NBA super point guard

Chapter 803 Jeff Van Gundy's Standard Configuration

The Spurs attack.

Duncan held the ball again near the free throw line, and after sitting down, he turned around at a 45-degree angle to wipe the board and made a jumper as usual.Thomas, who has tried his best on the defensive end, keeps interfering, but this is Deng Dadai's stunt, which is not a skill that ordinary people can defend against.

The Knicks attack.

The players have mobilized all the Spurs on the offensive end, constantly shifting outside. Li Muhua received the pass at the top of the arc, broke through directly, and found a channel with the help of his teammates' cover. Half body position, dunk.

Generally, when no one is close to the defense, Li Muhua can use the momentum of the jump to complete the dunk. In the game, there is suspicion of dunking, but it is harmless.

Being able to dunk in the finals already shows extraordinary observation skills.

The dunk is not the same as the grasshopper. The dunk that jumps around needs to find the right timing and conditions to successfully complete the dunk.

Of course, it was incomparable to the handful of animals that were full of talent.

Ignore defense and interference.

When Tony Parker switched positions to defend, he was accidentally screened and rolled into the wall one by one. He was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood. In this way, he couldn't keep up with Li Muhua's speed.

Another one was easily deducted by Li Muhua.

In the ESPN studio, Mike Brin opened his mouth and laughed directly:

"If only Tony Parker could grow taller!"

"We all know that LI is tall and can play two positions. The key is that his speed is not slow. In fact, with his conditions, I think he can play the second position, but his vision is very good, and his level in the first position is obvious. Stronger than offensive ability. Of course, sometimes players can't distinguish their positions and need coaching!"

"Yes, to be honest, there are not many first positions with good vision in the league. If you just know how to hold the ball and do it yourself, playing a so-called combo guard really doesn't help much!"

Jeff Van Gundy thinks so.

No wonder former coach Jeff Van Gundy has resentment.

When leading that team before, the guards recruited were all waste.The starter was the streetball king, who was bought from the street, and the other was short like a monkey. He was better at playing than the other, but he couldn't pass the ball to Dayao, which made Jeff Van Gundy, the head coach at the time, half dead.

Li Muhua is different, he plays steadily, and the key is to pass.

When attacking, he can pass the ball accurately in the gap between the crowd.

The more you shift, the more space you can attack.

The Spurs were not too polite, and they were still playing positional battles in a rigid manner, and they were not in a hurry.

The Knicks played fairly reasonably by passing, running, and finding space, but the Spurs were different, focusing on the offense of Tony Parker and Duncan, mostly hitting the basket, with a high success rate.

At the end of the first quarter, the Spurs led by 6 points.

But after Ginobili came on the court, the Knicks began to double-team the inside. Tony Parker didn't feel good on the outside. Li Muhua and Anthony teamed up to play a wave of offensive climax and lead the score.

Popovich standing on the sidelines and roaring still couldn't stop the decline.

The only one the Spurs can score is Duncan, who has been playing strong in the low post. Even if Thomas, Stoudemire, Chandler and others go up to surround him in turn, they are not afraid, and their ability is really strong.

It's just that Tony Parker was double-teamed, and the rest of Ginobili didn't play at all.

All can only be attributed to luck.

Ginobili's defensive intensity was not high, but some goals that should have been scored were not scored.

In fact, against Ginobili's defense, the Knicks' defense was not tight. It was just that JR Smith and Li Muhua assisted each other in defense, and did not press for defense.

On the offensive end, Copeland and Novak's three-pointers played a decisive role, and their shooting percentages reached about [-]%.

The role players of the Knicks played one after another, making the game very smooth.

At the end of the third quarter, the Knicks established a big score advantage.

"I didn't expect it to end like this. The Knicks will maximize their outside firepower!" Mike Breen commented in the section.

Jeff Van Gundy:
"I think it's still a matter of tactics. The Spurs can use in-out tactics to alleviate their current disadvantage. If Duncan and Thiago are used to attract defense, there will be many opportunities on the outside. The Spurs' three-point shooting ability is not weak. , It’s just that they didn’t pay attention to the outside attack!”

This is a bit of nonsense. When leading the team before, Jeff Van Gundy played like this.

The problem is that it rains three points every time the next quarter, and then crashes in the last quarter.

Has become the standard equipment of Jeff Van Gundy.

Almost every game makes the Chinese audience shudder, and every time it reaches the last quarter, people's hearts can't stand it.

It's not that Duncan doesn't have that kind of strength, but the three-pointer, as a trendy offensive method in the league, doesn't seem like an absolute advantage, unless there are two or three players with a super high shooting rate, and the inside players are willing to come out to cover, In that way, the mobile phone will receive relatively less interference, and it is easier to make calls.

Players who can play inside and outside will be very popular in the league in the future.

It is also nonsense to attack without defense.

This time it really surprised everyone. The Knicks turned their backs and won the second away game.

The last quarter was of little practical significance, and Duncan led the team to counterattack.

It's just that Ginobili wasted a lot of possessions, Tony Parker was double-teamed and couldn't stand up at all, only Duncan's Spurs were alone, which was completely different from what people expected before the game.

Yes, the Spurs, the league's No. [-] team, are playing like this.

It should be the most exciting game ever.

The Spurs were beaten helplessly.

Duncan was quite tired from playing, constantly entangled with Thomas and Chandler in the low post, and the physical exertion can be imagined. In this game, he scored 28 points, 15 rebounds and 3 assists. It can be said that he played very well and his shooting percentage reached It's more than [-]%, but the other teammates can't stand up, let the performance die.

Tony Parker completely lost his former composure and scored 20 points, 4 assists and 3 rebounds. It seems that the statistics are good, but he took 25 shots and got a lot of free throws, which is quite bad.

With a few minutes left in the last quarter, the three veterans of GDP sat on the bench and watched the game indifferently.

No matter how lively the substitute players played on the court, they couldn't attract too much attention. GDP's physical strength was simply not enough to play in the last quarter, and Popovich was not too tough in the face of the expansion of the loss.

Anyway, this game will be lost, and the rest should be reflection, not letting the main force go up and waste.

At the end of the second game, there was no cheering at home in San Antonio, and the audience left the arena with regret and curses.

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