After a day off, on May 5, the Thunder played against the Suns at home.

The two sides began the fourth contest.

Now the focus of the media is not whether the Thunder team is eligible for promotion, but whether the Suns team is swept away. As a Western powerhouse, they were swept away by the rookies in the playoffs. I am afraid that the Suns team will have a big shock when the season is over. .

For the Suns, the slogan has changed from a last stand to a refusal to sweep. The media changed their previous attitude and sprayed the Suns.

The Suns quickly entered the state from the beginning of the game.

Durant seems to be really desperate. From direct attack on the court to jump shots, various fancy offensive methods emerge in endlessly, but the Suns defend very tightly and always double-team Durant.

This kind of defense is rare, and the Suns want to prevent Durant from playing.

Both sides made great moves, and the referee tried to ignore them as much as possible.

There is no way, even at the Thunder's home court, they have to give the Suns face. They are already desperately trying not to be swept away. It's just a loss. For the Thunder, the loss is not big. In this case, the referee should be up the audience.

Stoudemire became tough, using his strong body to squeeze Durant.

Durant played hard at the basket and didn't get any free throw opportunities.

In the first quarter, Durant still played well, scoring 7 of 4, scoring 8 points and 3 rebounds. The Suns re-established their advantage at the basket, but instead took out the long-lost fast break opportunity.

It's just that his teammates' performance was a bit bad, and they couldn't open up space for Durant.

Green was 4 for 1 and Westbrook was 5 for 1. They teamed up to dig a hole for the team. The Thunder trailed by 32 points at 22:10 in the first quarter.

The Suns finally played out their tactics. Of course, there are also the Thunder's own factors. If you relax your mind, you won't be able to play.

Especially Westbrook, as the team's starting point guard, did not get an assist in the first quarter.

It’s just that!

The Suns' dirty hands are not complicated, just a few back and forth. This level of defense is considered very polite in the playoffs.

In the starting confrontation, the Thunder team completely fell into a disadvantage, and their own death was the main reason.

"LI, James, offense, got it?"

Kalamanda called Harden over and gave him a stern face.

For Li Muhua, whether it is shooting or passing, they can drive the team to attack. The key is Harden's performance. You have to try your luck. If you feel all kinds of unreasonable, if you want to cheat, you can be beaten by the opponent.

Li Muhua glanced at Harden, this kid looks good.

Excitedly jumped a few times on the sidelines to warm up.

Game start.

The Thunder team attacked, Li Muhua entered the half court with the ball, and Dudley misplaced to defend. This is a small forward who is better than Li Muhua in terms of physical fitness and reaction speed.

There is no way for strikers to defend the No. [-] position.

Dragic was discouraged, and he couldn't help himself so he asked others to find a place.

Li Muhua didn't look for a pick-and-roll, but signaled his teammates to pull away, and directly accelerated and broke through from the right. Dudley was close to him, not giving an inch.

Li Muhua stopped abruptly and directly bowed to Buddha.

Baifo Huangren is a technique often used by defenders in the NBA. The usage is similar. It is an emergency stop that creates the illusion of shooting, attracts defensive players to stop, and then accelerates breakthroughs. Although it may not be used a few times in a game, but Huang People are enough.

Dudley was stunned and stopped. Li Muhua continued to break through. Dudley followed again and pulled away half a body.

Grant Hill at the bottom line came up to help defend.

Passing people is not Li Muhua's main goal. After attracting double-teams, Li Muhua quickly hits the ball to Harden at the top of the arc.

Harden's offensive methods are very scarce, and he has no advantage in speed, but he has a good three-pointer and foul-making ability.

Can be a good dumping teammate.

With Harden holding the ball, Dragic pounced directly, interfering with shots, and stepping back for three-pointers is Harden's common method. Although the distance is not far, it is enough to widen the defensive distance.

The shot was quick, and Harden didn't hesitate.

Dragic is already working hard. It just doesn't work.

Three point hit.

Harden happily returned to the defense and gave Li Muhua a high five.

"James, it seems that you feel good today!" Li Muhua smiled. It seems that Harden feels good today and can take on the main offensive task.

Harden nodded in response.

The Suns attack, and the transfer speed is very fast.

Dragic broke through directly with the help of a screen and passed to Stoudemire in a reasonable collision zone. Green was entangled very tightly. Stoudemire didn't find a chance, and Grant Hill made an air cut from the middle.

Li Muhua found an instant opening and blocked Stoudemire's pass.

The Thunder made a fast break, and Harden made a quick play. Li Muhua pushed the ball straight to the frontcourt.

Dragic wanted to intercept the pass, but the speed of the ball was too fast. Before making an interception, the basketball had already flown into Harden's hands.

Harden easily ended the offense with a layup.

The Suns attacked and Richard scored a mid-range jumper.

Looking back, Li Muhua attacked with the ball and forced a breakthrough against Dudley. After an emergency stop, he pulled the ball back, separated from Dudley, and returned to the three-point line.

Dudley is very fast and has always maintained a defensive state.

The Suns have some hidden talents. Dudley's offense is above the league average, but coach Gentry uses Dudley as a defensive blue-collar.

The situation of each team is very different. Some players played at the All-Star level soon after the trade, and it can only be said that they did not fit the original team's system.

Li Muhua half-turned, pulled the ball to the left, and directly stepped back to shoot a three-pointer.

Dudley is almost not crazy, he can pass the ball and shoot three-pointers, which is impossible to defend.

The first quarter was the Thunder's three young players, and the second quarter was another combination.

There is Ibaka's eye-catching frame guard under the basket, and there are a lot of opportunities for Li Muhua and Harden to wave.

As for how to wave, it depends on what the player is good at.

He was still passing the ball just now, but now he made the shot himself. Dudley turned his head and looked towards the rebound.


After Li Muhua made the shot, he turned his head and retreated, and hit the three-pointer hollowly into the net. As for the result, there was no need to look at it. He already knew it at the moment of the shot, so whether to look or not was not that important.

"Li, you are so handsome!"

Harden chased after him with small stars in his eyes, with a look of admiration on his face, he knew if he shot or missed a shot, Harden obviously hasn't reached that level yet.

The Thunder quickly approached the score and could even it out at any time.

There was a burst of cheers from the bench.

Brooks also sat down with peace of mind. Generally speaking, what the head coach is most relieved at the moment is to let Li Muhua come off the bench, at least to ensure the team's offensive firepower.

If Brooks decides at this time, he will definitely choose Li Muhua to start.

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