NBA super point guard

Chapter 683 The Absolute Core

Many teams are watching the jokes of the Heat. Ray Allen is very good. The problem is that he is old and cannot convince people whether his ability is still there.

After a month of tension, finally at the end of September, the team started training, and Li Muhua also met all his teammates.

"Welcome to the Knicks, everyone!"

After Anthony and Stoudemire gave a welcome speech, Li Muhua also gave a brief welcome introduction, which was mainly a process of getting to know each other.

In fact, they are all players who have been in the league. Everyone knows each other, but they are just going through the motions.

The content of the training camp is quite simple, nothing more than tactical and technical combat drills.

The players basically chat together in twos and threes, or do basic training.

Camby's qualifications are there, and basically he doesn't participate in sports very much. He usually guides his teammates' defensive posture on the sidelines. Kidd and Li Muhua stand on the sidelines and chat. Anthony, Wallace and Chandler have been communicating inside Condition.



On the first day of the meeting, we should first do a good job in the relationship between teammates.

Kidd still has a very good impression of the Knicks' lineup, and the management's idea of ​​finding Kidd is also very simple. Anyway, he is an old monster and can be used as a supplement to the coaching staff.

The deal made by the Knicks is very cost-effective. The offense has Kidd to guide it, and the defense has Camby. It can be said that everything has been thought of.

Coach Woodson showed up and said a few words, and then announced a warm-up match to see the status of the players.

Kidd was assigned to the main lineup, with Chandler, Stoudemire, Anthony and Brewer, while Li Muhua's team consisted of Wallace, Thomas, JR Smith and James White.

One side is mostly offensive players, and the other side tests defensive ability.

Since the start of the warm-up match, the gap between the two teams has gradually become apparent.

Li Muhua's team is mainly on the bench, which can expand the space. Wallace can attack and defend, and he can't fall behind against Chandler. Thomas' mid-range shooting ability is good, but he needs pick-and-roll to create space. This is a small flaw. Can be completely ignored.

James White, JR Smith and Li Muhua can all pull to the outside to play, and the three-pointers embarrass the main team.

The arrival of the ultimate slam dunk king undoubtedly raised the upper limit of the Knicks' offense at the basket.

The years are not forgiving, but James White's athletic ability still makes people drool.

After Li Muhua's outside pick-and-roll, he just threw the ball over the backboard, and James White was able to complete an alley-oop dunk, which made the team an alley-oop team.

Not to mention how strong the offensive ability of the substitute team is, the key is that the overall defense makes people feel suffocated.

There is nothing wrong with attacking with personal ability.

Originally, the Knicks were not known for their cooperation, and their individual abilities basically wouldn't be too much of a disadvantage in any position.

The main reason is the ability to expand outwards. Li Muhua is eyeing the top of the arc, so Kidd has to concentrate on defending.

It's not that the main lineup doesn't want to play well, but that Kidd is there and he thinks too much.

Kidd's principle is to play rhythm and drag every attack into a positional battle. This is very different from the previous Knicks' style, making it difficult for the main lineup to adapt.

Stoudemire's body is slightly fatter, and he played so crazy in the off-season that he almost started to walk away.

No problem!
With a big contract, you earn a lot every year. If you don't play, why don't you stay in the bank to feed the bugs?

Stoudemire played a bit rough, which was obviously different from last season. After receiving the ball, he turned around and shot a jumper.

In the past, Stoudemire's technique was acceptable, but his body got fat during the off-season, which made it appear that there were some problems in the connection of technical movements, which caused the shooting rate to plummet.

It's a pity that Stoudemire doesn't care at all.

Offensively degraded is also the team boss Anthony.

The league's top players have a kaleidoscope of offense. They have no restraint during the offseason. They don't soak in the bar or press the road with a cigar every day. Their physical condition is obviously not as good as before, especially on the defensive end. more healthy.

Being able to shoot will never take an extra step. This is Anthony's offensive choice.

Li Muhua can break through directly with the ball.

This defense is simple!

The two cores of the Knicks did not lead by example, which has a great impact on this season's championship goal.

Coach Woodson watched speechlessly from the sidelines, kept shaking his head, and communicated with Camby from time to time.

Camby's actual role is similar to that of a defensive assistant.

The goal of the new season is to implement the defensive system and establish personal defensive capabilities. Coach Woodson assigns defensive tasks by observing the state of the players.

During the training camp, Camby was more often used to guide single defense, and then continued to increase assistance defense, mixed defense and zone defense tactics.

Drastically change the offensive habits left by D'Antoni before.

On the second day, General Manager Glenn, on behalf of the management, invited the coaching staff and players to a manor-style party.

In fact, it is a barbecue in Anthony's villa.

Have a meal together, chat, increase the relationship between each other, and shorten the distance between the management and the players.

Anthony's mansion is great, at least the players are excited.

Anthony yelled over the grill, drawing the players' attention:

"Guys, we're going to win the championship this season, but today we're going to have a lot of carnival and applaud our championship in advance. We're going to show our energy during the game. We're going to kill the Heat!"

The players screamed and applauded.

Li Muhua covered his face.

The team's boss status and superior life made Gua a little carried away. Coupled with the team's reinforcement, the scars were healed and the pain was forgotten.

Gua Ge seems to have forgotten how he left the Nuggets before.

But the recruited players also know that the Knicks must win this season.

Just because the luxury tax is there, no matter how rich the boss is, it is not because of the strong wind.

Many veterans among the players looked at each other and nodded.

They are no longer young. There are many experienced players in this team. Now that such an experienced team is formed, if they can't reach the finals, they will be ashamed to play in the league.

"Shout with me!"

Stoudemire's head began to heat up, and he raised his arms, instantly making the players' blood boil.

Coach Woodson walked up to Li Muhua, spread his arms out in a gesture of helplessness, and then said slowly: "LI, you are the absolute core this season, and both Cameron and Amare think they are leading the team in a poor state. , more hope to be a spiritual leader!"


Li Muhua's expression was dull, and he didn't react immediately.

"Mr. Mike, it's not funny. I want you to be honest. Are they feeling old? Or what?"

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