feels like a dream. I don't even know how we won the game. It has something to do with the tactics we formulated. Among them, Amare and Ka Mellon sacrificed the most, and they gave up many offensive opportunities to their teammates!"

Li Muhua scored 25 points, 7 assists, 3 rebounds and 1 steal in this game.

It shows that the Spurs' defense is not tight.

The shooting percentage of outside shots reached nearly [-]%, which is unbelievable under the defensive intensity of the finals.

The key is that the Spurs also have some axes. They obviously blocked the outside line in time, but let the outside line play, and have always insisted on mid-range and low positions.Under such circumstances, the Knicks put all their energy on the outside.

This is not a misjudgment, but Popovich did not expect that the Knicks would actually shoot away.

It's not an exaggeration to talk about impromptu performances. At the beginning, I just said to try my best to hit the outside and drag the Spurs' defense, but I didn't expect that the drag was useless. Instead, I threw some fairy balls and all went in.

Popovich was confused, but the Knicks were confused.

The performance in the first game can be said that the Knicks were lucky. In the second game, so many outside shots were able to make shots. Besides luck, Popovich may not be able to accept it.

Losing is quite aggrieved, and people always feel suffocated and uncomfortable.

It was agreed that Duncan and Tony Parker would play together. These two fought. Duncan played well. The problem is that Tony Parker was defended strictly, which was more difficult than Duncan's defense.

As for the sixth man in reserve?
Ha ha.

Ginobili lost his touch when the defensive intensity was not high.

This time the Spurs were completely confused.

Duncan is getting old and his physical load is limited. It is impossible to be brutal in the low post all the time. The output in the first three quarters has already overdrawn too much physical strength. The remaining two cannot bear the pressure. It depends on him alone, and the entire team cannot function at all. .

The Knicks are still fighting offense.

If you still use the old thinking to play the finals, the Knicks will definitely lose.

It makes people wonder why the Spurs lost so quickly in the finals.

The opponent wants to kill us just by playing with his hands?
Where are the tactics?
When the Spurs participated in the post-match press conference, Duncan still had a blank expression: "It's just too bad. We don't know what to do on the court. Maybe we should think about whether our defense is useful to them next. They didn't fight defense, so we were always passive, and we didn't play our own characteristics on the offensive end, and then we lost, it's that simple!"

How did you lose?

The team is also very confused, how much does it have to do with Popovich?
The veteran Spurs lost to the poor defensive team.

The problems here have to be discussed.

The Spurs have made a lot of small defensive moves, and Tony Parker has repeatedly relied on breakthroughs to get free throws, which shows that the Knicks still have certain loopholes in their interior defense. Duncan released his offensive ability here, and Ginobili also took on the cover. The task is just that Tony Parker can't lead the team to achieve results on the perimeter.

From the perspective of the team, the core of the team has become unreasonable.

Tony Parker was questioned.

At the same time, Manu Ginobili's performance was even more unconvincing.

The Spurs' home court advantage is gone, and this result is beyond everyone's expectations. Next, there is Madison Square Garden, and the Knicks may win the cup with a high probability.

The direction of the entire finals has been carried out as the Knicks expected.


"The sophistication of the Spurs encountered resistance, the magic changes show the level of the coach!"

"The coach Woodson used by the Knicks cannot be compared with Popovich in terms of fame or guidance level, and in the finals, lacking two away victories, we can't help but wonder whether Mr. Popovich is old enough. Too big? Can’t keep up with the tactical concept of modern basketball!”

Bleacher Report:

"Defense is not as good as offense? Many celebrities have said that this is impossible. It must be a tactical mistake by the Spurs, which led to the defeat in the first two games of the finals!"

New York Times:

"The Knicks are about to usher in a moment of glory! We have the best coach, the best players, there is no reason not to win the championship, the Spurs are strong, but we are not bad. The moment that New York fans have been waiting for for a long time is finally here It's coming, I hope our team will not be sloppy, and the Spurs will not find any chance to turn around!"

Very good, don't let people find the opportunity.

This damn is embarrassing.

The Knicks finally returned to New York, and many fans at the airport cheered.

Although before the start of this season, the Knicks had already shouted the slogan of striving for the championship, but many fans did not take it seriously. After all, it is not a day or two that New York is rotten. The current results make the fans very satisfied.

The pick-up is also spontaneously organized by the fans.

Finally, the Knicks players felt a little relieved.

When they got off the plane one by one, reporters rushed up to interview.

"Do we have the confidence to sweep the Spurs?"

"Do you have anything to say about the arrival of the Spurs?"

"LI, this may be the second time you have won the championship ring, what's your comment?"


We haven't even played half of the game yet, so I have Mao's testimonials.

If the Spurs come back to win the championship in the end, it will not be a matter of slapping the face. Li Muhua looked embarrassed: "What I think about now is how to fight for the next game. It's useless to think about anything else!"

"Okay, let's all disperse!"

Anthony glared at the reporter and led the way out of the crowd.

The players are already quite exhausted, what they need at this time is rest.

As soon as Li Muhua returned home, he fell into a deep sleep.

Compared with the game, dealing with reporters' questions is more exhausting.

Two consecutive finals, not only physically, but also mentally tense to the extreme.

The next day, the training ground.

Coach Woodson came very early. Seeing that the players were doing recovery training in high spirits, he didn't bother him, but quickly summoned Li Muhua and Anthony.

"As long as we can win the third game, then the problem will basically be fine!"

Although this is a bit delusional, it is true.

Li Muhua shook his head: "The Spurs definitely want to rebound now. We can't give them such an opportunity with the help of momentum. In contrast, our psychological pressure is the heaviest. Now it's important to adjust the mentality of the players!"

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