NBA super point guard

Chapter 682 Heat Welcomes You

The strength of the Knicks is astonishing, and the total salary of the team has reached 8500 million US dollars.

The boss needs to pay up to 1500 million US dollars in luxury taxes for this.

In terms of salary, Carmelo Anthony and Stoudemire are the highest. Melon's salary next season is 1944 million U.S. dollars, and Stoudemire's salary is also as high as 1994 million U.S. dollars.

Chandler will also make $1160 million next season.

Li Muhua's salary increased to $1650 million in the second year.

Kidd was excited to sign a two-year mid-level contract, but the Knicks management was very helpless and told Lao Yao that he could not sign again.

The total salary of the Knicks has reached the league's first.

This time, I have to say that Kidd will be a man, and he directly signed a basic salary to join, and it was also Marcus Camby.

Novak and JR Smith belong to the middle class.

None of the other players were spared. Brewer, Copeland, Prigioni, Kent Thomas, and James White all received a basic salary.

The Knicks did not renew the contract for the time being, but kept all the main players, and also improved the team's lineup, and the management finally no longer has brain damage.

The lineup tends to be reasonable. Most of the newly signed players are mainly defensive. There is no need to worry about the possession of the ball. It is still concentrated in the hands of a few main players.

After Rasheed Wallace returned to join, several starters went to the phone separately.

Li Muhua was no exception. He called to congratulate the foreigner and said directly: "Rashid, your experience is very important to us, and there is no strong support point inside!"

Wallace was very happy and said that he would guard the inside of the Knicks with Chandler.

Roaring Tianzun has been retired for two years. This time, the Knicks management invited Wallace with great sincerity. Of course, the ring is very attractive, and the team does not need inside players who occupy the ball. Lace is a more dutiful player.

The main reason is that Rasheed Wallace has a bad temper, and sometimes he will hate his teammates when he gets angry.

This is unacceptable to many teams.

But the Knicks are not afraid, with Melon's deterrence, and Li Muhua's white face, one red and one white can completely subdue Wallace's uniform.

After the team completed all the players, the media gave the rating.

In the power rankings, the Knicks rank fourth.

The most dazzling is undoubtedly the Purple and Gold Corps. Through the operation of the Lakers general manager Kupchak, Nash and Howard were signed to the Lakers successively, allowing the Lakers to gain the competitiveness of competing for the championship.

Originally, after Nash announced to join the Lakers, although the strength of the Lakers' lineup has been improved, the media generally believe that it is not enough to overwhelm the Thunder.

But Howard joining is another matter, after all, he is the most dominant center among active players.

After sending away Bynum, the idiot, the Lakers re-formed the inside twin towers. Gasol is feminine and Howard is tough, so that the Lakers have the most powerful inside strength in the league.

The surprise is Jeff Green.

Green, who has been sidelined for a year after heart surgery, has been allowed to return to the game, and the Celtics can't wait to sign Green.

On the night when the news broke, Green called Li Muhua to express his excitement about returning to the arena.

The 35-year-old Kobe has also officially entered into contract renewal negotiations with the Lakers.

But everyone can see that it is impossible for Kobe to leave Los Angeles, it is nothing more than a question of salary.

After all the transactions are completed, the Knicks' reinforcement lineup is complete.

Anthony, Chandler, Brewer, Stoudemire, Li Muhua, Thomas, JR Smith, Novak, Priginho, Wallace, Copeland, James White, Choupett, Kidd and Camby.

The lineup built by the management is really both offensive and defensive.

The veterans include Wallace, Kidd, and Camby. At critical moments, they can operate inside and outside.

The forward defensive players include Chandler and Brewer, who can make up for the shortcomings of Anthony and Stoudemire.

The starting All-Stars are still Anthony, Chandler, Stoudemire and Li Muhua.

To put it bluntly, if the run-in was completed last season, this lineup will have no problem winning the championship properly.

In the name of congratulations, Andrew came to Li Muhua's house for a meal, and kept expressing emotion: "Man, if you don't win the championship this season, it will be unreasonable, but you have to stand up this season!"

The reason for saying this is because some media criticized Li Muhua for being mediocre.

Mainly the Boston Herald jumped out to despise:

"LI has been mediocre since he joined the league. Although he has performed occasionally, he is still not a superstar. He has no ability to lead the team, and his style of play is selfless but not competitive. We doubt whether he will be annihilated in the star-studded world in the future. In the league!"

After seeing the report, Li Muhua immediately threw it aside:
"Andrew, isn't it the core of the team? Let me show them what is the core?"

Although he uttered wild words, Li Muhua was already prepared in his heart.

In the first season of the Heat's Big Three team, they were cut down by the Mavericks. In fact, there was a running-in problem. Of course, the most important thing is that they didn't understand who the core was.

James and Wade clashed in style of play.

The team is not just full of stars, but to distribute the ball reasonably according to the shot rights to make the team's offensive ability more efficient.

James became a strong thigh.

Facts have proved that Zhan Huang's vision is indeed superior to others. Instead of splitting equally with Wade, it is better to put the organization ability of the ball in his own hands.

Compared with passing vision, there are not many people in the league who can really beat James.

Or rather, not many at all.

It was precisely because of this that Li Muhua kept a low profile.

The Knicks' front line is not generally crowded. If it is because of the problem of possession of the ball, the conflicts caused are far more than ordinary teams.

When the management considers players to join, it also looks at it from this aspect.

Li Muhua nodded:
"This is the best season. In addition to winning the championship, you have to prove yourself!"

Andrew gave a thumbs up. It is not easy for a player who once wandered outside the league to realize that it is not easy to keep moving forward instead of standing still.

Li Muhua has been working hard to improve.

Not just for the team, but more for myself.

The most tragic part of the transaction is the Heat.

Few teams are willing to do business with the defending champions.

It’s fine for you to be in a group, we’ll bear with it if we win the championship, and now you’re fucking thinking about us, are you going to heaven?

In fact, the Heat shouted that the Big Three are also three strong players, and role players are very important.

During the summer trade, Pat Riley almost cried.

Welcome to the Heat!
The problem is that no player is willing to hug his thigh.

In the end, Zhan Huang came forward, and he didn't know how to flick Thor's shot, and finally achieved a reinforcement goal.

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