The fourth quarter begins.

The Mavericks attack.

Li Muhua returned to the first position and entered the frontcourt with the ball. Wade came up directly to press. Whether it is shooting or shooting, it can pose a threat to the Heat.

Facing Wade, Li Muhua did not rush to act, but patted the ball.

Constantly stretch out tentative steps.

Li Muhua guided the ball, and Wade forced him again.

All eyes are on this ball.

"LI, breakthrough!"

"Stopped. No, still breaking through!"

"Quick stop jump shot!"

Li Muhua changed direction while moving fast, and then made an emergency stop to shoot a jump shot after speeding up.

Wade kept keeping his body down and did not allow Li Muhua to pull away from his body. He interfered with Li Muhua's mid-range shot when he jumped up. It was just because Li Muhua was fast that Wade couldn't find a chance to cut the ball, but this shot selection was a bit reluctant. .

The arc of this ball is not high, even a little flat.

The players at the basket are all crowded together.


The basketball hit the edge of the rim hard, Chandler and Haslem fought hand-to-hand under the rim, Bosh was in the position, and Mahinmi grabbed Bosh's jersey to prevent him from jumping. At this time, it was Steven Sen flicked the ball aside while chasing the rebound.

Terry gets the ball, moves quickly to the other side, and Marion catches and shoots, making it with no defense.

Even the offensive rebounds were not missed, which shows how far the Mavericks have fought.

The Heat were attacking, and James played singles with the ball. At the critical moment, the Heat's style of play was quite clear. It was either James' point or Wade's offense. As for Bosh, he was usually in charge of inside defense in the last quarter.

James broke through directly, adding a little skill, without pushing hard.

Stevenson helps.

James was double-teamed before he got close to the basket, and he simply passed it out. Originally, Wade was ready to catch the ball, but Li Muhua cut it off with his palm.

Fast break opportunity!

Li Muhua was about to turn around when Chalmers hugged him directly.


The referee signaled a foul by Chalmers.

There was really nothing to do with this ball, and it couldn't be easily beaten by the Mavericks. Chalmers reacted quickly and took a tactical foul in time to avoid the Mavericks' momentum.

Li Muhua glanced at Chalmers unexpectedly.

I haven't found that Chalmers has this kind of golf quotient before. Obviously, he has grown a lot with the Big Three.

Li Muhua made 2 of 2 free throws.

Looking back, James succeeded in a three-pointer from the outside.

The Mavericks continued to attack.

Li Muhua cooperated with Terry with the help of a screen, and Terry hit a mid-range jumper.

Still maintain the leading point difference.

At the beginning of the fourth quarter, the score did not change significantly.

Seeing that he didn't catch up with the score, James became a little anxious.

No one was surprised that the last quarter was the time for James to show his power.

In the ESPN studio, Barkley knocked on the table and explained with a natural look: "Yes, the ball should be given to James. At the critical moment, it depends on James' performance. Wade's performance today is very average. It should be the Heat. The possession of the ball has been adjusted again, some players don’t need to hold the ball, and they can’t get in anyway!”

Kenny nodded in agreement:

"Yes, look at Haslem and Eddie Jones. They hardly played on the court. In the end, we can only watch James. Wade is a little bit wrong today. He should stand up at the critical moment. The Heat can't just rely on James! "

Whether you can see through or not, the explanation is also human.

Barkley is a star in the league anyway, how could he not see it.

The Mavericks' defensive strategy is so-called worthless. Let James shoot, and as long as he breaks through, he will double-team. He also adopted a strict defense strategy against Wade and Bosh. As for the remaining role players, they basically let it go.

The striker mainly defended against James, while Li Muhua and Terry restricted Wade.

Wade held the ball and began to break through with his footsteps. Li Muhua defended close to him, and Terry assisted in defense from the other side. Wade directly used the trailing step and dunked the ball in one-stop before Chandler blocked the shot.

Li Muhua was almost crushed, but he was only able to slow down Wade's movements.

But it's useless, Wade's speed is very fast, as long as he collides and squeezes away, he can speed up.

Wonderful and smooth three-step layup dunk, Wade did not make a fool of the Mavericks' defense. If it weren't for the Heat's current lagging situation, it is estimated that Wade would not bother to move.

Only when we are behind can we show our true qualities as a hero, and Wei finally starts to play in adversity.

Many fans left messages online:

"Adversity Wade, the Mavericks have already pushed the Heat into a hurry, now some people have seen it!"

"Who can stop Wade, come on, stand up and take two steps!"

"The defense of the Mavericks still wants to play against the Heat. Let's take a break and hope that Janeway will overtake the score and win the championship!"

When the Mavericks attacked, Li Muhua held the ball and stretched out his hand to signal, and his teammates immediately opened up the distance to expand the breakthrough space. Li Muhua leaned on Wade to break through, and when he was close to the free throw line, he threw it back casually, assisting Terry to score another jumper.

The Heat attacked, but Li Muhua refused to give Wade an inch.

James was still being chased and intercepted. He didn't have a suitable shot space, so he simply passed it to Bosh. Bosh singled out Mahinmi, but he couldn't hit him. Not flexible enough.

Obviously, Bosh did not choose a breakthrough, but a jumper.

Mahinmi really worked hard, bumped into Bosh hard and then jumped up to interfere.

This defense is definitely a textbook level, and Mahinmi almost slammed the ball into Bosh's face.

Bosh hit the iron with a jump shot, Chandler yelled and took off the rebound forcefully, Li Muhua ran over to catch the ball, threw off Chalmers' entanglement and went straight to the frontcourt.

The pace of the Mavericks has completely slowed down.

At this moment, the Heat are in a hurry, and Li Muhua has calculated the tempo time.

Just after halftime, Li Muhua called for a pick-and-roll.

Ma Xinmi came to the high screen, Li Muhua broke through directly, and James switched defenses.

Facing James, Li Muhua didn't feel too turbulent.

As the league's leading superstar, James has too much halo on his body, giving people the intuitive impression that as James' opponent, it seems that Kobe is the only active player.

From a series of data, it is not difficult to see how strong James' defense is. He has defended a team for three consecutive years, and his defensive victory contribution in three seasons is top ten in the DWS league.

James is now at the absolute pinnacle, he can go from one defense to five, easily crushed on the offensive end, and did not drop half a point on the defensive end.

Even if the Big Three are in a group, James' defensive attitude has not slackened in the slightest.

In fact, defense depends on attitude, physical fitness, and defensive skills. Zhan Huang has all the defensive conditions.

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