NBA super point guard

Chapter 207 Thank God

I don't know what the Timberwolves think. Flynn is short, lacks confrontation, and takes too many shots.

On the contrary, Jefferson was more pitiful. He ran back and forth a few times with him. I don’t know if he forgot about this person. After playing for 4 minutes, he didn’t even touch the ball with his hands. He was more depressed than the manager of the drinking fountain.

With Westbrook here, it is difficult for Flynn to break through from the back line to the penalty area.

At the time of the official timeout, the Timberwolves opted for a substitution.

Ramon Sessions came on, replacing Flynn.

The starting point guard actually made 4 of 0 shots. The Timberwolves, who were already in dire straits, were very sad to be pitted.

Ramon Sessions is a standard floor player with very poor physical talent. He can't compare with Westbrook at all, and his foot speed is not fast, but he defended Westbrook.

Westbrook wanted to make a strong breakthrough, but was blocked by Ramon Sessions and could not move forward. In desperation, he chose to pass the ball. Harden had a good touch when he first came on the field.

The Timberwolves attack, Ramon Sessions used the screen to distance himself from Westbrook, hit a jumper, and then in another round, he made a pick and roll for Brewer, and directly hit the wall to cooperate, Ramon Sessions Assisted Brewer for a layup.

In fact, Ramon Sessions has done a good job in addition to his basic ignorance of shooting. He has a passing awareness and is willing to set up pick-and-rolls for his teammates to find offensive space. His organization is not completely chaotic.

However, the strength is there after all. At the end of the first quarter, the Thunder led by 6 points.

Originally, Brooks wanted Li Muhua to play, but Li Muhua felt some muscles in his legs were strained, and Kalamanda hurriedly found a masseuse to relax Li Muhua's leg muscles.

Seeing that he couldn't play, Brooks gave up. After all, it didn't seem difficult to win this game.

The second quarter begins.

After Harden came on the court, he hadn't met such a good opponent for a long time. He played crazy for a while. At the beginning of the game, he hit an outside three-pointer and a breakthrough layup.

Such a game with low defensive intensity is really a duck to water for Harden.

The Timberwolves didn't have a three-point shooter in the first place. Seeing the Thunder playing so fiercely, they couldn't help but want to shoot. As a result, the sound of iron strikes on the outside made the Timberwolves give up the idea of ​​chasing three-pointers.

On the contrary, the mid-range jumper is very slick, especially the forward players of the Timberwolves, who are all good mid-range shooters, and their shooting percentage is higher than that of the Thunder.

However, Durant and Harden teamed up to 7:0 and regained the advantage.

Ramon Sessions' pick-and-roll was very successful, either as a screen for Brewer or connecting with Al Jefferson. From the offensive point of view, the Timberwolves are much better than the Thunder's XJBD.

The Timberwolves held the score very tightly, and thanks to the hole they dug in the first quarter, they couldn't fill it, otherwise the Thunder's advantage would have been wiped out.

Westbrook was completely lost in the No. 6 position. He hit two quarters in a row and shot 0 for [-]. This kind of shooting rate made people feel desperate. Brooks almost committed suicide by jumping off the building.

Facing the gradually organized Timberwolves, Durant chose singles very strongly, which did not give the Timberwolves any chance.

It is also the first position, and the organization controls the rhythm of the game. Ramon Sessions is much more mature than Westbrook.

Brewer made another mid-range shot, and the score was tied. Brooks was dumbfounded and called a timeout.

"Eric, come on, keep the rhythm, I only have one request for you!"

Brooks gritted his teeth and exhorted, then pushed the players onto the court, and stared back at Westbrook.

Westbrook put his head in his hands in remorse, and sat beside Li Muhua.

"Dude, am I really that bad?"


"Thank God!"

"I mean really bad!"

Li Muhua couldn't help but continued to complain: "Look at what kind of ball you're passing, it took a while to pass it, can't you pass it earlier, Jeff is almost tossed to death by you, if Jeff didn't feel good today, I It is estimated that our game will be over!"

Westbrook scratched his head, not paying attention at all.

This guy's assists reached 6 in two quarters, which is pretty good to see. The problem is that he has been dumped a few times. It's all about character, or it's all the mistakes of the receiver.

Yes, I don't know how the league stipulates that throwing blame is not a mistake.

As the core, he was kicked off the field by the head coach just like that. It looked ugly. Anyway, Westbrook covered his head with a towel and didn't even watch the game.

The timing of Brooks' timeout was very good, and the Timberwolves' breath was broken.

When the game started again, after Wilkins hit the iron, Durant hit another one, and the Thunder finally ended the first half with a two-point advantage.

In the locker room, Westbrook kicked the cabinet to express his dissatisfaction, and no one dared to speak.

This kid has a bad temper, and he can't hide something in his heart. Li Muhua is speechless about it. If he is the boss of the team, what should his players do.

Fortunately, the Thunder team has almost all rookies, so no one cares about it.

Collison has long been reduced to a spiritual leader, playing for 2-3 minutes every game to mix up his presence, and he doesn't care about the mess among young people.

Durant is quietly tying his shoelaces, never bothering him.

"Enough, Russell, don't act like a child!"

Li Muhua couldn't bear it anymore and stood up to dissuade him.

As far as the relationship between the two is concerned, it is impossible for Westbrook not to care, so he stopped and sat aside angrily with a dark face.

In fact, Westbrook didn't really lose his temper. The key is that today's hand feeling is too bad, and he can't explain it. If he was lucky enough to make a foul, he might have to go home bald today.

What happened in the locker room quickly reached Brooks' ears, but Brooks didn't say anything.

Before the start of the second half, Brooks picked up the tactical board:
"In this quarter, we still need to hit the success rate and slow down the rhythm. Russell, organize the offense well. Don't blindly choose to break through by yourself, or you will lose the rhythm!"

Brooks emphasized that Westbrook was the only player among the players who didn't say a word.

No one knows whether he agrees or not, anyway, the coach arranged it this way.

As a result, after the start of the game, the Thunder team was completely tragic. Westbrook did not break through or shoot, and passed all the ball to his teammates. The problem was that the Timberwolves' defense did not stand up, and there were no open positions in each position. Under such circumstances , can only rely on the player's ability to play singles.

Durant chose to make a strong foul and began to lead the team's offense.

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