NBA super point guard

Chapter 591 Defense is just paper

Yes, Durant is like a ball bully.

Scoring is Durant's strength, and the success rate is very high. Durant is very good at finding misplaced offensive opportunities, which is a skill that some players are not good at.

Then the question arises at this time, who owns the ball?

Durant, of course.

Paul is a bit sticky to the ball, which has something to do with his No. [-] style of play. Durant can hold the ball and attack when he catches it. Obviously, Paul wants to help others in this All-Star game.

Don't care about your own data.

Good man!
As for the style of play, does Brooks need a style of play in coaching?As long as you can follow my arrangement to misplace, XJBD as you like.

The stars are all casual, anyway, they always play like this in the team.

But a person's ability is limited after all, no matter how good he is, he can't stand being beaten by a group. Durant is currently in this situation. The stars in the west are watching him play, while the east is playing with him.

Compared with the two, the advantage of the east is getting bigger and bigger.

In the final stage, both sides unanimously increased their defensive strength.

Seeing that Paul was serious, Li Muhua was not polite. He directly found a screen to break through and split the ball, and continued to dislocate the attack. This was exactly the style of the Thunder team. This made Brooks on the sidelines shake his head continuously.

The Eastern Conference won the game without bloodshed.

At the last moment, there are not many All-Stars with such a big gap. James scored a game-high 38 points, got 7 assists and 8 rebounds, and became the MVP.

James was very happy. After the game, he thanked his teammates again and again, and entertained a group of eastern stars for dinner in Orlando.

The ending is perfect, James takes over, as long as he wins the championship, he will be the well-deserved No.1 in the league.

The All-Star game of the shortened season also ended smoothly.

The All-Star Game means that the schedule is halfway through, and each team has already started preparing for the playoffs. After a day off, the Knicks will gather.

The current situation is mixed.

The good news is that D'Antoni is about to leave get out of class, and the floating hearts of the team can finally stabilize. The bad news is whether Mike Woodson is qualified for the post of coach.

D'Antoni is still doing his job, at least he won't leave the team until the negotiation is complete.

"There is still one and a half months until the playoffs. If there are no accidents, we will definitely make it. The biggest problem is the ranking. Our record is not stable. Very troublesome!"

After expressing his concerns, D'Antoni glanced at the players.

Since this gathering was just a conversation and not important, general manager Glenn was not present, and the players were more casual.

Some were picking their nails, some were looking at the ground with their hands behind their backs, and Li Muhua was staring at the basketball stand in the distance in a daze.

The head coach is about to leave get out of class, so why talk so much.

D'Antoni saw that the players had no intention of discussing, sighed, and ordered the dismissal, and let the players go to daily training.

The team assembled, and it ended in an anticlimactic manner.

A day later, the Knicks ushered in the Cavaliers at home.

This kind of game, the whole team is very happy, it is a door-to-door deal. The Cavaliers don't have many players. One Irving and one Jamison are enough for the Knicks to win in group fights.

If you want to play in the playoffs, you can win a game.

The Knicks have almost an all-star lineup, and they are still considering the issue of entering the playoffs, which shows how far the team has fallen.

Li Muhua almost died of anger when he heard the discussion between Novak and Lin Shuhao.

It's okay for Novak to be negative, Lin Shuhao has been crazy for a while, at least he has a good personality, no matter what.

In fact, there are 76ers who are at the bottom, so there is no need for this problem at all.

When Lin Shuhao asked this question, Li Muhua's answer was straightforward.

Don't doubt us, the team has this ability.

The arena is still full of people, but not many people really love the Knicks.

The game starts soon.

Chandler wins the jumper and takes possession.

The Cavaliers' starting lineup looks average, except for Irving, Jamison, Anthony Parker, Casspi, and Semi Eldon.

Don't talk about the players, just look at the head coach, you know that the Cavaliers are difficult.

Byron Scott.

ESPN's evaluation of him is very interesting, rating the coaches in the league as the third tier, and Byron Scott, unfortunately, is reduced to the lowest tier.

To say that James' departure must have something to do with the head coach.

In the last season, the Cavaliers' defensive ranking made James feel chilled. James, who has always paid attention to defense, did not expect Byron Scott to be so watery.

The Cavaliers' defense is not good, but the offense is not bad.

Li Muhua holds the ball and Irving defends.

This guy's eyes are still floating.

In such a situation, Li Muhua was unrestrained and didn't call for a pick-and-roll. After passing the crotch, he took a step and directly broke through from the right wing. Jamison assisted in the defense, and Li Muhua directly passed to Anthony.

Anthony made an open mid-range jumper and made a steady shot.

The Knicks didn't have to worry about rebounding at all, and Chandler's ass pushed Eldon out of the way.

The Cavaliers attacked, Irving held the ball very fast, kept dribbling the ball with both hands, quickly broke through after the cover of his teammates, and quickly entered the basket like a lightning bolt, and scored with Chandler's supplementary defense. .

It is completely relying on the personal offensive level to play.

There's nothing wrong with it. It's not accidental that Irving won the No. [-] pick. He has such ability.

From another perspective, the Knicks' defense is paper.

Leak the basket to perimeter players.

Chandler's ability to control the basket is not a supernatural person alone, but requires his teammates to build a line of defense to ensure that the inside players are not threatened to the greatest extent.

If Irving has Durant's ability, the number of fouls alone would be enough for the Knicks to drink a pot.

The Cavaliers' defense is average, and the problem is that the Knicks' defense isn't much better either.

Li Muhua wondered if the Knicks had been forgotten by the league's statistics. It was only because of the scolding they played this season that they barely improved their defensive attitude. Judging from the current situation, last season's defensive efficiency was either at the bottom or second.

By the way, Stoudemire's bonus has to be counted.

Let Owen rush to the basket so easily, Stoudemire's body didn't move at all.

What the hell!

What is Stoudemire thinking.

Fans can see that Stoudemire has not lost his mind at all, his body is completely conscious, and his eyes have been fixed on the opposite basket.

It can be seen from this defense that it may be another offensive battle.

It’s just that!

Li Muhua really felt tired, and the point guard became an absolute nanny.To fully suit the state of your teammates, you will play defensive battles for a while, and attack with rhythm for a while. You are playing entirely according to your mood, rather than deliberately using tactics to find the opponent's flaws.

This kind of game is often very difficult to play.

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