Playing offense is the mainstream of the current league propaganda. Many coaches, including the current Cavaliers coach Byron Scott, are good at offense so they can get into the position smoothly.

To put it simply, it is defensive nonsense, and all the extra energy is put on offense. The famous XJB play in the league is also accepted by people.

Players playing singles are more in line with the interests of the league, and people are willing to watch stars.

Once the defensive strength is increased, the referee's whistle will keep ringing, and the game will be played intermittently, which is really nothing to watch.

On the contrary, it is not as smooth as the game where you come and go.

At this time, the role of the head coach is very important. When he finds that the rhythm is getting faster, he immediately calls a timeout or offers a solution. Generally speaking, the value of the point guard is reflected here. He can adjust the state of the game and reduce the timeout time. Try not to affect the player's feel.

Offense is simpler and requires less energy than defense.

Often stars are not only talented, but also unparalleled in offense. Among them, it has a lot to do with reducing defensive intensity.

Going all out to attack rather than defend.

From this defense, Li Muhua saw many problems.

When the pace of the game became faster, the Knicks were a little overwhelmed. Jamison was quite selfless, always covering for Irving, and Irving was determined to attack the Knicks inside.Chandler was stuck by Eldon, and Stoudemire didn't come up to help, so he lost the defensive strength in the low post and near the free throw line.

No matter how fast the pace of the game is, the low post defense determines the fate of the team.

In the first half of the first quarter, the Knicks were always suppressed. They saw that the score gap was not big, but the players were very concerned. If this situation was not reversed, the Knicks would not be able to win the game.

D'Antoni called a timeout directly.

Li Muhua and Anthony teamed up to bite the score, but Stoudemire did not stand up, not as good as Jamison.

Back on the bench, D'Antoni was a little annoyed. At any rate, there were four All-Star starters. The singles level made people feel that this was not the NBA, and the efficiency was outrageously low.

Although the news has been revealed, D'Antoni did not let it go. He had to play better before get out of class to pave the way for his next job.

D'Antoni ignored the players' silence and said directly:
"I need you to play faster on offense. The opponent obviously wants to disrupt the game. I think we should increase the offensive strength on the outside. You don't need to compete with them for the basket. Tyson, Amare, pay attention to the size of the defense, LI , I will let JR and Stephen take turns playing, you look for outside opportunities!"

"Yes sir!"

Li Muhua nodded in response, there is no problem with the arrangement of the German coach.

Although this old boy is preoccupied with offense, sometimes defense cannot solve all problems, and ease of offense means that he can release as much physical strength as possible.

The team made substitutions.

Landry is off the field, he can fight for defense on the field, but he can't count on scoring. JR Smith came to the second position.

The Cavaliers attack.

Casspi came to the high post to cover, and then Jamison also ran out, forming a cross. Li Muhua didn't switch defenses, and followed Owen all the time.

Irving chose a jumper under the cover, Li Muhua and Anthony interfered at the same time, and Irving hit the ball directly.

As for what the German coach said about appropriately reducing the defensive intensity, the two cores didn't listen at all. At the very least, they had to set an example for their teammates.

Stoudemire grabbed the rebound.

The Knicks attack.

Stoudemire directly stepped forward and came to the high post. JR Smith moved to the weak side. Anthony came to the outside. JR Smith.

JR Smith raised the knife and made a steady three-pointer.

The nerve knife is so scary sometimes, and others are afraid every time they shoot, but this kind of open shot after catching the ball is not very difficult for JR Smith.

Li Muhua didn't dare to give JR Smith too many balls, in case he got high, or became addicted to it, he would do an undercover act for you, which would kill you.

It's not a problem of consciousness, but something wrong with the brain, and he played a dry fire, and he didn't even know his mother.

The Cavaliers attack.

Irving is still holding the ball and ready to play fast.

The tactics of the Cavaliers are not complicated. Jamison is in charge of support inside, Irving holds the ball, and Anthony Parker goes to the outside. Often Irving has only two options when he is blocked inside, either Jamison or the outside.

The routine is very simple, but it doesn't mean Owen is a fool.

Li Muhua chose to stare at each other, mainly because the Cavaliers' outside line is too nonsense, and they are less reliable than JR Smith, so they don't worry at all if they let them go.

As long as the defensive line shrinks, Owen will be blind in rushing in.Fast speed and good dribbling don't mean anything. If you can't organize your teammates, it's useless no matter how capable a small point guard is.

Irving was still looking for cover, but couldn't find a chance in the middle distance, and threw it to Jamison.

Anthony blocked behind Jamison, which made Jamison very uncomfortable. After a few dribbles, he passed to Owen again in an air cut.

Normal operation of the Cavaliers.

Irving took three steps directly, and it was another layup that was about to fall to the ground.


Chandler gave a big pot.

It can be said that the slap was quite loud, and the basketball hit the auditorium directly.

As the No. [-] position, Irving's style of play is absolutely fine, but when he encounters an inside defensive gate, he is basically scared and hides outside.

This game properly allowed Chandler to eat the pie.

Chandler loves to block shots.

No matter how good Irving's height and talent are, no one takes his shooting percentage seriously.

In fact, it's just different skills. It cannot be said that Irving does not have a three-pointer level, but he usually finds rhythm by dribbling, which is different from making three-pointers in open positions.

Every player has his own rhythm, and Irving's style of play is more like the second position.

The Cavaliers' style of play is simple, and the coach thinks about how to attack every day.

It's always the same old style, let Irving play singles with the ball, Jamison assists, and there is no one who organizes the offense.

After increasing the outside threat, the Knicks gradually took the initiative.

Owen can break through again, but Anthony and Li Muhua are helping to defend at the same time, which slows down the offensive rhythm, and the outside line cannot be opened at all.

Chasing points and widening the score gap, the three-point tactic is the simplest and most trouble-free.

The Cavaliers are not good at defense. After the Knicks expanded their offensive range, they were completely confused and didn't know who to defend.

Stoudemire is waiting to eat cakes at any time in the middle distance. There are three players on the outside. Although they are not a big or a small player, their running rhythm is enough for the Cavaliers to drink a pot.

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