Although Westbrook's talent is good, it's just that the growth rate is far behind Li Muhua, the undrafted pick.

It has to be said that when Presti also lost his eyes, Brooks secretly sighed, recovered and continued to watch the game.

The Suns attacked and continued to choose the bombardment tactic.

Seeing Nash watching the game in a suit and leather shoes, Li Muhua estimated that Nash's heart was bleeding.

Dragic's speed is very fast. Although the rhythm can be brought up, he can't guide his teammates into position in tactics. When there is no open space, the ball looks like a bird to everyone. Anyway, it is a catch and jump shot.

Lacking alley-oops and cutting around the rim, there aren't many offensive options.

In contrast, the Thunder can be fast or slow.

The change in rhythm is quite fatal for the Suns without Nash.

The shot didn't find a good chance, and in the end Grant Hill used the screen to make a baseline shot.

There is still a difference of 4 points.

Grant Hill's charm still exists, and he can stand up at critical moments.

It is not difficult for the Suns to recruit veterans to join them. With the condition of a genius doctor, any veteran who is capable but injured is not willing to give up such an opportunity.

The Thunder attacked, Li Muhua called for a pick-and-roll, and Ibaka came to the high post.

This time Li Muhua used the screen to break through, and Stoudemire helped defend in the middle. Li Muhua hit the ball to the ground, and the basketball rebounded from Ibaka's feet and returned to Harden's hands outside the three-point line.

All the players were stunned, thinking that the ball was passed back to Ibaka, who knew that it was just using Ibaka as a cover, and the final receiver was Harden who was farther away.

Harden was obviously also deceived, and he didn't react at the moment, he hesitated for a while before making a move.

This is an absolute open opportunity, Harden didn't find the shooting rhythm, and hit the iron.

Everyone has their own shooting rhythm.

Whether playing streetball or playing professionally, some players like to shoot the ball and then shoot, some players like to catch the ball and then throw, and some players like to play tricks before throwing, the nature is the same, looking for their own shooting rhythm.

Sometimes, open opportunities may not be what players want.


Ibaka roared, squeezed Collins aside and grabbed the rebound.

Although I don't know what the iron-blooded roar is useful for, it's just that Ibaka played very passionately, and blue-collars who are keen on rebounding like to do it.

A bunch of people were crowded under the basket, and Ibaka passed to Green.

Green shifted again, and Li Muhua stopped outside the three-point line after receiving the ball.

It was another opportunity to attack, there was no need to play fast, Li Muhua signaled to play slowly, the Thunder quickly fell into a positional battle, and Dudley came up again to press.

Take a step back, dribble to an emergency stop, and accelerate to break through again.

Li Muhua found his own offensive rhythm, rushed into the inside line quickly, attracted the defense and threw it directly to the bottom corner.

The next moment, Green made a quick three-pointer from the bottom corner.

Finding a familiar shooting rhythm, Green never hesitated to shoot, throwing the ball before the defensive player interfered.


The three-pointer hit hollow.

The Thunder were within one point.

"Dude, it's so fucking beautiful!"

Green went straight up and clapped Li Muhua's palm hard.

The usual way for the players to celebrate is to bump their breasts. Li Muhua made it clear that he would not participate, so it is almost impossible to see the passionate scene of two big men bumping together in the Thunder team.

The Suns' offense was a little messed up in terms of rhythm. Dragic held the ball on the outside and actually started a daze.

Originally, this year was the year when the Suns had the best chance to enter the Finals, but because of Nash's injury, everything came to naught. On the offensive end, there was a bombardment tactic, using Nash as the starting point of the tactic, passing the ball to tear apart the opponent's defensive lineup, The offense can also be a powerful team.

It's just that the current offense is a bit different.

Both Richardson and Dudley have good three-point ability. They were involved in offense, couldn't find open space, and the pass route was assisted by the Thunder.

Another pass, Dudley was about to receive Dragic's pass, Li Muhua cut it again, and Harden directly launched a fast break.

This time the Suns returned to defense very quickly. Dudley and Dragic had almost caught up with Harden. Green settled down from the other side. Another three-point shot.

A three-pointer was hit and the Thunder overtook the score.

The Thunder's outside ability makes many teams feel very difficult. Almost everyone has three-point ability, and they are all of the type who can play inside and outside. Still have a headache.

The Suns attack.

Dragic entered the frontcourt, shot a three-pointer before he could stand still, and finally made a hit.

Li Muhua did not hold the ball this time, but handed it to Harden to take the ball. He first entered the frontcourt and then started running. Dudley chased and defended.

After receiving the ball at the waist, Li Muhua passed the ball laterally, and Green held the ball against Stoudemire.

The turnover rate of the No. [-] position is the highest among all positions. The time of sticking the ball, including passing the ball, in order to reduce mistakes, Li Muhua sometimes goes to the No. [-] position to support the ball.

Li Muhua slid to the bottom, Green passed from behind his head, Dudley came up to force a mistake, and Collins assisted in defense.

Encountered double-teaming, Li Muhua threw back.

Ibaka swayed the ball at the basket and almost made a mistake, but fortunately he dunked suddenly and caused Collins to foul.

Due to height and weight restrictions, forward players have too many unnecessary movements after receiving the ball at the basket, making hasty shots, and are most likely to make mistakes.

At the same time, the basket is also the place with the most marking and double-teaming.

In fact, there is no way to do this. In layman's terms, it is holding back farts.

Generally, when people see players making unnecessary movements after catching the ball at the basket, they feel it is very painful. It is obvious that they can just start directly, but they want to fix those useless ones.

After Ibaka made a free throw, the Suns attacked.

At the basket, Green single-handedly defended Stoudemire. Ibaka pinned Collins's position and was ready to assist in double-teaming. Stoudemire relied on Green to force a sit-up. In this series, Stoudemire's performance can only be said to be very disappointing. Stoudemire hugged the ball.

Green's defense was very tough, and Stoudemire squeezed hard and tried to turn around.

At this time, everyone was staring at the basket, and the Suns' perimeter was completely empty. Stoudemire just wanted to turn around and shoot a jumper, obsessed with singles, and didn't pass the ball.

The terminator of the ball is talking about players like Stoudemire, who shot without hesitation, and Green jumped up to interfere.

It seems that Stoudemire's shooting action is exaggerated, but he scored.

The scores of the two sides bite again.

The Thunder attack.

Li Muhua asked Ibaka to pick and roll and attack Stoudemire in a dislocation.

Dragic came up to double-team, Stoudemire blocked the passing route, Li Muhua turned around and threw the ball to the outside.

After Harden dribbled the ball, he made a three-pointer.

Richardson was in a daze, and he didn't see when the ball was passed.

The three-pointer hit again.

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