NBA super point guard

Chapter 527 Prepare to Hold the Cup

Faced with a once-in-50-year physical talent, Marion's pressure can be imagined.


"Sean, thank you for your hard work!"

After returning to the locker room, Nowitzki saw Marion, who was covered in sweat, leaning on crutches and asked directly. Marion was out of breath, and nodded: "It's okay, if I'm alone I can't bear it!"

"I can't help it, Sean, I need you to work harder. Next, I will ask other people to assist you, but the opponent will definitely attack with substitutions!"

Coach Carlisle calmed down and stood in the center.

"Guys, the first half of the game was mainly played by LeBron. I believe that the third quarter should be taken over by someone else. He will have a rest period. We need to change our strategy and double-team Wade and Bosh. , Sean is still the main defense against LeBron James, you go down when he goes down, and you go up when he goes up, understand what I mean?"

"I want James to be consumed all the time. As long as he can consume this point, other people's attacks will not pose a great threat to us!"

"The championship must be ours!"

Li Muhua also shouted along with his teammates:


Nowitzki came over and whispered a few words to Li Muhua.

Everyone is full of energy. This is the last game of the season, and they can rest after this half. No one wants to easily hand over the championship to others.

The third quarter is also a substitute period, and Marion can take the opportunity to rest. No matter how strong James is, he has to retain some energy until the fourth quarter, and Wade usually plays in the third quarter.

The Big Three have this advantage, either paddling on the court or resting off the court, they can always get recovery time.

As for 48 consecutive minutes of hard work, I'm sorry, there is really no such fierce person in the league.

Basically, at the superstar level, they are all players who can last 40 minutes in a game. Like ordinary stars, playing for about 35 minutes is already quite remarkable.

Many fans don't know very well. Some players seem to have mediocre statistics, but they still get more money than those with high scores on the team. What is the value of the money?

This has to start with the tactical needs of the team itself. For example, Mr. Yuan contract, although everyone complains that the management of the Magic team is a waste of money, rubbish contracts, etc., but no one thinks that the management of the Magic is stupid, because the ball The team needs a power forward like Mr. Yuan who can open up the space.

Another situation is playing time. The playing time of role players is generally about 10-15 minutes, and some role players, seemingly inconspicuous, can play up to 20 minutes, and the salary they get is naturally higher than that of ordinary players. Players need to be tall.

For example, Chandler's annual salary can obviously get more than 30 million yuan, but Cuban is unwilling to pay it. As far as insiders are concerned, this is not a good phenomenon.

The strength of the inside line and the playing time determine the injury probability of low post players.

It is not difficult to see from Chandler that the Mavericks are really desperate.

In this case, James has to rest for a quarter.

The Mavericks didn't play very well either.

In the case of increasing defensive intensity, the efficiency of the Mavericks is not worse than that of the Heat.

Everyone is tired.

Basically, from the beginning of the third quarter, the free throws of both sides have never stopped. They all affect the progress of the game by disrupting the rhythm. Each has its own plan. Li Muhua is drowsy off the court. Not interested.

With 2 minutes left in the third quarter, James played again.

As it got closer, Marion was also replaced. This was just to pave the way for the fourth quarter, allowing James to play early to find his feeling.

The Heat attack.

James held the ball on the outside and threw it to Wade, and Terry defended.

Terry really worked hard. He had never seen such an active defense before. He was holding Wade's jersey with his arms and legs up.


The referee signaled a foul for Terry.

Wade touched shoulders with Terry when he passed the free throw, and neither of them gave way.

To be honest, Terry is always smiling at ordinary times, but since entering the finals, he can be called a tough man who can enter the defensive team, pestering Wade for not playing his normal level.

At this point, it can only be said that Terry really looks like a man at the moment.

Wade is still 2 of 2 free throws.

James played just to adapt, the main attack point or Wade.

For the rest of the time, Marion did not relax for a moment. He followed James closely and got a foul. No matter how strong Wade's performance was, it was only at the end of his strength. After three consecutive quarters of high-intensity games, he was already quite exhausted. Never overtake.

After three quarters, the Mavericks led by 77 points 72:5.


Nowitzki came to Li Muhua and put his arms around Li Muhua's shoulders:

"LI, you must stand up!"

"Don't worry, Dirk, get ready to hold the cup!"

Li Muhua stretched out his hand to signal OK, showing great confidence.

Usually in the third quarter, many of the main players will stay strong. Coach Carlisle rotates a lot of players just to prepare for the last quarter.

In the face of the strong-playing Heat, no one cares about statistics. The defensive strength affects the feel of the Heat's Big Three, and the rest depends on their own team's offense.

This score advantage is obviously not enough.

Marion was exhausted physically, and the attack point was on Li Muhua and Terry.

CCV5 studio.

Weiping Bryant couldn't help expressing emotion:
"Nowitzki's injury is really not at the right time. Now all the pressure is on Li Muhua's head, but Cuban is too much. When he recruited the team, he didn't talk about spending a lot of money. It was all in exchange for future draft picks. To be honest, the roster is pretty good, but it’s just that they don’t feel good against the Heat, and Li Muhua is going to fight for his life in the end, so should we give Li Muhua the MVP?”

Mr. Sun nodded. After all, they were all players from their own country. Playing in the last quarter of the finals was not flattery, but a core status expression.

Teacher Sun said directly:

"Judging from the seven games of the finals, Li Muhua is an indispensable main force for the Mavericks. It's too cheap. A special case of the middle class is traded for the main force. There is no one in this business. Cuban is worthy of being a big player." Boss, the next step is to see if Li Muhua can play a decisive role on the perimeter, if Terry or Marion can cover more, I believe Li Muhua will play even better!"

"It's just that MVP is impossible, not in terms of statistics, and it is usually awarded to the head star. This is the usual practice!"

After hearing this, the domestic fans felt that Li Muhua was worthless, and they basically scolded him. Lao Mei was so fussy about presenting an award.

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